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強茂股份有限公司成立於1986年5月,強茂擁有半導體上下游垂直整合與IDM設計技術的能力,並且也擁有自己的晶圓製造廠及先進的生產線。主要從事整流二極體、功率半導體、突波抑制器等分離式元件產品的生產;搭配洞察市場趨勢的觀察力,不斷推出符合市場需求的薄型化封裝。 強茂以提供客戶更完整的產品服務為宗旨,行銷及佈局全球;全球總部位於台灣高雄,在北美、歐洲、日本、中國大陸、南韓和台灣台北等地均設有分公司或是辦事處提供客戶完整和及時的業務以及技術服務。 「響應參與【產學研工程人才實務能力卓越基地計畫】工程人才網路就業媒合平台」IDBET_104

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產品:各式半導體整流器 (MOSFET、蕭特基二極體、碳化矽蕭特基二極體、二極體整流器、保護元件、雙極性電晶體、橋式整流器、Packing information)等之製造加工裝配買賣進出口業務。 服務項目:汽車電子、工業電子

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
我們重視人才,希望給人才更完善的薪酬福利制度,我們堅信將每位員工視為夥伴,與員工共享營運成果是對的事情。 ***薪資與獎金制度*** ∎月/季績效獎金 ∎年終獎金 ∎營運紅利分紅獎金 ***福利制度與環境設施*** ∎生日快樂假。 ∎三節禮金/禮品(五一、端午、中秋)。 ∎生日禮券、生育補助、婚喪賀奠、慰問金...等。 ∎年度員工免費健康檢查。 ∎特約商店折扣。 ∎7-11智販機 & 咖啡智Fun機。 ∎員工團險(壽險及重大疾病險規劃)。 ∎設有醫務室:具專業護理人員與定期醫師駐廠,提供醫療諮詢及服務。 ∎哺乳室。 ∎國內/外年度員工旅遊。 ***教育訓練*** ∎多元職涯規劃與發展:新人訓練、專業訓練、證照取得、外訓課程...等。 ∎員工個人自我成長:鼓勵繼續深造,提供獎學金申請。 ***其它*** ∎璀璨之星票選活動(模範之星,額外提供獎金與有薪休假) ***人才招募*** ∎誠摯歡迎身心障礙、原住民、二度就業、中高年級朋友加入我們。

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

Product Engineers(新竹) 強茂股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Device Characterization and Verification : New product preformance test for datasheet generation prior to manufacturing release and check if product can meet the target performance 2.Development of engineering database : Device Characterization, Product Testing, Device Physical or Mathmatical & Statistical Analysis etc 3.Development and monitoring for production products based on customer interests (Improving and updating existing product solutions) : New product development with rough creating idea or concept using computer software and device characteristics re-verification based on customer requirements 4.Disposition of wafer CP spec, Assembly and final test spec : Wafer Cip Test or Assembly or Final Test or QC spec generation with processed target wafer 5.Yield enhancement and management : This safety for yield management must ensure product design meets and all safety regulations and finally, The products can go MP well 6.Coordinating or Collaborate with core team (with QA, Assembly, GPM... etc) : Collaborate with many core team to define realistic product targets 7.Conducting market research to inform development decisions : Conduct market research and trend with design team and discuss the product to be developed 8.Meeting and discussion with development team to discuss product ideas : Discuss & Feedback to development team to set up new concept or further improvement for own technology potential or baseline 9.Overseeing production and ensuring that products conform to market specifications
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/30 Cập nhật
Technology Development Engineer-IGBT/FRD(新竹) 強茂股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Generating new device architectures and setting up key process modules required for new cutting-edge Field-Stop Trench IGBT & FRD technology development 2.TCAD simulation and DOEs planning to realize new concepts, and wafer probing & assembled performance data analysis for each learning cycle 3.Wafer cost analysis, wafer probing yield analysis & yield-up activities for the new innovative technologies 4.Derivative technology development, based on proven technologies 5.New product introduction (Massive full line-up products development, from design tape-out to production), based on latest released technologies, closely working together with Marketing and Application teams
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/30 Cập nhật
Technology Development Engineer-MV MOSFET(新竹) 強茂股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Generating new device architectures and setting up key process modules required for new cutting-edge MV Shielded-Gate Trench MOSFET technology development 2.TCAD simulation and DOEs planning to realize new concepts, and wafer probing & assembled performance data analysis for each learning cycle 3.Wafer cost analysis, wafer probing yield analysis & yield-up activities for the new innovative technologies 4.Derivative technology development, based on proven technologies 5.New product introduction (Massive full line-up products development, from design tape-out to production), based on latest released technologies, closely working together with Marketing and Application teams
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/30 Cập nhật
Technology Development Engineer-HV MOSFET(新竹) 強茂股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Setting up key process modules required for new cutting-edge HV SuperJunction MOSFET technology development 2. Wafer probing & assembled performance data analysis for each learning cycle 3. Wafer probing yield-up and industrialization activities for the new innovative technologies 4. Derivative technology development support, based on proven technologies
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/30 Cập nhật
Technology Development Sr. Engineer-HV Power MOSFET Process Integration(新竹) 強茂股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. Setting up key process modules required for new cutting-edge HV SuperJunction MOSFET technology development. 2. DOEs planning to realize new concepts, and wafer probing & assembled performance data analysis for each learning cycle. 3. Wafer cost analysis, wafer probing yield analysis & yield-up activities for the new innovative technologies. 4. Process module optimization for derivative technology development, based on proven technologies.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/30 Cập nhật
生產作業員(永安) 強茂股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 27,470+
1.無塵室作業環境,需著全套無塵服 2.生產線機台操作/異常反應 3.可配合三班輪班制(一季一輪),周休二日 4.假日視工作情況須配合加班 5.細心、團隊溝通能力、自我學習能力、邏輯思考能力 6. 基本英文能力(機台介面)、Office 基本操作 *無經驗可 ,歡迎社會新鮮人 *須配合加班,加班費優於勞基法 *生產獎金另計
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
9/30 Cập nhật
【生產部】固定早班/夜班作業員(可選班別) 強茂股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 27,470+
1.無塵室作業環境,需著全套無塵服,亦有不須穿無塵服區域 2.生產線機台操作/異常反應 3.可配合四班二輪(做二休二)休假制度 4.完成主管交辦事項 *無經驗可,歡迎社會新鮮人 *須配合加班,加班費優於勞基法 *可選擇固定早班(07:30~19:30)或固定夜班(19:30~07:30) *生產獎金另計
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
9/30 Cập nhật
早班成品倉包裝作業員(高雄) 強茂股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 27,470~30,000
1.庫存數量、文件核對。 2.生產線原物料收發及托運。 3.出貨整合、標籤加貼及更改作業。 4.每月原物料庫存盤點作業。 5.完成主管交辦事項。 6.可選擇班別: 做二休二:07:30-19:30 常日班:08:00-17:00
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
9/30 Cập nhật