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Established in 2008, ThroughTek Co., Ltd. is a world leading cloud service provider in the IoT (Internet of Things) industry with its Kalay® Platform. Based on extensive experience in the integration of P2P connections in surveillance systems, ThroughTek applied this leading technology to assist the entry of enterprises into IoT and M2M markets, transforming the business into an M2M and IoT solution provider in 2012. ThroughTek is committed to the development of cloud service solutions and further delivery of innovative and convenient user-oriented total solutions. The Kalay® Platform leverages a wealth of APIs for a growing variety of operating systems, quickly and easily incorporating a wide variety of devices into online application. Kalay® Platform provides different service modules to enterprises or consumers accordingly to meet their software connecting and/or cloud service needs. ThroughTek has successfully initiated a specialized ad-hoc online P2P technology to provide optimum overall solutions. Looking forward, ThroughTek is currently cooperating with IC design companies, telecom operators, and home appliance manufacturers for continued implementation of vertical integration into the marketplace. Please visit ThroughTek at for more information 物聯智慧(ThroughTek,簡稱TUTK)-於2008年7月成立,總部位於台北,在中國深圳、香港設立海外子公司,北美則有地區業務代表,集團員工目前約80人。物聯智慧為物聯網領域之台灣原生軟體公司,是提供設備連線軟體技術,以及開發雲端服務平台的整合解決方案商。成立初期,在基於NAT穿透網端路由器技術(STUN+ICE)的架構,進一步開發設定容易、操作簡單、穿透率及安全性都更高之”點對點連線(或簡稱P2P連線)”與資料傳輸技術,成功協助客戶解決早期網通產品(如IP Camera)欲在終端消費市場大量普及時,消費者常遭遇設備連線與設定困難的問題,大幅加速產品市場化的速度,並降低客戶營運成本。 2015年初正式推出「Kalay®雲端服務平台」,使各類聯網產品不但具備連線功能,更進一步以進階之物聯網雲端功能提供終端使用者更多應用服務。Kalay®雲端平台自2015年推出以來,截至2020年9月底為止,已提供全球客戶超過7,500萬台設備運行在雲端,其中八成是以影像監控為主的網路攝影機(IP Camera)產品,單月10億次的連線數在雲端上累積可觀的資料量,並形成大數據分析的基礎。 物聯智慧與全球知名IC廠合作,已支援超過200種SOC系統晶片,Kalay®平台可提供之服務領域廣泛,不論企業客戶或終端消費者,皆可提供不同模組方案,運用獲得國際知名品牌商驗證的連線技術,滿足不同類型客戶在物聯網領域之軟體與雲端服務需求。 如欲了解更多,請參考物聯智慧官網

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◆ Kalay雲端服務平台 ◆ 客製化APP設計服務 ◆ 客製化軟體/韌體設計服務 ◆ 物聯網應用產品開發專案服務

Chế độ phúc lợi

物聯智慧為台灣興櫃公司(股票代號6565,股票名稱: 物聯) 是物聯網領域中專注於軟體技術開發,及提供雲端平台服務的明日之星 我們積極朝上櫃目標邁進,並提供員工股票選擇權共享公司經營成果 彈性自由之工作時間,員工的身心靈都是公司重要的資產 員工休閒空間多樣設施(跑步機、按摩椅)讓您活動筋骨、放鬆心情 在咖啡吧還有吃不完的零食補給、喝不完的咖啡及舒適的辦公環境 我們不要你的肝,只要你的創意發想,人人有夢想,我們一同將夢想化作理想 沒有上司下屬的距離,只有親情、友情與家的感覺 永保活潑與熱情,這是Throughtek特有的文化風氣 還在不屬於你的世界載浮載沉嗎? 還在尋尋覓覓一個具有爆發性成長並且引領全世界科技潮流的公司嗎? 歡迎您加入我們~~ 讓Throughtek許你一個光明的未來!! ◆ 每月提撥固定營收比例為職工福利金 ◆ 每年提供績效獎金激勵員工達到營運業績目標 ◆ 保障年薪,及優秀人才推薦獎金 ◆ 提供優渥之新型及發明專利獎金 ◆ 提供勞健保、退職金提撥、高額度團保以及年度員工健康檢查 ◆ 供應咖啡、飲料、零食、水果 ◆ 完善的員工進修補助、不定期教育訓練、順暢的升遷管道 ◆暖心提早下班制度:元旦、農曆除夕、清明節、端午節、中秋節五大節日若形成連假,為方便同仁返鄉避開交通壅塞,連假前的工作日經主管同意可提早下班,每年還有一天生日假! ◆ 職工福利委員會提供豐富福利項目— 提供婚喪喜慶生育祝賀/慰問金或傷病慰問禮 不定期部門聚會、節慶活動 每周社團活動、紓壓娛樂室(跑步機、按摩椅) 每年國內外旅遊及自強活動

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

Senior Software engineer (Cloud service - Video Streaming) 物聯智慧股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 70,000~90,000
工作內容說明(註一) : The role of this position needs to involve Kalay platform related services (such as peer to peer services, over the air service, Cloud recording, Video management service, , back-end monitoring system etc.) developing and maintenance. The role needs to write a design document to explain the idea of how to accomplish the requirements. High availability, high scalability are needed to be considered as well. Also doing the unit test and the integration test to make sure the service is qualified enough. Providing an accurate schedule estimation is required for the product/project management. Evaluating open sure projects if needed. The role must to have the ability as below: 1. Good at golang and C/C++ coding. 2. Familiar with languages i.e. nodejs, python, shell script, etc. 3. Good concept on http, TCP/IP network protocols. 4. Good at Video Streaming programming. 5. Familiar with databases (MariaDB, MongoDB etc.). The abilities below are plus: 1. AWS (Amazon Web Services) 2. GCP (Google Cloud Platform) 3. Ansible 4. docker /Kubernetes 5. large scale service experiance The attitude we want: 1. Can-do attitude and good team player 2. Willing to learn new Technology. 3. Work under pressure with proactive attitude. 4. Self-motivation, Self-discipline and the ability to set personal goals and Work consistently towards them. 5. ability to learn quickly, resolve problem independently. 6. Providing Work status transparently.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/29 Cập nhật
Senior Software engineer (Cloud service) 物聯智慧股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 70,000~90,000
The role of this position needs to involve Kalay platform related services (such as peer to peer services, over the air service, Cloud recording, Video management service, , back-end monitoring system etc.) developing and maintenance. The role needs to write a design document to explain the idea of how to accomplish the requirements. High availability, high scalability are needed to be considered as well. Also doing the unit test and the integration test to make sure the service is qualified enough. Providing an accurate schedule estimation is required for the product/project management. Evaluating open sure projects if needed. The role must to have the ability as below: 1. Good at golang and C/C++ coding. 2. Familiar with languages i.e. nodejs, python, shell script, etc. 3. Good concept on http, TCP/IP network protocols. 4. Good at socket programming. 5. Familiar with databases (MariaDB, MongoDB etc.). The abilities below are plus: 1. AWS (Amazon Web Services) 2. GCP (Google Cloud Platform) 3. Ansible 4. docker /Kubernetes 5. large scale service experiance The attitude we want: 1. Can-do attitude and good team player 2. Willing to learn new Technology. 3. Work under pressure with proactive attitude. 4. Self-motivation, Self-discipline and the ability to set personal goals and Work consistently towards them. 5. ability to learn quickly, resolve problem independently. 6. Providing Work status transparently.
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/29 Cập nhật
SDK軟體驗證工程師 物聯智慧股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. 主要在 TUTK IOT SDK Linux 實作各種不同網路的連線(可參考Sample Code) 2. 開發主要使用程式語言為 C 語言 與 Python,最常使用 OS 為 Linux 3. 彈性上下班,且無須加班,生活與工作不失衡 4. 公司位於南港車站步行 5 分鐘的距離,搭火車, 捷運, 高鐵上班均很方便
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/29 Cập nhật
資深軟體工程師 物聯智慧股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. 開發及維護與 TUTK 服務對接之 SDK 2. 將 SDK porting 至客戶指定的 RTOS 平台
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/29 Cập nhật
資深韌體工程師 物聯智慧股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.韌體設計開發、維護 2.熟悉 UART/I2C/SPI 等通訊協議 3.熟悉 C 語言 4.具硬體電路設計概念 5.有 IPCam/NVR/DVR 應用與系統整合經驗尤佳
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/29 Cập nhật