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【公司簡介】 億光電子工業股份有限公司(Everlight Electronics., Ltd.)於1983年成立,營業項目為LED元件及燈具製造、研發及銷售,透過創新、設計、製造並銷售高效能的LED產品,結合有效率的全球顧客服務,成為市佔率全台第一、全球前三大LED照明品牌。 【全球據點】 億光電子總部位於台灣新北樹林,製造工廠設立於台灣(土城、苑裡、銅鑼)和中國(蘇州、中山)。求服務全球客戶,且能提供即時服務並快速供貨給客戶,億光在全球設立共9個國家、14個銷售據點,時至今日,億光電子已成為LED產業的領導廠及一家擁有超過5,000位員工的全球化公司。 【Corporate Profile】 EVERLIGHT Electronics Co., Ltd. was founded in 1983, we provides a diverse product portfolio consisting of Lighting Components and for various applications. For a long time, EVERLIGHT has always been dedicated to constant improvement of products and manufacturing process through professional R&D efforts, allowing people to live shining light. We have solutions featuring high quality and efficiency for various applications, products or ideas to create greater business opportunities and benefits for our customers. It makes us have a brilliant performance - the No. 1 market share in Taiwan and the top three LED lighting brands in the world.

Ngành nghề

Sản phẩm chính

【主要產品】 1.可見光 Visible LED(照明元件、植物照明元件、紫外線元件、閃光燈LED、車用元件、插件式LED、表貼式LED、數位顯示LED、背光LED、顯示屏LED) 2.紅外線產品(發光/受光元件、遙控訊號接收模組、塑膠光纖端子、光開關) 3.感測器(Ambient Light Sensor、Ambient Light and Proximity Sensor、Color Sensor) 4.光偶元件(Photo Transistor、Photo Darlington、Schmitt Trigger、High Speed、Triac Driver、Photo Power Triac Driver、Solid State Relay、IGBT Gate Driver) 【Main Product】 1. Visible LED(Lighting, Horiculture, UV , Flash, Automotive, Lamp , Digital Displays, Backlight, Signage) 2. Infrared LED(Silicon Detector, Infrared Receiver Module, Optic Fiber Device-Photo Link, Optical Switch) 3. Sensor (Ambient Light Sensor、Ambient Light and Proximity Sensor、Color Sensor) 4. Photo Coupler (Photo Transistor、Photo Darlington、Schmitt Trigger、High Speed、Triac Driver、Photo Power Triac Driver、Solid State Relay、IGBT Gate Driver) 【應用領域】 1.照明(General Lighting、Growth Lighting、UV Appliance、Agriculture Lighting、Module Application) 2.汽車零組件(Interior、Exterior) 3.消費型產品(Home Appliance、Other Appliance、Wareable Device Health Care、Smart Device、Gaming Computer Related、Multimedia、E-Cigarette、Surveillance、Signage) 4.工業(Vehicle Charging Station、Motor Drive、Bus Interface、Elevator Control、Power Meter、Gas Meter、Water Meter、Medical Equipment) 【Application】 1. Lightting(General Lighting、Growth Lighting、UV Appliance、Agriculture Lighting、Module Application) 2. Automotive(Interior、Exterior) 3. Consumer Product(Home Appliance、Other Appliance、Wareable Device Health Care、Smart Device、Gaming Computer Related、Multimedia、E-Cigarette、Surveillance、Signage) 4. Industry(Vehicle Charging Station、Motor Drive、Bus Interface、Elevator Control、Power Meter、Gas Meter、Water Meter、Medical Equipment) 【獲獎殊榮】 2021年第15屆亞太傑出企業獎(Asia Pacific Enterprise Awards ; APEA)「卓越企業管理獎」 2021年亞洲最佳企業雇主獎(HR Asia Best Companies to Work For In Asia 2021) 2021年1111幸福企業金獎 2019年度品牌-封裝 2016年台灣國際品牌-第26名 2015年Trend Brand 台灣居家用品趨勢品牌

Chế độ phúc lợi

Employee Incentive 我們重視員工的表現,並樂於和所有員工共享成果。 ◆年度盈餘分紅 Year-end Bonus ◆目標達成獎金 Goal Achievement Bonus ◆提案改善獎金 Improvement proposal Bonus ◆研發專利獎金 Patent Bonus ◆特殊專案獎金 Special Project bonus 除此之外,我們提供員工多元化的貼心服務,讓員工能兼顧工作與生活,無後顧之憂 【公司設施】Company Utilities ◆員工宿舍dormitory、餐廳Restaurant、便利商店 convenience storeu、停車場 Parking Lot ◆健身房Gym、桌球室 Table Tennis Room、韻律教室 Rhythm classroom 【休閒娛樂】Entertainment ◆節慶/藝文/公益活動 Festivial/Arts and Cultural / Charitable Activity ◆社團活動、體育競賽 Club、Sports Competition ◆圖書/期刊借閱 Book/ Magazine / Periodical 【員工關懷】ERP ◆免費團體保險 Group Insurance ◆員工健檢/醫師駐廠 regular physical check-up/ on-site doctor ◆健康促進活動:健康講座課程 Health Course、EAP員工協助 【其他】Others ◆三節/五一/生日禮券 Holidays/Birthday Bonus ◆婚喪喜慶/生育/傷病補助 Wedding and funeral/ maternity allowance/ Injury allowance ◆旅遊、聚餐補助 Travel 、dinetogether Allowance ◆午餐、晚餐補助 Lunch、Dinner Allowance ◆特約餐廳及商店折扣 Appointed store Discount ◆子女獎助學金/在職進修 Scholarship / OJT

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

Quality Engineer (CQE & SQE) 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.Maintain Quality Management System, including Document control. 2.Organize and conduct internal audits. Ensure readiness of all sections for both 3rd party certification body and customer audits. 3.Handle customers and suppliers quality issue. Follow up closely with customers and suppliers and the relevant department on all local and overseas non-conformances & 8D reports. 4.Provide timely response to customer on quality matters including product quality complaint. 5. Generate monthly report/summary of OQA rejects, customer returns, external and internal 8d and revised specs and procedures. 6.Perform other duties that maybe assigned from time to time.
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Tiếng Trung Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
薪酬考勤專員(樹林總部) 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
工作內容 1.每月假勤結算作業與管理。 2.年度薪酬預算編列與管理作業。 3.製作各項人資相關報表、彙整分析。 4.勞資委員會議事務。 5.差旅保險管理及維護。 6.HR相關SOP與管理規章之建立。 7.協助外辦、廠區文件審查及送件。 Job Description 1.Monthly leave attendance settlement operations and management. 2.Annual compensation budgeting and operations. 3.Preparation of various HR-related reports and analysis. 4.Labor and Management Committee Affairs. 5.Business Travel Insurance Administration and Maintenance. 6.Establishment of HR-related Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and management regulations. 7.Assisting in reviewing and delivering Documents for External Offices and Factory Sites.
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Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
半導體前瞻市場技術專員 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.開發具潛力客戶,拓展台灣功率元件市場,達成業績目標。 2.積極穩定客情關係,察覺客戶交易之異常狀況,並負責客戶服務之處理。 3.負責進行技術應用與產品特色分析介紹,並提供產品應用建議。 4.理解客戶產品需求與回覆客戶的技術問答。 5.定期蒐集大數據資料分析市場策略與銷售行為並找出異常。 Job Description 1.Develop potential customers and expand the power component market in Taiwan to achieve performance goals. 2.Actively maintain customer relationships, detect abnormal transaction conditions, and handle customer service. 3.Responsible for technical application and product feature analysis, and provide product application recommendations. 4.Understand customer product needs and respond to technical inquiries. 5.Regularly collect big data, analyze market strategies and sales behavior, and identify anomalies.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
半導體業務專員 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. 拓展台灣半導體市場,短期以功率半導體為主。 2. 負責國內業務推廣、銷售及訂單處理。 3. 負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 4. 提供售後服務,處理客戶端之問題,給予完善的處理。 Job Description 1.Expand the semiconductor market in Taiwan, with a short-term focus on power semiconductors. 2.Responsible for domestic business promotion, sales, and order processing. 3.Handle product pricing and demonstrations, as well as manage accounts receivable matters. 4.Provide after-sales service, address customer inquiries, and ensure satisfactory resolutions.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
研發工程師(背光,消費性,閃光燈,車用) 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.產品專案規劃與執行。 2.研發專案進度掌控與試產線經驗。 3.協助業務PM解決客戶應用端問題。 4.開發進度時程掌握/開發問題追蹤與解決。 5.競爭產品技術分析。 6.跨部門、工廠及客戶溝通協調。 Job Description 1.Product project planning and execution. 2.R&D project progress monitoring and experience with pilot production lines. 3.Assisting business PM in resolving customer application issues. 4.Development progress schedule management and tracking and resolution of development issues. 5.Competitive product technology analysis. 6.Cross-departmental, factory, and customer communication and coordination.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
國內業務人員 Sales representative 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. 開發潛在客戶,拓展台灣LED市場,以達成業績目標。 2. 定期拜訪客戶,維繫穩定客戶關係。 3. 負責國內業務接洽及訂單處理。 4. 負責產品報價及產品展示,並處理帳款回收相關事宜。 5. 負責業務推展,傳達及說明公司各項業務重大訊息、活動及產品。 6. 進行商品行銷,產品特色分析介紹,並提供產品購買的建議。 7. 提供售後服務,處理客戶端之問題,給予完善的處理。 8. 察覺客戶交易之異常狀況,並負責客訴問題之處理。 Job Description 1. Maintain the original customer and develop new market territories (Local). 2. Establish, develop and maintain positive business and customer relationships. 3. Realize the inquiry of customer and provide the sample they need 4. Provide complete and appropriate solutions for every customer 5. Present, promote and sell products/services to existing and prospective customers.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
國外業務專員(巴西區) 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1. 整合巴西地區市場需求及客戶資訊。 2. 與分公司合作拓展當地商機,包含處理客戶需求產品的規格開發、樣品導入、報價、品質管理、出貨管理、稽核、專案進度追蹤等相關事宜,以滿足客戶需求。 3. 推動業務銷售計畫,須定期檢視、回報目標之達成狀況,並且提出改善對策。 4. 吸收LED市場資訊,提升專業能力並提供客戶最新動向。 5. 依照公司規定執行相關系統作業及完成相關報表填寫。 6. 協助處理客訴/逾期貨款等特殊狀況
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
10/21 Cập nhật
會計專員\助理專員 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.固定資產管理作業。 2.進項稅額資料核對。 3.廠商月結相關報表。 4.執行稅務專案追蹤。 5.投資公司帳務處理。 6.主管臨時交辦事項。 Job Description 1.Fixed asset management operations. 2.Verification of input tax data. 3.Vendor month-end related reports. 4.Execution of tax project tracking. 5.Accounting for investment company. 6.Handling tasks assigned by superiors.
Toàn thời gian
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
億光文化基金會專員 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.獨立簡報能力 2.經辦各項主管文書與媒體聯絡事宜 3.執行內部文書作業之處理 4.執行基金會相關事務 5.基金會活動規劃與籌辦 6.協助董事長之其他各項事務 Job Description 1.Independent presentation skills. 2.Handling executive correspondence and media communications. 3.Execution of internal document processing. 4.Implementation of foundation-related matters. 5.Planning and organizing foundation activities. 6.Assisting the chairman with various other tasks.
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Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/21 Cập nhật
市場行銷業務專員 億光電子工業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
1.定期在LED各應用產品市場上蒐集競爭者資訊,以比較公司產品之特性與單價。 2.針對公司的產品策略與發展來收集市場數據,以了解未來的市場趨勢。 3.確保重要業務在國內外市場能夠穩定地成長,並對關鍵客戶進行滲透策略與產品推廣。 4.定期向主管回報業務發展活動、市場趨勢及新市場等資訊,並且定期向各區業務提供產品教育訓練。 Job Description 1.Regularly gather competitor information in various LED application product markets to compare the characteristics and unit prices of the company's products. 2.Collect market data for the company's product strategy and development to understand future market trends. 3.Ensure stable growth of key businesses in domestic and international markets, and implement penetration strategies and product promotions for key clients. 4.Provide regular reports to supervisors on business development activities, market trends, and new markets, and conduct regular product education and training for regional teams.
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Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
10/21 Cập nhật