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**關於Cadence**   Cadence成立於1988年,在運算軟體領域擁有超過35年的經驗,是當今電子設計的領導者。公司以智慧系統設計(Intelligent System Design)為核心策略,提供軟體、硬體及半導體IP,協助電子設計從概念走向應用實現。Cadence服務全球客戶,從晶片、印刷電路板至整體系統打造尖端與創新的電子產品,以應用於行動、消費性電子、超大型運算、5G通訊、汽車、航太、工業及健康醫療等當今最活躍的市場。Cadence總公司位於加州聖荷西市,全球人數已超過11,000人,並在全球各地設有營業處、設計中心和研究部門,以服務全球的電子產業客戶。   Cadence台灣辦公室於民國75年設立於新竹科學園區,為深耕台灣最久之EDA公司,並在新竹、竹北與台北設立據點。至今人數已超過650位,美國總部各事業群之研發團隊都在台灣設有研發團隊代表。由於台灣是半導體晶圓製造與封裝測試產業的全球重鎮,因此對Cadence的全球布局來說,台灣團隊不管在客戶合作、研發人才培育、以及業務擴展等各方面都扮演著舉足輕重的角色。   Cadence秉持以人為本的文化,用信任與透明,打造高效團隊,並以調適性、啟發性的企業領導文化與其為員工打造的卓越職場,以及竭力技術提升與產品創新的優良歷史。 更多有關Cadence介紹,歡迎連結: www.cadence.com 。 **Cadence Taiwan 獲獎實績** √ 連續九年榮獲財星雜誌(FORTUNE)評列「百大最佳職場」之肯定。 √ 連續多年榮獲卓越職場®研究所的「台灣最佳職場™」(Best Workplaces in Taiwan)中榮獲台灣十大「最佳職場」之認證 √ 2023 獲第十六屆台灣企業永續獎(TCSA) 頒贈 「台灣十大永續典範外商企業獎」 √ 2022獲中華民國商業總會頒贈金商獎,評選為「優良外商」 √ 2023、2021獲經濟部頒贈電子資訊國際夥伴績優廠商「軟性價值夥伴獎」 √ 2022在亞洲金選獎(EE Awards Asia)中獲得亞洲區「最具影響力企業」和台灣區「金選卓越影響力企業」。 **We're Cadence!! ** Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic systems design, building upon more than 30 years of computational software expertise. The company applies its underlying Intelligent System Design strategy to deliver software, hardware, and IP that turn design concepts into reality. Cadence customers are the world’s most innovative companies, delivering extraordinary products from chips to systems, chemicals to drugs, and specification to manufacturing for the most dynamic market applications, including hyperscale computing, 5G communications, automotive, mobile, aerospace, consumer, industrial, and life sciences. We pride ourselves on creating and sustaining a company culture that drives innovation and business success. Cadence is recognized as a Great Place to Work around the world, including as one of the Fortune “100 Best Companies to Work For” over the last nine years.

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√ 從系統設計所涵蓋的積體電路(IC)、封裝與電路板間無縫設計全流程解決方案。 √ 從晶片、系統跨到生技、製藥等領域,提供包含矽智財(IP)、單晶片到封裝,乃至系統相對應解決方案,在世界各地實現眾多先端設計創新。 √ 提供前各項產品有開之技術服務、顧問及訓練。

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
Cadence 關注員工的福利和幸福感,為員工提供最好的支持,並協助員工在工作與生活中取得最佳平衡點 。 <適用Cadence台灣正式員工> 【優於法令的給假制度】 √ 新人到職即享10天特休,到職當年度按比例計 √ 優於業界之彈性休假天數 √ 每年提供全薪病假30天與志工假5天 √ 服務達特定年資給予額外的特別休假 【健全完善的身心保障】 √ 員工/配偶/子女皆享醫療照護團體保險 (公司全額負擔費用) √ 提供一年一次多樣化健康檢查方案與健檢補助 【其他福利】 √ 員工購股方案 (ESPP) √ 員工推薦計畫 √ 提供員工協助方案(EAP)與員工關懷相關講座活動 √ 生日禮金/端午禮金/中秋禮金 √ 社團活動 √ 員工旅遊/家庭日 √ 健身房

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Cơ hội việc làm

Technical Marketing Manager 愛爾蘭商益華科技股份有限公司台灣分公司
Thỏa thuận
Position Description * Responsible for technical product marketing programs (generate solution collaterals, technical marketing campaigns, etc.) for hardware-assisted verification and virtual platforms * Works closely with product management, R&D, PE, and sales channel to support the development of effective GTM collateral, competitive analysis, benchmarking, product roll out, technical sales training, and solution offerings * Interacts with customers and cross-functional teams to assess and prioritize feature gaps and roadmaps * Creates and maintains technical content, product and solution presentations, white papers, out-bound marketing materials, and managing social media channels Position Requirements * Requires a minimum of 8 years of experience in technical marketing or related role in electronics products or EDA products (related experience includes technical marketing, product management, corporate applications engineering and field applications engineering.) * Technical orientation and good understanding of ASIC/SoC verification and emulation process; general understanding of low power verification or virtual solution is a plus * Attentiveness to current and future customer and key market trends * Ability to work in a matrix environment * Proficient with English with good verbal and written communication skills and proficient in Microsoft Office applications: Word, Excel, PowerPoint * BSCS/CE/EE or MSCS/CE/EE or equivalent
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/14 Cập nhật
Product Engineer (Innovus) 愛爾蘭商益華科技股份有限公司台灣分公司
Thỏa thuận
Position Description • Physical implement the high-performance core with the foundry advanced process technologies • Collaborate with R&D to deliver high quality Innovus solutions to customers • Provide technical support in Cadence Innovus platform • Seek solutions to address tool and flow issues proactively • Will be a key contributor to customers’ success Position Requirements • APR expertise from Floorplan to GDS tape out over 7 years - Real tape out experiences is the MUST - ASIC design flow customization and development/tape out • Being familiar with Cadence Digital Design Innovus Platform will be much preferred • Effective inter-personal communication and analytical skills are essential • Good command of oral and written English is required • Passion, teamwork, and customer focus • “Can-Do” attitude
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/11 Cập nhật