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Điện thoại
「企業數位化最佳體驗的協作團隊,藉由敏捷服務以及品質穩定方便使用的設計,提升營運效能與顧客體驗」 欣技資訊股份有限公司成立於1988年,公司自創立以來即專業從事於「自動辨識系統」(Automatic Identification and Data Collection, AIDC) 相關產品的研發設計、製造與國際行銷,是國內最早從事條碼相關技術之研發、製造與銷售的公司之一。在資料讀取、解碼、光學、軟體、無線通訊及工業設計上皆有出色之表現。 經過二十餘年的努力,以自有品牌CipherLab行銷全球70餘國,外銷比重佔百分之九十以上,主要市場為歐美。 許多國際知名公司包括康柏電腦、義大利飛雅特汽車廠、拜爾(Bayer)藥廠、日本資生堂、日亞航、香奈爾工廠以及慕尼黑機場、英國倫敦機場、曼谷機場管制系統等皆使用本公司之產品,已成為國際上自動辨識系統行業的主要供應商及新興知名品牌之一。 欣技資訊於2002年3月1日上櫃(股票代號:6160)。依據天下雜誌「成長最快100之中堅企業」調查報告,欣技資訊自2001年起即名列其中,且至2003年其排名更躍升至第18名;2005年商業周刊「1000大製造業調查」結果顯示,欣技資訊以獲利能力排名第12名、淨值報酬率為第17名、資產報酬率為第9名,成長表現令人驚豔;2008年遠見雜誌「台灣A+73強」,欣技名列第十四名。 展望未來,欣技資訊將以堅強的經營團隊、深厚的研發基礎、高素質的客戶經營模式等優勢邁向另一高成長期,而因應此成長需求,總公司自2004年8月起從汐止搬遷至台北市區,以吸引更多有志一同之人才,共創美好未來。

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Sản phẩm chính

主要產品: 1.有線條碼掃描器、藍牙無線條碼掃描器 2.掌上型工業級行動電腦 3.固定式終端機 產品應用領域: 1. 零售業:產品價格管理、貨架補貨作業、結帳作業… 2. 製造業:原材料與在製品管理、門禁管理系統、出勤管理系統… 3. 物流倉儲業:收發貨作業、撿貨與裝貨管理、庫存管理… 4. 外勤服務業:店鋪配送追蹤、停車收費管理、讀表計費作業… 5. 醫療保健業: 藥品庫存管理、病患臨床照護…

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
【薪酬獎金】 1.年終獎金(視公司營運狀況與員工個人績效發放) 2.激勵獎金(視公司營運績效) 3.員工酬勞(即員工紅利,依公司法於104/5修正為「員工酬勞」) 4.研發專利獎勵 5.人才推薦獎金 6.久任獎金 【安心保障】 1.勞保、健保 2.勞退提撥 3.公司全額補助團體保險(定期壽險、意外傷害險、傷害醫療險、住院醫療、癌症醫療險等) 4.職災保險 5.眷屬優惠團體保險 6.出差旅行平安險 【制度給假】 1.陪產假 2.生理假 3.家庭照顧假 4.週休二日 【福利補助】 1.電腦補助制度 2.教育訓練補助 3.福委會相關福利: (1)婚、喪、喜、慶補助 (2)住院慰問金 (3)員工生日禮金 (4)三節禮券發放 (5)不定期舉辦員工活動、電影欣賞,豐富同仁休閒生活 【友善職場】 1.年度員工健康檢查 2.按摩舒壓 3.哺/集乳室 4.簽約優惠托兒機構 5.特約運動中心 6.特約商店折扣 7.資深員工表揚 8.不定期健康或理財講座 9.書報週刊雜誌

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Cơ hội việc làm

應用軟體工程師 Edge AI & Android APP Software Engineer 欣技資訊股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Android Application之設計、開發、維護 2.Web Service之設計、開發、維護 3.Edge AI之設計、開發、維護 4.用戶軟體需求分析與規劃 5.主管交辦及其它事項
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
Senior Regional Account Manager (中南美洲區) 欣技資訊股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
CipherLab is seeking talent candidates potentially relocating to the Latin America in the future. If you are interested in developing your career in the Latin America, this will be an opportunity for you. When you join CipherLab, you are joining a global team. We are the makers, problem solvers and future world builders. The Regional Sales Account Manager is tasked to coordinate with HQ and local partners sale team to growing business in assigned territory. We wish you to be : -Always Put Our Customers First -Act with Urgency -Work to Build Trust -Strive for Valued Differentiation Your Job Description/Responsibilities may include, but are not limited to 1. Promotion and Sale of Cipherlab products/solution to existing or new partner/ISV in assigned area. 2. Develop growth strategies and plans. 3. Follow all written policies and procedures without deviation or refer to upper management for guidance. 4. Develop and manage customer accounts/pipelines in an assigned sales region which includes developing strategic selling principles, encompassing funnel development, milestones, and closing. 5. Cultivate new business through all means! You will be cold calling as well as calling company-generated leads. 6. Extensive follow-up activities to advance sales opportunities in progress and drive to completion. 7. Ensure timely, valuable, accurate and current data within our contact management database for potential and active customers. 8. Submit weekly progress reports and ensure data is accurate 9. Foster collaborative working relationships with others involved in the sales, marketing, product management and related functions to ensure successful customer experience. 10. Participate in sales meetings, training seminars and coaching activities. 11. Frequently Travel to customer sites in assigned territory, and participate in seminars and trade shows.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
10/18 Cập nhật
國外業務開發專員暨儲備幹部(馬來西亞) 欣技資訊股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.負責開拓海外市場,尋找垂直行業合作夥伴,建立長期夥伴關係。 2.完成業績目標,提高公司產品市場佔有率。 3.協助國外駐地業務拓展及開發新垂直行業夥伴。 4.巿場情報搜集分析,擬定調整銷售策略。 5.規劃並參加各區展覽,提升品牌形象,掌握商機。 6.做好預估、交期、出貨進度掌握,調動總公司資源協助解決技術問題 ---- 1. Identify new market and business opportunity through detailed research of assigned region 2. Develop regional business plan and execute the plan to reach assigned target 3. Maintain current accounts and develop new accounts 4. Represent the company in tradeshows and other marketing events 5. Capability to engage with key accounts/projects independently 6. Requested for Business / Project support and engagement
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
10/18 Cập nhật