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輝能科技股份有限公司 (ProLogium TM) 創立於民國95年,是發明全球第一款固態鋰陶瓷Lithium Ceramic Battery (LCB)電池技術的鋰電池芯製造商,也是目前全球唯一成功量產固態鋰電池的公司。 ◎中壢廠 地址:桃園市中壢區自強七路6-1號(中壢工業區) ◎桃科廠 地址:桃園市觀音區桃科九路58號(桃園科技工業園區) ◎華亞辦公室 地址:桃園市龜山區文化二路40號5F 輝能求才若渴,如果你渴望奮力一搏,希望自己研發的成果能撼動整個產業、甚至改變人類生活型態,又或者你期待站在國際舞台上與極大極強的競爭對手較勁,輝能歡迎你,加入我們的行列,成就全然不同的視野與格局! 卓越事蹟來自各媒體的報導 【2024年】輝能創辦人楊思枬先生獲選年度十大科技人物,與林百里、嚴陳莉蓮、唐鳳並列 【2024年】日經關注2024亞洲12家公司 台灣電池廠輝能入列 【2024年】電池芯聖杯在台灣!專訪輝能創辦人暨集團主席 【2024年】巴黎直擊!輝能於法國巴黎薩克雷設置首座海外研發中心、《科技島的奇蹟》與馬克宏同框 輝能、力積電皆受邀 【2024年】輝能全球首座Giga級固態鋰陶瓷電池超級工廠開幕 【2023年】不只在法國建廠 輝能桃園超級工廠下半年將正式投產 【2022年】輝能科技加入美國先進動力電池聯盟 【2022年】台廠成法國總統馬克宏座上賓 輝能創辦人:各國爭搶電池戰略資源 【2022年】★靠一塊手機殼打出名聲!桃園起家的輝能,如何讓賓士、Gogoro都找它做固態電池?★ 【2022年】Gogoro攜手輝能科技打造「固態智慧電池原型」 【2022年】輝能科技與Mercedes-Benz宣布技術合作,共同開發電動車專用固態電池電芯。

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固態鋰陶瓷電池研發與製造公司,運用獨步全球的LCB Ceramion 創新專利核心技術,研發出 1. FLCB、2. PLCB以及 3. LLCB 三條產品線。 1. FLCB軟板鋰陶瓷電池:將LCB結合軟板FPC,超薄、可動態撓曲、還具備優異的高低壓耐受能力,可廣泛應用於輕薄、可攜式、IOT指紋辨識智慧顯示卡、穿戴式各類電子產品,及工業用半導體真空檢測設備應用等; ◆產品特色: (1). 如紙一般的薄:<0.4mm(單電池芯) ,獨家FWI技術可動態撓曲一萬次 R15mm (2). 優異的高低壓耐受能力: 10-11ATM (外太空環境) ~ 48ATM (水下470米) (3). 可捲成捲芯電池TLCB 2. PLCB高容量鋰陶瓷電池:將LCB內堆疊之後再以鋁塑膜封裝,擁有大容量優勢,在特別需要高安全性、耐受嚴苛高低溫環境的領域擁有絕對優勢,例如純電動車、工業用高溫烤爐、機器人、手持裝置.…等; ◆產品特色: (1). 操作溫度/儲存溫度範圍廣 (2). 高能量密度 (3). 耐高溫105℃/低溫零下40℃放電;105℃/零下65℃儲存14天 3. LLCB大面積鋰陶瓷電池 ◆產品特色 (1).基本安全 (2).電池尺寸較大,單電芯能量含量高 (3).優化包裝空間利用率 (4).電池組能量密度較高,續航力較長

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Quy định pháp luật
◆ 獎金/禮品類 1.年薪14個月(中秋0.5個月/端午0.5個月/年終1個月) 2.福委會三節及生日禮金 ◆ 保險類 1.勞/健保 2.員工團保 ◆ 休閒類 1.年終尾牙、春酒 2.部門聚餐 3.福委會舉辦員工活動 ◆ 制度類 1.完整的教育訓練 2.順暢的升遷管道 ◆ 請 / 休假制度 優於勞基法 1.特休/年假(到職半年3日特休,報到始能提前享用)依據公司規定執行之 2.不扣薪病假 ◆ 補助類 1. 伙食補助 2. 任職同仁提供觀音廠周邊住宿申請(依規定通過者享有宿舍費優惠)月付2,000~4,000元

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Cơ hội việc làm

【傳譯室】Japanese - Chinese Interpreter 輝能科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
ProLogium is seeking a full-time Japanese/Chinese Translator/Interpreter to operate in a dynamic environment. The role involves facilitating communication between individuals and organizations with diverse linguistic backgrounds. Responsibilities (including but not limited to) The interpreter is responsible for supporting the CEO, Chief Scientist, and senior managers to facilitate effective communication through consecutive or simultaneous interpretation during meetings, events, or other required discussions. Responsibilities also include: 1.Actively collect information before meetings to familiarize themselves with the content of the meeting and write minutes afterward. 2.Proactively study industry knowledge; organize the knowledge system, and create a glossary of Chinese and Japanese terms. 3.Translate industry news into Chinese for the managers’ reference. 4.Receive interpreting training. 5.Collaborate with other interpreters and stakeholders to achieve communication effectiveness. 6.Collect and organize users' feedback. 7.Other duties as assigned by the supervisor.
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Tiếng Nhật Điều kiện
9/18 Cập nhật
【傳譯室】English - Chinese Interpreter 輝能科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
ProLogium is seeking a highly skilled and professional interpreter who is fluent in English and Chinese to facilitate communication between individuals and organizations with different linguistic backgrounds. The interpreter will be responsible for providing simultaneous or consecutive interpreting services in a variety of settings, including conferences, meetings, negotiations, and other events. 1. Provide high-quality interpreting services in English and Chinese in a range of settings, including business meetings, negotiations, conferences, and seminars etc. 2. Ensure accuracy and clarity in interpreting by carefully listening to the speaker and conveying the message accurately and effectively in the target language. 3. Perform research and prepare for assignments in advance to ensure familiarity with the subject matter and relevant terminology. 4. Maintain confidentiality and impartiality in all aspects of work and adhere to professional ethics and standards. 5. Use interpreting equipment, such as microphones, headsets, and other tools as required. 6. Collaborate with other interpreters and stakeholders to ensure smooth communication flow and successful outcomes. 7. Continuously develop professional skills and stay up-to-date with language and industry trends.
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/18 Cập nhật
【傳譯室】French - Chinese Interpreter 輝能科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
ProLogium is seeking a highly skilled and professional interpreter who is fluent in French and Chinese to facilitate communication between individuals and organizations with different linguistic backgrounds. The interpreter will be responsible for providing simultaneous or consecutive interpreting services in a variety of settings, including conferences, meetings, negotiations, and other events. 1. Provide high-quality interpreting services in French and Chinese in a range of settings, including business meetings, negotiations, conferences, and seminars etc. 2. Ensure accuracy and clarity in interpreting by carefully listening to the speaker and conveying the message accurately and effectively in the target language. 3. Perform research and prepare for assignments in advance to ensure familiarity with the subject matter and relevant terminology. 4. Maintain confidentiality and impartiality in all aspects of work and adhere to professional ethics and standards. 5. Use interpreting equipment, such as microphones, headsets, and other tools as required. 6. Collaborate with other interpreters and stakeholders to ensure smooth communication flow and successful outcomes. 7. Continuously develop professional skills and stay up-to-date with language and industry trends.
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Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Pháp Điều kiện
9/18 Cập nhật
【企業及商業法務總處】Corporate Legal Counsel 輝能科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Job Description A fantastic opportunity where the candidate will be exposed to varied and exciting matters and be a part of a high-performing, collaborative team. The legal counsel will be reporting to corporate and commercial legal division head and involved in a wide range of legal matters and responsibilities. Day to day tasks are inclusive but not limited to: • Drafting, advising and negotiating commercial contracts, such as confidentiality, procurement, supply, collaboration and/or other transactional legal documents relating to the daily operations of the Company • Supporting fund-raising transactions and relevant due diligence exercise, including equity and debt financing projects • Working with IP counsel and patent division to draft, review and negotiate contracts or legal documents relating to intellectual property rights, such as joint development, research, license or assignment agreements • Advising on internal cross-functional projects and other ad hoc legal and regulatory inquiries • Assisting in the development and implementation of policies and procedures for the Company’s global operations • Organizing or providing internal training related to legal and intellectual property knowledge Candidates should also possess the following skills and capabilities: • Self-starter with strong drive for results, sense of ownership and problem-solving skills, but also willing to take direction from senior team members or internal stakeholders • Strong ethics and value principled approach • Ability to work effectively and collaboratively across all levels within a matrix organization and with external parties, • Be business minded to proactively connect and engage with business operations to balance business need and legal risks and provide practical solutions • Comfortable working as part of a team and keen to interact with diverse group of people
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Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/18 Cập nhật
【工業化工程處 物流與傳輸自動化部】主管 輝能科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Lead of Prologium gigafactory automatic material handling system. Plan gigafactory smart material handling system, and set up ASRS (auto storage and retrieval system) and AMHS (auto material handling system) for Prologium new overseas gigafactory. (1) To plan and realize overseas gigafactory smart material handling system implementation. Select suitable hardware and control software for integration. (2) Design and develop system requirements for overseas gigafactory. (3) Closely work with industrial engineering to optimize factory shop floor and solutions of material handling 海外新廠物流自動化主管,規劃海外Gigafactory智慧物流自動化,建置新廠物流與自動化傳輸系統。 (1) 新廠智慧物流傳輸自動化設備規劃與實現,並統籌軟硬體選擇規劃與執行。 (2) 配合海外新廠建置規劃所需之智慧物流與傳輸自動化系統。 (3) 與工業工程緊密合作尋求最佳工廠佈局與傳輸方案。
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/18 Cập nhật
【行銷處/產業研究課】產業分析管理師/市場分析/Market Intelligence Analyst 輝能科技股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 50,000+
About ProLogium ProLogium Technology (PLG) is on a mission to transform energy storage with ceramic oxide-based solid state battery technology. With its exclusive CSE patent which enables advanced composition for next generation battery platform, the greater energy density, faster charging and enhanced safety to support the transition away from legacy energy sources toward a lower-carbon future is achieved. ProLogium is a dynamic venture-backed company based in Taiwan and dedicated to creating a sustainable future with a passionate team of technical and business professionals. We entered joint development agreements with Mercedes-Benz, Vinfast, and was recently featured in Choose France together a with global leading company like Tesla. About the Role As an industrial analyst in Market Research Department of Marketing Division in ProLogium, you are responsible for establishing centralized database to enable / drive a data-driven decision process for stakeholders across functions from PM sales to business operation and marketing division. If you are looking for an opportunity to apply your passion for sustainability in manufacturing , this is the right place ! ProLogium is hiring an industrial analyst with data or industrial experience who are interested in contributing at the next generation battery technology for clean energy strategies across EU and North America markets.“Industry experience” may include but not limited to a combination of – raw material supply chain, electronics or automotive related manufacturing, battery application or energy market development. As part of your work, you’ll gain knowledge about cutting-edge technologies, trends, and policies in the battery manufacturing sector and contribute to foundational analysis and reporting. Join our international team and help turn ideas into real impacts. What you will do  Research and monitor the global battery application market trends, competition, policy and technological lifecycle, including EV and Non-EV segments  Monitor potential technical substitutes for SSB such as Li-S battery etc. together with its commercialization movements  Evaluate startups, industrial membership and market research agency for strategic collaboration.  Identify impactful opportunity for business growth and plan the go-to-market strategy with key stakeholders from PM Sales, Operation, PR and marketing event team.  Share the updated industrial trend and market insight with internal members by analyzing, evaluating and synthesizing the public information and internal database  Ad-hoc support on investor relationship communication materials Your Journey at ProLogium 1st month you will: • Pick up the basic knowledge of solid state battery and electrochemistry theory • Understand company vision and mission, participating in developing personal OKRs and KPIs • Acknowledge current status of ongoing projects and business strategy 3rd month you will: • Perform standard battery market outlook analysis and reporting for EV/Non-EV segment • Able to operate on both BNEF Terminal BI and web interactive database service with other available online tools and sources • Comprehend the value chain participants across next generation battery ecosystem for EV/Non-EV segments 6th month you will: • Lead a market intelligence service sourcing activities with agency while maintaining close relationship with the contact windows • Optimize existing operational framework or flow given your understanding on historical rationales • Propose ideal analysis framework where you found valuable for identifying potential business growth opportunity
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/18 Cập nhật
【行銷處/技術分析課】管理師 / 市場分析師 Market Analyst / 專利分析師 Patent Analyst 輝能科技股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 50,000+
【Role of this Position】 ●Our team is the situation room of the company, we need to provide key metrics and analytical insights to assist in formulating strategic policies by gathering, compiling, and analyzing the lattest information from the battery market and industry. ●Our team is the think tank in the company to support interdepartmental collaboration to achieve key milestones, and to help develop new target markets from the viewpoint of market research and technological analysis. 【Major Responsibilities】 1.Monitor and analyze competitor dynamics in the battery industry, including competing product technology, business planning and business model. 2.Research battery technology development trend and emerging threat technology. 3.Establish central database, including competitors and market information. 4.Survey target market opportunities. 5.Other tasks assigned by supervisor.
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/18 Cập nhật
【工業儲能二部】專案管理工程師 Project Management 輝能科技股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1、產品開發專案管理 (評估可執行性, 擬定計畫, 進度管理) 2、專案風險管理 (掌握專案進程變化, 協調資源投入, 跨部門溝通推動專案進行) 3、產品特性競爭性 (市場行情/生產成本掌控, 行業競爭者分析, 市場趨勢變化調查) 4、客戶技術服務 (應對產品基本技術諮詢, 蒐集客戶VOC與分析)
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Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
9/18 Cập nhật
【中壢製造生產部】技術員/領班-10小時制/做四休二/固定班 (週二、四開放到場面談) 輝能科技股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 31,800+
【此職缺開放到場面談】 1.面試/工作廠區:桃園市中壢區自強七路6-1號 (中壢工業區) 2.面試時間:9月每週二、四 13:30 3.入廠時間:13:30準時入場,逾時將不開放入場。 4.可攜帶個人履歷 請攜帶筆(填寫面試資料)與個人證件(入場換證) 我們是世界電池大廠研發的標竿,憑藉獨特的專利技術在業界建立一定的地位,如果您對電動車、電池產業有高度興趣,同時追求一份穩定有前景的公司,並想與公司一同努力成長,歡迎趕快加入我們! 【中壢製造生產部】技術員 【工作內容】 1. 產線機台操作 2. 機台調機及上下料 3. 報表KEY IN、異常反應 4. 依照SOP流程規定生產,以符合產品生產標準 5. 主管交辦事項 【中壢製造生產部】領班 【工作內容】 1.站位樣品/實驗配合試作及機台操作 2.站位生產達成率、效率檢討及工時統計 3.站位生產良率維持 4.站位異常處理及反饋 5.站位生產損耗檢討 6.站位生產物料、耗材管理 7.站位落實作業人員依SOP執行生產作業 8.站位人員教育訓練、技能考核、再複訓 9.站位SPC資料收集系統維護 10.人員出勤狀況管理及工作安排 【工作時間】 1. 日班:08:00-20:00、夜班:20:00-08:00(實際工時10小時) 2.做四休二 3. 須能接受全套無塵服 【薪資條件】 1. 起薪31,800元起 【工作地點】 桃園市中壢區自強七路6-1號 (中壢工業區)
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9/16 Cập nhật