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鑫永國際有限公司成立於2020年11月11日,專注於提供全方位的船舶經紀(ship broker)服務。我們致力於為全球客戶提供高效、可靠的船舶租賃、買賣及管理服務。公司擁有一支經驗豐富、專業能力強的團隊,能夠精確把握市場動態,為客戶提供最佳的解決方案。 核心價值: 專業誠信:我們以專業知識和誠信經營為基礎,致力於建立並維護長期穩定的客戶關係。 客戶至上:以客戶需求為導向,提供量身定制的服務,確保客戶在競爭激烈的市場中獲得優勢。 創新發展:不斷探索和引入先進技術和管理模式,提升服務質量和效率。 全球視野:依託全球化網絡,為客戶提供跨地域的綜合船務解決方案。 服務範疇: 船舶租賃:提供各類船舶的租賃服務,滿足不同客戶的多樣需求。 船舶買賣:協助客戶進行船舶交易,包括新船和二手船的買賣。 船舶管理:提供專業的船舶管理服務,確保船舶運營的安全和高效。 市場分析:提供最新的市場資訊和分析報告,助力客戶做出明智的決策。 鑫永國際有限公司以其專業的服務和卓越的業績,贏得了客戶的廣泛信賴和好評。我們將繼續秉持“誠信、專業、創新、共贏”的經營理念,不斷提升自身實力,為全球客戶提供優質的船務代理服務。 Xinyong International Co., Ltd. was established on November 11, 2020, focusing on providing comprehensive ship brokerage services. We are dedicated to offering efficient and reliable ship chartering, sales, and management services to clients worldwide. Our company has a team of experienced and highly skilled professionals who can accurately grasp market dynamics and provide optimal solutions for our clients. Core Values: Professionalism and Integrity: We base our operations on professional knowledge and integrity, committed to establishing and maintaining long-term stable client relationships. Customer First: Oriented by customer needs, we provide customized services to ensure our clients gain an edge in a highly competitive market. Innovative Development: Continuously exploring and introducing advanced technologies and management models to improve service quality and efficiency. Global Perspective: Leveraging a global network, we offer comprehensive maritime solutions across regions. Service Scope: Ship Chartering: Offering various ship chartering services to meet the diverse needs of different clients. Ship Sales: Assisting clients with ship transactions, including the purchase and sale of new and second-hand ships. Ship Management: Providing professional ship management services to ensure the safe and efficient operation of vessels. Market Analysis: Offering the latest market information and analysis reports to help clients make informed decisions. With its professional services and outstanding performance, Xinyong International Co., Ltd. has won widespread trust and praise from clients. We will continue to uphold the business philosophy of "Integrity, Professionalism, Innovation, and Win-win," constantly enhancing our capabilities to provide high-quality maritime agency services to global clients.

Ngành nghề

Sản phẩm chính

主要服務項目為 國際貿易 與 航運 相關業務為主,另外公司也致力於發展多元化合作,開發不同業務等等

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
1. 完善的保障制度,保障員工的工作與生活(法定勞保、健保、勞退金、職災保險) 2. 完善的獎勵制度,年終獎金、端午節獎金、中秋節獎金、生日禮金、多益分數達標獎金 3. 人性化的工作時間,週休二日、可視疫情居家上班 4. 帶薪假期符合標準 5. 各類員工補貼,如電信費等 6. Team Building,組織員工進行團建活動,如旅遊、聚餐等。 7. 愉悅的工作氛圍,為員工提供零食櫃、飲料作為下午茶。 8. 多元化、國際化的工作環境

Cơ hội việc làm

業務助理秘書 鑫永國際有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 33,000~40,000
工作內容: 1.負責相關文件之整理,建檔以及追蹤,於有效時間內回覆顧客信件 2.協助相關之公司內部行政作業 3.定期提供業務銷售狀況報表,供業務人員或部門主管參考 4.完成業務主管其他交辦事項
Toàn thời gian
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
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