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Điện thoại
遠東新世紀股份有限公司成立於1949 年,為遠東集團創業的第一個事業,是全球聚酯與紡織產品的主要製造商,如今成功拓展從石化、聚酯、化纖、紡紗、織布、染整到成衣,上、中、下游一條龍的產銷體系,並於經濟、環境及社會三個面向創下亮麗的成績。 本公司以聚酯產業為核心,向上游掌握關鍵原料,向下游擴充應用領域,建構一條龍產銷架構, 不僅原料自給自足,同時提供客戶多元化產品,在現今多變的全球競爭環境下,遠東新世紀垂直整合的營運架構,不但大幅降低營運風險,更滿足客戶 一次性購足的需求,創造業界領先地位。 面對變化快速的經營環境,遠東新世紀機動調整各據點產銷結構,以全球化調度方式,創造最大營運利潤,持續以差異化、高附加價值、以及環保綠能產品,成為國際各大品牌的首選合作對象,朝多面向產業及產品領域發展,創造產業新價值。

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Sản phẩm chính

【化纖產品】聚酯粒、聚酯棉、聚酯絲、固聚酯粒、膠片、聚酯瓶等。 【紡織產品】胚紗、胚布、成品布、工業用布、成衣等。 遠東新投入循環經濟超過30年,打造「陸海空」回收再製技術: 【陸】台灣第1家通過食品容器具包裝之PET再製酯粒原料企業,推出首款「再生聚酯製飲用水瓶」 【海】全球首創運用海洋廢棄寶特瓶再製為「環保抗爆球衣」,為2022年世界盃足球賽9國指定球衣 【空】將工業廢氣再製為全球首件「廢氣回收衣」,獲得國際紡織聯盟永續創新獎、產品創新獎肯定

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
【獎金】年終獎金、三節禮券、生日禮券 【補助】員工午餐補助或餐券折扣 【優惠】集團關係企業員購優惠 【健檢】免費定期健康檢查 【訓練】內部選修課程、外部訓練課程(HaHow/LinkedIn)、線上圖書館 【津貼】婚喪津貼、生育津貼、子女獎學金 【社團】各類型社團活動 【住宿】廠區或外派職缺提供員工宿舍

Cơ hội việc làm

遠東新世紀/創新研發中心/產品專案經理 遠東新世紀股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.國際品牌業務拓展及互動 2.代表公司參與各項國內外各項展會活動 3.熟悉業界市場趨勢,可獨立規劃與驅動產品系列開發
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/27 Cập nhật
Far Eastern New Century/R&D Center/Department of New materials/Research Scientist 遠東新世紀股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.The group focuses on developing novel polymers, including polyester and polyurethane. 2.This position will be responsible for the development of new products, eco-friendly formulations, and optimization of existing product. 3.Work in lab to validate lab formulations, up-scaling in production, product characterization and customer feedback tracking. The work will include to scale up to production line to perform pilot runs or other outside facilities for trial runs. 4.Responsible for optimization of existing products based on market requirements. 5.Partnering with research scientists and other engineers to validate and scale up the processes to commercial production.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/25 Cập nhật
Far Eastern New Century/R&D Center/Department of Polyester Materials, Advanced Polyester Material/Research Scientist 遠東新世紀股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.The group focuses on developing novel/functionalized polyester resins for down-stream applications, such as bottle, sheet, or containers. You will be responsible for the development of new products, process, technologies, and environmental friendly formulations. 2.Perform polymer or organic synthesis to validate lab formulations, up-scaling in production, product characterization. 3.Responsible for optimization of existing products based on market requirements. 4.You will participate in method development, sample testing, and data analysis in a cross-functional, multidisciplinary team of chemists, engineers, and technologists. 5.Partnering with research scientists and other engineers to validate and scale up the processes to commercial production.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/25 Cập nhật
Far Eastern New Century/R&D Center/Department of Polyester Materials, Polyester Packaging/Research Scientist 遠東新世紀股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.The group focuses on polyester packaging, including polyester sheet, polyester tray, thermoforming, and multifunctional additives for packaging. 2.This position will be responsible for the development of new products, eco-friendly formulations, and optimization of existing product. 3.Work in lab to validate lab formulations, up-scaling in production, product characterization, specification drafting and customer feedback tracking. The work will include scaling up to production line to perform pilot runs or other outside facilities for trial runs. 4.Responsible for optimization of existing products based on market requirements. 5.Work with Business Unit and Sales team to provide technical supports or solutions to customer and evaluate business opportunities.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/25 Cập nhật
機械工程師(馬來西亞製瓶廠) 遠東新世紀股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
●與維護和生產團隊合作,利用預防性和預測性維護工具和技術,分析設備故障,以提高設備的可靠性、維護性和可持續的生產產出。 ●指導工人進行機械、液壓和氣動設備的維護和修理工作。 ●識別可靠性差的設備,進行根本原因故障分析,制定並實施有效改進措施。 ●提供實際的機械技術支持/故障排除,解決根本原因的問題。 ●追蹤可靠性改進的設備性能,以確定其有效性,並在需要時進行額外修改。 ●協助解決重大/重複性設備的機械故障排除技術。 ●為維護和運營人員提供機械相關的技術支持,以最小化維護問題。 ●隨時待命,以應對緊急加班情況,如果需要,進行機器故障排除 ●機械相關科系,需具Autocad/Solidwork/Pro-Engineer…等相關繪圖經驗
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/25 Cập nhật
儀電工程師(馬來西亞製瓶廠) 遠東新世紀股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
●現場維修保養工作安排 ●製程改善工程發包 ●備品請購管理 ●SOP文件撰寫文書作業 ●需具Autocad/Solidwork/Pro-Engineer…等相關繪圖經驗 ●具乙級室內配線/乙級工業配線/甲種電匠或丙級用電設備檢驗技術士證照者尤佳
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/25 Cập nhật