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Điện thoại
本公司創立於民國87年,主要從事金融商品投資操作。本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,追求企業永續經營及成長。我們重視每一位員工,擁有良好工作環境,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入我們 的工作行列。 【近期冒名詐騙猖獗,請嚴防詐騙】 本公司為合法立案、正派經營公司,惟近期遭不法人士冒名對投資人進行詐騙,在此聲明本公司或是本公司同仁謹恪遵相關法令嚴格保護,絕對不會以電話、簡訊、APP或社群媒體貼文等通訊管道,向投資大眾以獲利保證代為操作,要求加入不明群組或是網站等方式進行作業。若收到有疑慮的推薦投資或是保證獲利等訊息,請不要聽信跟理會,並可撥打「165」反詐騙專線查證;若該訊息中有假借本公司名義之行為,也可以向本公司信箱反映與查證,遇遭受詐騙可另行檢具相關具體事證向警政單位報案或司法檢調機關提出檢舉。

Ngành nghề

Sản phẩm chính


Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
1. 員工團體保險 2. 國內外員工旅遊 3. 生日、中秋及端午節禮金 4. 結婚及生育禮金、治喪津貼 5. 免費供應早午餐 6. 咖啡/零食、定期聚餐 7. 每月員工慶生活動 8. 年度補助員工健康檢查 9. 免費使用簽約健身房 10. 年度體檢補助 11. 提供專業培訓機會,提供外教英文授課 12. 優於同業的季度獎金 *以上福利僅限全職員工

Cơ hội việc làm

Trading Assistant 交易助理 源融投資股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 40,000+
【Primary responsibilities】 1. Responsible for timely and high-quality execution of trade orders for multiple portfolio managers 2. Comprehensive understanding of the order flow process and responsible for accuracy 3. Helping with trades recaps, communicating directly with the supporting team and back office. 4. Supporting PM in day-to-day issues 【Computer Skills】 Microsoft Office. Ability to learn trading systems and Bloomberg 【Other Criteria】 1. Passion for investment. Close attention to detail and desire to learn 2. Strong mathematical and analytic skills; creativity and the ability to think independently. 3. Basic financial & accounting knowledge. 4. Strong verbal and written communication skills. 【Language Requirements】 Fluent in English and Chinese. Preference will be given to applicants with experience trading equities or futures.
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