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Founded in 2013 in Singapore, Evercomm Singapore is an award- winning sustainability AI company that focuses on helping organizations of all sizes to decarbonize through providing ESG Assurance-as-a-Service and low carbon transition planning -- 2013年於新加坡設計的永續發展科技公司,Evercomm Singapore一群來自不同產業和背景的夥伴共同創立。 致力於利用AI科技和數據分析解決企業永續發展的難題,Evercomm亦是獲得新加坡資訊通信媒體發展局認證的Singapore Digital (SG:D) 企業。至2022年,Evercomm 的客戶已觸及新加坡及亞太地區的中小企業、連鎖飯店、建築業,物業管理等的服務對象。合作對象包括新加坡政府,聯合國發展署、南洋理工大學、新北市政府,台灣中華電信,泰國清邁大學以及大型顧問公司如 Ernst & Young。 Evercomm 主要服務內容是智慧減碳服務(decarbonisation digital services)以及透過AI驅動的能源數據平台替企業客戶進行環境及永續經營的風險管理以及推動綠色金融產品。

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Our platform is specifically designed in accordance with the ESG framework such as GSTC, TCFD, WWF Pact, and others, which assesses the impact of the sustainability and ethical practices of the company. The solution can provide organizational level ESG activity visibility to various stakeholders and eventually generate ESG Assurance digital reports.

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軟體產品經理 Software Product Manager(台中) 豪穎科技股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 40,000+
A software product manager is crucial in steering the direction of our platform growth, with a strong focus on enhancing customer feedback mechanisms, prioritizing new feature rollouts based on monetization potential, and supporting our subsidiary and channel partners in scaling regional rollouts. 1.Key Responsibilities: Customer Feedback Improvement: Develop and implement strategies to gather and analyze customer feedback more effectively. Work closely with the customer service and development teams to incorporate feedback into product enhancements. 2.Feature Rollout Prioritization: Lead the evaluation and prioritization of new features, focusing on those with high monetization and differentiation potential. Collaborate with the subsidiaries and channel partners to assess the monetization impact and differentiation of proposed features. 3.Channel Partner Support: Forge strong relationships with channel partners to understand regional market needs and opportunities. Provide partners with the necessary tools and support to successfully implement and scale regional rollouts of our software platform. 4.Cross-functional Collaboration: Work closely with various departments including development, sales, marketing, and customer support to ensure a unified approach to product management and delivery. Ensure that all stakeholders are aligned with the product vision and roadmap. 5.Market Analysis: Stay abreast of market trends and competitor strategies to ensure our product remains competitive and innovative. Use insights to inform product development and positioning strategies. 軟體產品經理在引導我們平台成長方向上扮演著非常重要的角色,尤其著重於增進客戶回饋機制、根據市場需求考慮新功能的推出順序,以及支持公司和通路合作夥伴業務領域的擴展。 工作主要責任: 1. 客戶回饋改進 - 制定並實施更有效地收集和分析客戶回饋的策略。 - 與客戶服務和開發團隊密切合作,將回饋納入產品功能增強中。 2. 考慮功能推出順序 - 引導新功能評估和順序考量,重點關注具有高獲利和差異化潛力的功能。 - 與公司和通路合作夥伴合作,評估所提功能的差異化及其獲利影響。 3. 支持通道合作夥伴 - 與通道合作夥伴建立緊密的關係,了解區域市場需求和機會。 - 為合作夥伴提供必要的工具和支援,成功實施和擴展我們軟體平台的領域。 4. 跨部門協作 - 與各部門密切合作,包括開發、銷售、營銷和客戶支援,確保在產品管理和交付方面採用一致的方法。 - 確保所有利益相關者與平台產品的願景和路線保持一致。 5. 市場需求分析 - 關注市場趨勢和競爭對手策略,確保我們的產品保持競爭力和創新性。 - 利用洞察力來指導產品開發和定位策略。 基本條件: 1.其中一項相關之經驗(客戶產品介紹與溝通、軟體產品開發、ISO碳相關法規) 2.良好的溝通能力與跨國隊合作精神 3.企業永續減碳平台、ESG、碳足跡平台等有興趣者 加分條件: 1.熟悉永續相關議題,ISO 14064-1、14064-2、14067為佳 2.具備更多的軟體技術知識(物聯網、資料庫等) 出差 1.海外出差(新加坡、日本、泰國),一年累積時間約1~2週,技術交流、會議、展覽等。 2.國內出差,一年累積時間約1個月,產品介紹、會議、展覽等。
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10/22 Cập nhật