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銀鐸為專業醫療儀器及耗材進口代理商,至今已有30年之歷史。 本公司於北、中、南均設有工作據點,主要與台灣各大醫學中心、教學醫院及大型區域醫院合作。我們所代理的產品均為歐美各國知名品牌之醫療產品,品質均達到美國食品藥物管理局(FDA)的核准,或者是歐盟的品質系統(CE MARK)及ISO13485的品質要求;代理之各項產品也都通過國內衛生福利部食品藥物管理署之審核。 公司除了業務部門之外另有市場及臨床專員提供新進人員及內勤人員銷售所需之資源。 歡迎加入我們年輕有活力的團隊!也希望透過合作及協作增添你職場的成就及經驗!

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Sản phẩm chính

We specialised in distributing the following products: Cardiac EPS catheter and mapping system Neurointervention device Radiology accessories congenital heart disease stent and balloons Through: -providing customer services -clinical support -logistic management -organise marketing events To: Major medical centers in Taiwan For more information, please visit

Chế độ phúc lợi

• Bonus (if applicable) • Vacation and a variety of leave benefits • Training and education opportunities • Free health check-up • Free soft drinks • 團保福利 • 優於勞基法之公司休假日、捐血假、生日假 • 完善的教育訓練計劃(產品專業知識課程) • 形象建立/Office/報告技能/領導力發展等軟性課程 • 年資滿一年免費健康檢查 • 社團活動(羽球、瑜伽...) • 生育禮金&育兒津貼 • 不定期團康活動 • 福利委員會 • 軟性飲料/零食供應 (全台辦公室)

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

臨床暨市場專員 Clinical and Marketing Specialist 銀鐸實業有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 50,000+
CME Team 主要職責為: Clinical 臨床 Marketing 行銷 Education 教育 我們優先面試下列相關人員 1) 導管手術相關經驗人員 (介入相關產品) 2) 外科手術相關經驗人員 (外科相關產品) 3) 超音波相關經驗人員 (影像相關產品) We are recruiting specialists for the following expertise: 1) Heart Failure 2) Neurovascular 3) Cardiology imaging 4) ECG specialist If you are experienced in any of the fields we will prioritize you for the interview. In CME team, you will be asked to conduct education, initiate marketing strategies and work closely with users in clinical settings. - We encourage you to learn and communicate with members from other teams. - Each CME member works independently from the sales team to provide product knowledge to all accounts.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/20 Cập nhật
醫療儀器工程師 銀鐸實業有限公司
Thỏa thuận
-Support Arrhythmia treatment with 3D system -Help establish brand awareness and improve treatment outcome through providing product-related consultation
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/18 Cập nhật