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【關於我們】 歡迎來到 Dollarstar 達樂星 - 輕鬆享受每日超值生活!Dollarstar 達樂星是一間平價美式風格生活百貨品牌,提供高性價比的優質商品,全店均一價格 39 元。 以「銅板價格提供高品質生活用品」為原則,Dollarstar 達樂星產品在美國廣受歡迎,滿足了精打細算且在意品質的顧客們。隨著品項日漸擴增,Dollarstar 達樂星產品種類逐漸發展並涵蓋生活各層面的需求。 現在我們將創新優質的美式風格Dollarstar達樂星選品引進包含台灣在內的亞洲市場,於2024年推出台灣唯一全店商品 39 元的全新品牌,豐富的商品種類從美妝保養, 居家裝飾, 季節限定, 派對飾品, 電子配件, 文具用品到點心食品,一應俱全。我們擁有一個近 50 年經驗的製造研發團隊,累積多年經驗得以用實惠的價格提供品質超乎預期的產品。 Dollarstar 達樂星致力於提供顧客實惠且品質優良的商品,並將持續引進更多優質產品,協助您一起打造每日超值生活。 【我們的使命】 Dollarstar 達樂星的使命是提供高品質、超值、多樣性的生活用品,來豐富每一位顧客的生活。我們堅信,不同經濟水平的顧客都值得享受一樣實惠優質的產品,我們將以此為目標,努力不懈地達成此願景。 【歡迎您的加入】 我們徵求熱情積極的您一起加入Dollarstar達樂星團隊, 2024 年達樂星首間門市在台灣開幕,迅速拓展的同時,期待更多夥伴加入Dollarstar達樂星,與我們一同成長。 【THE DOLLARSTAR STORY】 Welcome to Dollarstar – where quality meets value everyday! We offer single price NT$.39 with all products. Dollarstar is a western-style dollar store supported by nearly 50 years of retail experience, bringing innovative value merchandise designed and consumed in the U.S. to the Asia market. The first store will be launched in Taiwan on 2024 September, and it’s also the only brand with all products for $39 in Taiwan. Founded on the principle of providing quality products at an unbeatable single price point, we cater to budget-conscious consumers living in suburban and rural areas. Dollarstar offers a wide assortment of general merchandise: from health & beauty to household essentials and home decor, to seasonal items, party supplies, electronic accessories, stationery and cookies/snacks. Our commitment to delivering exceptional value is grounded in our consumers’ needs for products that are both affordable and of great quality. Rest assured – we continuously provide value that excites and prices that delight! 【MISSION STATEMENT】 At Dollarstar, our mission is to enrich the lives of our customers by offering a pleasant Western shopping experience that combines value, quality, and variety. We strongly believe that everyone – no matter their economic status – deserves access to affordable high-quality products, and we strive to make this a reality for all our shoppers. 【WORK WITH US】 We are a first generation, Western value retailer looking for passionate, driven individuals to expand our team. Whether you’re interested in working on the front lines in one of our stores or you’re a specialist looking to bring your expertise to our corporate team, we have a place for you!

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Sản phẩm chính

化妝品、護膚品、保健品和非處方藥 沐浴和身體護理、個人和口腔護理用品 護髮產品、配件和工具 家居用品、廚房和家居裝飾 家庭清潔和洗衣護理用品 寵物食品、玩具和配件 電子產品、五金和汽車用品 旅行配件和季節性產品 零食、糖果、餅乾和薄脆餅乾 玩具、手工藝品、辦公和學校用品

Chế độ phúc lợi

1.年終獎金(按年資比例計算)。 2.銷售業績獎金 3.生日禮金、生育慰問金、佳節禮金、禮品。 4.尾牙/春酒禮金。 5.不定期舉辦員工旅遊。 6.完整的核心職能及管理職能培育課程。 7.完善的升遷管道。 *部分職缺的工作性質不盡相同,故福利制度以企業面試提供之內容為主

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

【兼職人員】門市人員_基隆區 香港商達樂星股份有限公司台灣分公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 183~183
> 0經驗也OK!完整育成計畫、配屬培訓員制度讓你一步步成為DS零售專家。 > 畢業後可爭取轉任正職,彈性調整期待任職區域! > 應屆畢業有挑戰成為店長候補機會,通過考核一步步成為儲備幹部,朝店長之路邁進。 1.負責介紹及銷售門市商品。 2.提供顧客之接待與需求服務(如:電話諮詢、調貨、修改、包裝及退換貨處理)。 3.負責商品進貨入庫、銷售管理及庫存管理。 4.負責商品包裝、陳列及促銷品換檔工作。 5.維持店櫃週遭之整潔。 6.每天排班須至少4小時;每週至少排班20小時 *店鋪裝潢中,最快可以上班日為10/25*
Bán thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
10/21 Cập nhật
Finance Director 香港商達樂星股份有限公司台灣分公司
Thỏa thuận
• Objectives: - Managing the finance function for our Dollarstar business wholistically - Taking over all retail-related responsibilities from Headquarters Finance - Close cooperation with CEO and other department heads within the retail business - Representation of retail finance vis-à-vis other stakeholders related to the retail business • Profile: Must - Solid academic background in business administration with a focus on finance & accounting - CPA, auditor or similar qualification for accounting in Taiwan GAP - >12 years of relevant professional experience in the finance function, ideally a mix of corporate finance and audit/ accounting firm consulting experience - Profound expertise in retail finance, especially in day-to-day accounting, statutory financial reporting and inter-company transactions - Some experience in the treasury function and management reporting Best - Ideally experience in cost cutting and financial forecasting
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản trị
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/17 Cập nhật