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RHINOSHIELD是一個專為顧客的設備提供卓越保護的配件品牌。 成立於2012年,我們一直秉持著創新的精神,RHINOSHIELD以進化為基因、積極探索新材料、注重環境永續並成為全球知名的防護配件領導品牌。 作為行業的改革者,我們的產品技術,如ShockSpread™材料等,享有盛名,讓我們在眾多品牌中脫穎而出。這種無與倫比的地位,不僅與知名品牌建立了有價值的聯繫,也得到了許多時尚獨立藝術家的青睞。 今天,RHINOSHIELD的產品已經遍布亞洲、北美和歐洲等地,並且不斷擴大其全球覆蓋範圍。近百萬的客戶通過我們的官方網站和零售店註冊了忠誠度和其他福利,我們在主要社交媒體平台上還擁有數以百萬計的追隨者。 RHINOSHIELD is an accessories brand which offers superior protection for its customer's devices. Established in 2012, and driven by creative ingenuity, RHINOSHILED continues to evolve by seeking out new materials, focusing on sustainability, and being a leader in customization. As a changemaker in the industry, the reputation of our product technology, like the ShockSpread™ material, makes us stand out from the crowd. Our enviable status has helped us form valuable bonds with both iconic brands, and cool indie artists alike. Today, RHINOSHIELD has a growing global reach, with products sold across Asia, North America and Europe. Near a million customers have signed up for loyalty and other bonuses via our official website and retail stores, and we cultivate twice this number of followers across major social media platforms.

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由英國劍橋大學材料系博士及材料科學研究人員組成 ,以追求創新的材質與技術為目標,結合有趣的想法和創意,研發出讓人眼睛為之一亮的質感商品。 目前旗下品牌商品有: • 犀牛盾耐衝擊保護貼、3D壯撞貼 • 犀牛盾耐衝擊手機殼 • 犀牛盾Apple Watch保護殼保護貼系列 • 犀牛盾AirPods質感保護殼 See more at: http://rhinoshield.tw/ or http://rhinoshield.io/

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
[福利 Benefits] 1. 優於法令特休假 Superior annual leave 2. 優於法令病假 Superior sick leave 3. 志工假,員工參與志願服務活動,每位同仁一年一天給薪假 Volunteer Leave, Employees who engage in volunteer activities,each colleague is given one day of paid leave per year 4. 團體保險(意外、醫療、職災險、癌症險、燒燙傷、定期壽險、重大疾病險 ) Group insurance (Accident, medical, occupational disaster insurance, cancer insurance, burns , scalds , term life insurance , major disease insurance ) 5. 彈性工時 Flexible working hours 6. 員工購物折扣及補助 Employee purchase discount & subsidy 7. 健康檢查 Health check 8. 部門聚餐 Department dine together 9. 春酒不用表演,專心享用美食即可Enjoyable Spring Party 10. 員工協助方案 Employee Assistance Program(EAP) 11. 職工福利委員會(福利補助、春節禮金/端午/中秋/勞動/聖誕節/生日禮卷、特約商店) Employee Welfare Committee(EWC)(Welfare Benefit、Festival Rewards、Birthday Gift、Designated Stores) 12. 醫師臨場健康服務 Physician onsite health services

Cơ hội việc làm

品牌設計師 RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
您會協助品牌形象的建立、發展和維護,提供專業設計能力和創意內容想法,並與行銷部和品牌策略團隊合作,確保品牌的視覺形象與公司的商業目標相符。工作內容包含設原創商品設計、產品上市專案和品牌形象製作。 [基本職責] 1. 跨不同格式和平台製作設計內容,包括品牌視覺、插畫圖像、社交媒體視覺和活動視覺。 2. 將視覺概念發想轉化成創意的提案內容。 3. 與創意夥伴、代理商和製作公司合作,達成目標結果並維持專案效率。 4. 根據品牌規範,確保在區域性與跨職能團隊合作上,所有設計和品牌接觸點都能維持一致性。 [職位要求] 1. 具Adobe Creative Suite 操作經驗。 2. 具備動態圖形 / 網頁製作經驗者優先考慮。 3. 能獨立作業,擅長不同設計風格。 ※應徵請附上過往作品
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
10/22 Cập nhật
2D動態設計師 RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[基本職責] 1. 負責專案動態的概念開發與視覺設計,包括社交媒體廣告、短影音、產品推廣內容和網站動畫。 2.持續關注設計趨勢,並將其應用於工作中,以保持設計思維的創新性和競爭力。 3. 理解品牌目標,確保在區域性與跨職能團隊合作上,所有設計和品牌接觸點都能維持一致性。 [職位要求] 1. 熟練動態相關剪輯工具,如 After Effects、Premiere等 。 2. 能創作精緻 2D 動態圖像,提升專案視覺效果。 3. 具備優秀的動態設計技能和創意思維,提升品牌可視性和吸引力。 4. 能獨立作業、擅團隊溝通,並有複合型專案製作經驗 ※應徵請附上過往作品
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
10/22 Cập nhật
無人機工程師 RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[基本職責] 1. 負責無人機及無人船機電系統設計與整合; 2. 飛行控制系統操作與設定; 3. 機電設備的安裝與維護; 4. 無人機擷取影像數據之收集與分析; 5. 系統故障排除與技術支援。 **此職位需配合頻繁出差駐廠(高雄或台北等地案場)。 [職位要求] 1. 具有無人機操作證(至少2KG以上)。 2. 熟悉PLC可程式邏輯控制器、太陽能電池模組及燃油發電機組。 3. 具備無人載具的飛控系統原理知識,能夠進行飛行控制的調整與優化。 4. 熟悉無人機相關的硬件設備如旋翼馬達、雲台及控制器,具備維護和故障排除的經驗。 5. 具問題解決、團隊合作與溝通、持續學習與創新能力。
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
10/22 Cập nhật
B2B Sales Representative(Germany) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[General Responsibilities] -Sales Strategy & Market Expansion: Develop and implement sales strategies to grow market share in Germany, identify new business opportunities, and pursue them through market research, networking, and lead generation. -Client Management & Relationship Building: Build, maintain, and strengthen relationships with both existing and potential clients, ensuring exceptional customer service and effectively addressing their needs. -Sales Process & Negotiation: Conduct product presentations, negotiate deals, and close sales, ensuring profitability and customer satisfaction. -Market & Performance Monitoring: Track market trends, competitor activities, and sales performance, providing insights and recommendations for improvement. Prepare sales reports with forecasts and performance metrics. [Job Requirements] -Education & Experience: Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, or a related field, with 3+ years of sales experience, particularly in retail and distribution. Proven overseas sales experience, focusing on the EMEA market. -Language & Communication Skills: Native-level German proficiency, fluent in English, with strong communication and interpersonal skills to engage clients from diverse backgrounds. -Sales Performance & Skills: Demonstrated success in meeting or exceeding sales targets, with excellent negotiation and closing skills.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
10/18 Cập nhật
Sr. Marketing Specialist (Spain) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[General Responsibilities] -Market-Specific Influencer & KOC Collaboration: Identify, engage, and manage relationships with influencers and KOLs within the designated market. Develop and execute influencer marketing campaigns that align with RHINOSHIELD’s brand values and objectives. -Performance Analysis: Monitor and analyze the effectiveness of influencer campaigns and social media activities in the designated market. Provide insights and recommendations for optimization to maximize ROI and achieve marketing goals. -Community Management: Build and nurture a vibrant community around RHINOSHIELD’s products in the designated market. Engage with customers, fans, and followers on social media to foster brand loyalty and create a sense of belonging. -Localized Content Strategy: Collaborate to ensure that influencer-generated & owned visual content is tailored to the local market and seamlessly integrated into RHINOSHIELD’s social media channels. -Market Insights: Stay informed about local market trends, cultural nuances, and emerging influencers. Use this knowledge to inform strategy and ensure marketing efforts are relevant and impactful in the designated market. [Job Requirement] -French or Spanish at a native or professional level is a must. -Proven track record of successful influencer collaborations and community management in the designated market. -Strong understanding of local social media platforms, trends, and best practices. Established experience in agency cooperation and management is a significant plus.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
10/16 Cập nhật
Sr. Marketing Specialist (France) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[General Responsibilities] -Market-Specific Influencer & KOC Collaboration: Identify, engage, and manage relationships with influencers and KOLs within the designated market. Develop and execute influencer marketing campaigns that align with RHINOSHIELD’s brand values and objectives. -Performance Analysis: Monitor and analyze the effectiveness of influencer campaigns and social media activities in the designated market. Provide insights and recommendations for optimization to maximize ROI and achieve marketing goals. -Community Management: Build and nurture a vibrant community around RHINOSHIELD’s products in the designated market. Engage with customers, fans, and followers on social media to foster brand loyalty and create a sense of belonging. -Localized Content Strategy: Collaborate to ensure that influencer-generated & owned visual content is tailored to the local market and seamlessly integrated into RHINOSHIELD’s social media channels. -Market Insights: Stay informed about local market trends, cultural nuances, and emerging influencers. Use this knowledge to inform strategy and ensure marketing efforts are relevant and impactful in the designated market. [Job Requirement] -French or Spanish at a native or professional level is a must. -Proven track record of successful influencer collaborations and community management in the designated market. -Strong understanding of local social media platforms, trends, and best practices. Established experience in agency cooperation and management is a significant plus.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
10/16 Cập nhật
Influencer Marketing Specialist (South Korea) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[Influencer Marketing] 1. Develop and foster relationships with influencers and communities in accordance with regional directions for brand preference and/ or sales revenue purposes. 2. Collaborate with influencers to promote the brand and its products through digital channels, ensuring key brand and product messages are accurately communicated. 3. Challenge influencers to promote the brand in creative and innovative ways, beyond basic product mentions. 4. Maintain existing influencer/KOC and agency relationships and build influencer/KOC data. [Content Marketing] 1. Be responsible for planning and publishing engaging and high-quality content according to social strategy, campaign and product goals, including but not limited to Facebook and Instagram. 2. Be responsible for creating blog contents according to keyword panel and/or relevant SEO tools, boosting SEO ranking with quality content. 3. Be responsible for responding to customers’ reaction, and create amazing interaction and engagement underneath different social media contents. 4. Be the person in charge for localization needs, including but not limited to website content, marketing materials etc.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Hàn Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
Influencer Marketing Specialist (Japan) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[General Responsibilities] -Influencer Marketing: Develop and foster relationships with influencers and communities in accordance with regional directions for brand preference and/ or sales revenue purposes. -Line Official Account Operations: Enhance the Line Official Account to expand our fan base, boost engagement rates, and generate sales opportunities through strategic content planning and the development of effective engagement mechanisms. -Glocalization: Be the person in charge for localization needs, including but not limited to website content, marketing materials etc.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
10/16 Cập nhật
Customer Service Agent(France) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[General Responsibilities] 1.Respond to questions from customers across the world via various channels with courteous, friendly, efficient, and professional service 2.Handle tasks related to the team’s day-to-day operations (including orders, returns, customer accounts, logistics, finance, etc.) 3.Keep records of customer interactions; orgainze and forward their feedback to relevant departments for improving processes, products, and services as necessary 4.Provide inputs for projects to optimize CS-related workflows and contents (including policies, FAQs, canned responses, etc.) and perform the execution accordingly [Job Requirements] 1.Bachelor or Masters degree (Business / Literature / Language preferred) 2.Open to beginner, experience in a customer service industry preferred 3.Fluent Level of France(GER B2 or above) 4.Fluent level of English (B2 minimum, TOEIC650 ) 5.Knowledge of CRM software is a plus (eg. Zendesk) 6.Excellent writing skills 7.Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc ), pivot table creation is a plusowerPoint, etc ), pivot table creation is a plus
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/16 Cập nhật
Customer Service Agent(German) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[General Responsibilities] 1.Respond to questions from customers across the world via various channels with courteous, friendly, efficient, and professional service 2.Handle tasks related to the team’s day-to-day operations (including orders, returns, customer accounts, logistics, finance, etc.) 3.Keep records of customer interactions; orgainze and forward their feedback to relevant departments for improving processes, products, and services as necessary 4.Provide inputs for projects to optimize CS-related workflows and contents (including policies, FAQs, canned responses, etc.) and perform the execution accordingly [Job Requirements] 1.Bachelor or Masters degree (Business / Literature / Language preferred) 2.Open to beginner, experience in a customer service industry preferred 3.Fluent Level of German (Goethe-Zertifikat B2) 4.Fluent level of English (B2 minimum, TOEIC650 ) 5.Knowledge of CRM software is a plus (eg. Zendesk) 6.Excellent writing skills 7.Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint, etc ), pivot table creation is a plusowerPoint, etc ), pivot table creation is a plus
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/16 Cập nhật
Influencer Marketing Specialist (France) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
About RHINOSHIELD: RHINOSHIELD is a device accessories brand that is constantly evolving and pushing boundaries. Over the past decade, the company has risen from its startup origins to become a globally recognized brand in the impact protection accessories market. At the forefront of its progress is a steadfast commitment to sustainability, which serves as the foundation for the development of its cutting-edge and innovative solutions. [General Responsibilities] -Research the influencer landscape for specific customer verticals and identify key influencers for brand promotion. -Develop and maintain long-lasting relationships with influencers and influencer agencies. -Collaborate with influencers to promote the brand and its products through digital channels, ensuring key brand and product messages are accurately communicated. Challenge influencers to promote the brand in creative and innovative ways, beyond basic product mentions. -Monitor and measure the effectiveness of influencer campaigns and adjust strategies as needed. -Keep up-to-date with industry trends and adjust influencer strategies accordingly. -Work with cross-functional teams, including marketing, product, and sales, to align influencer initiatives with overall brand goals. [Job Requirements] -Native language proficiency in French and fluency in English. -Proven experience in influencer marketing, relationship building or account management. -Good understanding of digital marketing, social media and how content creators collaborate with brands. -Excellent communication and interpersonal skills. -Ability to work independently and as part of a team. -Results-oriented with a proven track record of successful influencer campaigns. -Understanding of and passion for the fashion, beauty or lifestyle industry. We are looking for a highly motivated and driven PR Specialist to join our team. This person should have a passion for influencer marketing and a proven track record of successful campaigns. If you are a creative and strategic thinker with excellent communication skills, we encourage you to apply.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
10/16 Cập nhật
Influencer Marketing Specialist (TW) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[基本職責] 1. 行銷企劃與品牌策略 -品牌與產品行銷企劃,提升市場認知 -整合型行銷專案 (策略、創意、規劃、管理、數據分析) -品牌 / 企業 / 公共機構異業合作與聯名專案規劃 2. Influencer 合作與媒體管理 -Influencer 合作專案規劃:洽談合作、品質監控、數據分析、關係維護 -媒體 / Influencer / VIP 行銷活動規劃與執行 -新聞稿安排、媒體合作及品牌行銷策略 3. 公關與輿情管理 -輿情策略規劃與監測分析,輿情事件處理 4. 外部協力廠商管理 -外部協力廠商專案與日常管理,確保專案順利推進
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
資深/海外業務專員(亞太區) RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[基本職責] 1.主要負責亞太區市場經銷通路客戶 2. 收集並分析市場資訊,以幫助進行銷售決策,並根據銷售對策提供銷售計畫,和達成制定之銷售目標 3. 收集經銷通路及市場資訊,以幫助進行通路開發計畫,並依規劃開發經銷通路,進行報價、議價、簽約、商品上架等合作事宜 4. 顧客風險管理、掌握顧客需求提供對應幫助,發展並維護穩定的經銷合作關係和市場秩序 5. 依公司策略提供新品和活動相關資訊給經銷通路,並分析銷售成效 6. 依據通路開發和銷售計畫,推廣品牌商品至經銷通路,並提供售後服務和確認帳款事宜 7. 提供銷售體驗的改善建議 8. 業務專案管理 [職位要求] 1. 熟悉 APAC 市場,善於分析市場, 制定策略 2. 對於業務開發有熱情 3. 擅長溝通, 有獨立作業的能力 4. 有紀律, 善於時間管理 5. 能接受海外出差 6. 精通中、英文,若會廣東話尤佳
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
資深採購專員 RHINOSHIELD_新加坡商犀牛盾科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[基本職責] 1. 協助主管制定標準採購作業流程及相關表單。 2. 依據需求單位(生產/研發/總務/資訊…等)需求作採購作業、跟催及回覆訂單交期等進貨事宜,與生管單位合作制定庫存水位,確保原物料供應達營運目標。 3. 原/物料、設備耗材、模具/治具、委外加工、工程發包..等詢價/比價/議價、價格/成本分析,替代料及新供應商開發。(孰悉塑膠射出製程者佳)。 4. 負責供應商管理(相關合約、交期、品質、稽核..等)。 5. 負責對帳及請款等應付帳款相關作業。 6. 負責成本分析、提出並執行降低採購成本方案。 7. 負責維護並提升改進ERP系統各項表單與作業流程。 8. 其他主管交辦事項。
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
10/16 Cập nhật