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Part-time Foreign English Teacher 臺中市私立勝必思文理短期補習班
Lương theo giờ NT$ 500~700
If you are a responsible, passionate person with excellent communication skills as well as a good team player, you are wanted! We are looking for an English teacher to teach elementary & junior high school students in building up the skills of conversation, phonics, and writing. Teachers with teaching experiences are preferred. We offer a friendly, comfortable working environment and all the staff here is nice and supportive. It is a great opportunity for serious teachers! A demonstration is required at the job interview. Content 1. English teaching 2. Lesson plan 3. Class management •All Native English-Speaking Accents WELCOME! •Good Pay, Up to NT$700 /hr(NT$500~700/hr) .Teaching experience is a plus. •Location: No. 34, Luoyang Rd., Xitun Dist., Taichung City
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật
國小英文老師 臺中市私立勝必思文理短期補習班
Lương theo giờ NT$ 400~700
國中小英文老師 If you are a responsible, passionate person with excellent communication skills as well as a good team player, you are wanted! We are looking for a English teacher to teach elementary & junior high school students in building up the skills of conversation, phonics, and writing. Teachers with teaching experiences are preferred. We offer a friendly, comfortable working environment and all the staff here is nice and supportive. It is a great opportunity for serious teachers! A demonstration is required at the job interview. 工作內容 1.負責教學活動規劃與執行。 2.準備課程內容、教材、課程資料以及課後作業等。 3.依據教學目標授課,並評估學生學習狀況以調整授課進度。 4.批改作業及測驗輔導。 5.班內行政事務 6.參與開會,討論與設計教案 7.需要時要與家長溝通互動 工作需求 1.對教育有熱忱,喜歡小朋友 2.熱情活潑,上課生動 時薪:400元~700元/hr (依經驗及能力而定) 上課時段: (一)(三) PM3:00~PM5:00 (四)(五)PM4:00~PM6:00
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/19 Cập nhật