Potix Corporation_普奇科技有限公司

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Điện thoại
普奇科技 (Potix Corporation) 是新興的軟體公司,藉由優異的技術、獨特的商業模式、及靈活的營運,成為少數從台灣出發而能在國際軟體舞台發光發熱的公司。 主力產品ZK已成為全球領先的Enterprise Ajax Framework,下載超過200萬人次,並有逾百家財星五百大客戶及多國政府採用。Potix正處於快速成長發展的階段,急需各種人才。趁全球軟體業大變革之際,一起開創台灣第一家以及全球屈指可數能主導軟體平台發展的企業。 現也正開發全新一代專案協同管理軟體: Quire ( https://www.quire.io )以及資料分析軟體: Ottava (https://ottava.io/) 相關報導 https://www.ithome.com.tw/node/47400

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Sản phẩm chính

ZK - #1 Enterprise Ajax framework ZK Applications ZK Evangelization, Training and Consultant Quire - a new generation SaaS project management software Ottava - a revolutionary data analysis web software service

Chế độ phúc lợi

* 創造產品、制定規格,而不是熬夜滿足客戶不合理的需求或解決硬體的臭蟲 * 讓全世界知道你的名字。有機會成為知名軟體的創造者、開發者、發行全球的書籍作者。 * 與全球領先的人才及公司合作、競爭、犯錯、學習和成長 * 其他:  試用期滿就有一年十二天特休,輕鬆排假不擋休  彈性上、下班,自由調配上班時間  保障年年調薪、年終、三節禮金  提供員工職能培訓,增加職場競爭力  每個人配備雙螢幕或同等級的單一大螢幕,工程師提供Macbook Pro  定期安排戶外活動日、公司聚餐、小組聚餐  年年都有員工國外旅遊,公司全額補助  兩年一次進階版健康檢查  優秀員工提供股票選擇權  免費提供研磨咖啡、茶飲,還有吃不完的點心、餅乾

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

技術顧問工程師(Technical Support and Consulting Engineer) Potix Corporation_普奇科技有限公司
Thỏa thuận
ZK is a popular open-source Java Web framework started and run by Potix Corporation. With more than 80% of the customers from Europe and North America, we are looking for having another enthusiastic technical support developer experienced in Java, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript who's highly motivated and willing to communicate with and support worldwide customers. Job Description: 1) Perform technical support to worldwide customers via Email and/or online meeting tools. For example, answering technical questions, providing code examples, troubleshooting, and optimizing performance. Please note that this position is more focused on consulting and customer support rather than R&D or product development. 2) Implement projects and/or custom components based on customer requests 3) Create samples, technical documents, and reports 4) Flexibility of working from home Why This Role Is Unique: 1) Interact with developers from all over the world, solve real-world problems together, and exchange ideas that expand your knowledge and perspective. 2) Face new challenges every day, working with customers across a wide range of industries. 3) Experience the excitement of variety—this role is not limited to supporting a single product or fixing recurring bugs. Every day brings fresh challenges and opportunities to engage with different projects. Skills Required: 1) Core required tech skills: Java, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 2) Familiar with Java servlet specifications, and experience in servlet containers such as Tomcat and Jetty in real-world projects is a plus 3) Logic thinking with good communication skills with colleagues and customers 4) Self-discipline and ability to work independently, and capable of taking responsibilities 5) Fluent in both oral and written English
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