
Company Introduction

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利凌科技股份有限公司(博士助聽器)創立於1977年,40多年來秉持提供最佳的產品品質及專業的服務,由草創初期篳路藍縷惡劣環境下,一步一腳印,努力不懈,竭盡全力,為聽力障礙人士服務。承蒙各界先進的愛護和支持,歷經數十寒署的焠煉,公司得以孕育成長茁壯。 本公司代理瑞士PHONAK,美國STARKEY,丹麥RESOUND,德國INTERTON全球頂尖品牌助聽器產品,德國MAICO聽力檢查儀器, 加拿大 Audioscan 聲電分析及實耳測試儀,美國ETS-LINDGREN 隔音室設備。 由於科技日新月異,本公司致力於引進尖端科技,造福聽力障礙人士,是我們永不磨滅的使命感。 本公司服務據點分布全台灣各地,目前約有43家直營門市,並擁有菁英團隊,秉持“永續卓越經營”“提昇技術品質”“滿足客戶需求”三大品質政策,提供最誠信的經營理念﹔最優質的醫療設備;最完善的專業素養;以及最堅強的服務團隊,讓客戶買的安心,用的順心。 展望未來,本公司仍秉持誠信、專業、品質、服務、創新等企業精神,掌握趨勢的脈動,迎接未來的挑戰,永遠是您最值得信賴的夥伴。

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* 總公司-利凌科技股份有限公司(www.kingpax.com.tw) * 助聽器直營門市-博士助聽器 (www.drhearing.com.tw) * 助聽器加盟門市-睿聲助聽器 (www.smarthearing.com.tw) * 聽覺障礙輔助器材批發及零售 - 代理美國STARKEY助聽器(www.starkey.com) - 代理瑞士PHONAK助聽器(www.phonak.com) - 代理丹麥RESOUND助聽器(www.resound.com) - 代理德國INTERTON助聽器(www.interton.com) - 代理瑞士PHONAK聽障教學調頻系統 - 代理Soundlink助聽器製造相關設備www.soundlink.com.cn/) * 代理德國MAICO聽力檢測儀器(www.maico-diagnostics.com/) * 代理加拿大AUDIOSCAN助聽器及真耳分析儀(www.audioscan.com) * 代理美國FRYE助聽器分析儀及聽覺皮質層分析儀(www.frye.com) * 代理美國ETS-Lindgren醫療及工業用隔音室(www.ets-lindgren.com/) * 各式防噪音耳塞,訂製型音樂耳機 * 訂製各式防噪音或防水耳模


法定項目 勞保/健保/週休二日/陪產假/育嬰假/生理假/特別休假/勞退提撥金/職災保險 福利制度 獎金類:全勤獎金/年節獎金/員工生日禮金/年終獎金/三節獎金/績效獎金 保險類:意外險/壽險/員工團保 娛樂類:國內旅遊/尾牙 補助類:生育補助/婚喪喜慶禮金 其他類:員工在職教育訓練/良好升遷制度 其他福利制度均比照勞基法規定辦理


儀器部業務人員(中/英) 利凌科技股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
1.Be a problem solver and team player to support the daily business operations of the hearing diagnostic equipment department under the direct supervision of the head of the department with a business level written and oral English competency, and the ability to carry out basic conversations in English as needed. After the initial probationary period, the candidate is expected to manage certain assigned tasks on his/her own with minimum supervisions from the managers while following the corporate guidelines and the general business practice protocols. 2. The position's primary function is sales of the hearing diagnostic equipment when requested, and for the candidate with certain educational background in Audiometry related field, the ability to use academic research and explanations to communicate with other hearing professionals of the same or similar educational background when necessary is expected. 3. This position is expected to prepare and make presentations based on the prospect's background and perform any other business related requests to facilitate and secure the potential business / end user sales opportunity. 4. When information on the department's hearing diagnostic equipment is limited, the position is to conduct his/her own research on the subject with all available resources and document the findings for future reference. 5. This position is expected to have full competency of the Chinese Business writing skills and be able to write well versed paragraphs in Chinese without much trouble when composing his/her training materials, presentations, sales and service quotations, and regular business correspondences. 6. This position may also be asked to assist the head of the department in helping to translate English material into Chinese and any other tasks so assigned by the head of the department for regulatory purposes. 7. After the initial probationary period, the candidate is expected to manage certain assigned tasks on his/her own with minimum supervisions from the managers while following the corporate guidelines and the general business practice protocols. 8.In addition, professionals in the field of the medical and healthcare industry with experiences participating in public and private hospital and health clinic bid tender of medical equipment purchases and who are familiar with the relevant regulatory procedures are strongly encouraged to apply with possible potential incentives , especially for candidates having current knowledge of different hospital bid tender opportunities in the hearing healthcare industry.
10/17 Updated