
Company Introduction

700 Employees
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伊頓(https://www.eaton.com)作為一家智慧動力管理公司,致力於改善人類生活品質並提升環境品質。無論是現在還是未來,我們承諾誠信經營、永續發展和幫助客戶更好地管理動力。在電氣化和數位化發展趨勢的助力下,我們正在加速推動全球向再生能源轉型,幫助解決最迫切的動力管理挑戰,為我們的利害關係人及社會創造更多價值。 伊頓成立自 1911 年,於 1923 年在紐約證券交易所上市。 2022 年,伊頓公司銷售額達 208 億美元,業務遍及 170 多個國家。 在台灣,伊頓是少數在台灣設有製造基地和研發團隊的外商公司,我們致力於MIT台灣製造,客戶遍及高科技廠房、半導體、金融、教育、電信、石化等行業,我們高效節能的產品和解決方案為客戶實現了更安全、更有效、更永續的營運。台灣主要業務,  電氣集團(飛瑞)-作為伊頓公司的第一大業務部門,電氣集團在電氣控制、配電工業控制和電能品質的製造和服務領域位於全球領先地位;在設計、研發、製造、應用和服務上為用戶提供最優質的服務以及最先進的產品。 公司地址:汐萬路2段114號  高爾夫握把業務(慕品)-現為美國伊頓公司旗下高爾夫部門的台灣生產工廠,主要從事高爾夫握把之生產製造,主要品牌為GOLF PRIDE (https://www.golfpride.com/)。產品主要提供歐美市場,另外亦銷售日本市場。目前GOLF PRIDE的握把佔全球高球握把市場的60~70%,居全球之冠。公司通過標準檢驗局ISO9001和ISO14001認證。 工廠地址:(841)台南市關廟區埤頭里保東路269-1號

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Main Products

電氣主要產品: 不斷電系統(UPS) ,配電系統,電子等產品的研發、製造、銷售。 慕品主要產品: 高爾夫握把。


◆ 獎金類 績效獎金(視公司營運情況、個人績效而定)、中秋/端午/年終節金 ◆ 禮券(品)類 年節/生日禮券或禮品(視當年度福委會決議而定) ◆交通車(停靠南港、南港展覽館以及汐科火車站、公司) ◆ 保險津貼類 員工團保、婚喪津貼、生育津貼 ◆ 制度類 教育訓練、升遷管道、健康檢查&諮詢 ◆ 設備類 停車場、員工餐廳、休閒設備 ◆ 其他 膳食補助、年終尾牙活動、社團活動、國內旅遊、有薪休假天數優於法令

Company & Workplace


【電氣集團】EHS工程師 EHS Analyst 伊頓飛瑞慕品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
加入美商趁現在! 1) 規劃與實施職業安全衛生管理相關業務 2) 規劃、督導與實施職業安全衛生設施自動檢查計畫 3) 依據集團職業安全衛生與環境管理系統標準進行規劃、推展及實施 4) 職業安全衛生風險識別、工作安全分析、危害預防與事故調查及分析 5) 暴露評估、化學品管理、作業環境監測與環境檢測 6) 實施緊急應變計畫及教育訓練 7) 承攬商管理及教育訓練 8) 其他主管交辦事務 9) 其他要求 a) 具備安全衛生管理員乙級技術士或以上證書,職業衛生專業者佳 b) 具英文聽說讀寫能力 c) 大學以上學歷
Senior Level
English Required
8/30 Updated
【電氣集團】客服人員 Customer Service Representative 伊頓飛瑞慕品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
•Contact window between plant and customers. • Handel order entrance, backlog order and monthly report management. • External & internal communication. • Answer customer inquiries via phone, email, or chat. They provide information about products, services, policies, and procedures. • Assist customers in resolving issues, such as billing discrepancies, product defects, or service disruptions. They troubleshoot problems and find solutions. • Process orders, returns, payments, and refunds. They may also update customer account information. • Document interactions with customers, including details of inquiries, complaints, and resolutions. • Offer technical support, troubleshoot technical issues, and guide customers through using products or services. • Aim to create positive experiences for customers by being patient, empathetic, and professional. Requirements • Bachelor's Degree required, majoring in business management and international trade preferred. • 2-3 years of relevant experience in Customer service representative management • Software and Systems: Familiarity with SAP systems and Excel. • Product Knowledge: CSRs should understand the company’s products or services thoroughly. • Troubleshooting: CSRs often need basic troubleshooting skills to assist customers with technical issues • Communication Channels: Understanding how to communicate effectively via phone, email, chat, or social media is crucial. • Data Security and Privacy: CSRs must handle customer data securely and follow privacy regulations. • Basic IT Skills: Proficiency in using computers, web browsers, and common office software (like Microsoft Office) is beneficial. • Toeic score> 650.
8/26 Updated
【電氣集團】供應鏈運營經理 Supply Chain Operation Manager 伊頓飛瑞慕品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
供應鏈運營經理將領導和發展供應鏈管理和客戶服務團隊,在臺灣銷售預測和滿足客戶滿意度方面具有強大的能力。 •領導一個負責各級供應鏈管理和客戶支持的團隊,及時響應客戶請求,審查並確保客戶訂單得到快速處理,並符合內部和外部政策等。 •直接監督客戶服務團隊,包括培訓、計劃、輔導、分配、指導工作和評估績效。 •監控和協調所有客戶服務活動,包括跟蹤所有訂單狀態、積壓清算、交付和客戶賬單。 •跨多個職能部門協同工作,確定如何以及在哪裏進行改進,以提高團隊績效和客戶滿意度。 •強大的管理技能,能夠優先考慮時間承諾、長期流程改進和短期交付收益 持續尋求消除浪費、過程自動化的機會,以快速準確地實現過程標準化。 •製定和實施客戶服務政策和程序,以支持新的業務舉措。 •與國家領導人合作,預測或實現月度銷售目標。 •定義和實施支持內部和外部客戶需求的流程。 •戰略性思考和行動:建立牢固的客戶關系,預測/交付以客戶為中心的解決方案;業務增長,表現優於我們的市場。 •即使在不利的情況下,也能始終如一地取得成果;不斷提高客戶滿意度。 •建立高績效、多樣化的團隊管道,優化客戶服務流程。 •對客戶服務活動充滿熱情,傳達對未來及其可能性的樂觀態度。 •設定高期望並激勵團隊實現這些期望;有效地進行優先級排序,並迅速采取行動。 促進積極和信任的工作環境,促進和鼓勵團隊合作和績效。 •面對新情況時快速學習。 •遵守規則,正直行事;營造一種鼓勵員工暢所欲言的氛圍。 •承諾並負責質量管理體系。 •實施過程方法和基於風險的思維。 •提供必要的支持,以全面實施和維持質量管理體系。 •向組織傳達遵守質量管理體系要求的重要性。 •確保質量管理體系達到其目標。 •參與、指導和支持為質量管理體系做出貢獻的個人。 •營造持續改進的文化。 Requirement •商業、市場營銷、電氣或相關領域的學士學位優先 •5年以上監督經驗,在管理客戶服務團隊方面有著良好的記錄 •客戶服務、訂單處理、供應鏈管理、銷售或其他相關職能背景方面的成熟能力 •了解客戶合同和條款 •熟悉SAP系統,最好是SD模塊 •具備2020年國際貿易術語解釋通則和信用證處理知識 •致力於客戶滿意度 •同情客戶的需求 •出色的聽力技巧 •清晰有效的溝通者 •輕松地向同行展示 •靈活且適應性強 •建立和維護牢固關系的能力 •出色的客戶服務技能 •展示監督技能 •學習復雜材料和培訓他人的能力 •優秀的問題解決、決策、計劃、組織和時間管理技能
English Required
8/25 Updated
【電氣集團】技術投標經理 Technical Bid Manager 伊頓飛瑞慕品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
This exciting role offers opportunity to: • Study and develop the new solution offer in assigned market. • Join customer's visit with Sales to well understand customer technical requirements and needs • Support technical discussions and presentations to influence customer's specification and technical decision • Prepare and present professional technical proposal to meet the customer's need. • Manage Eaton inside-group (IG) product or solution offer including technical document and quotation from factories. • Manage Eaton outside-group (OG) product or engineering offer including technical document and quotation from subcontractors. • Manage project cost structure and estimatiion. • Evaluate the project risk with provision. • Work with Sales to study the winning strategies and alternative solution offer. • Optimize the project cost to support winning strategies. • Handover the winning project with Sales to project manager for execution. • 在指定市場研究和開發新的解決方案。 • 與銷售人員一起參觀客戶,以充分了解客戶的技術要求和需求。 • 支持技術討論和演示,以影響客戶的規格和技術決策。 • 準備並提交專業的技術方案,以滿足客戶的需求。 • 管理伊頓集團內部(IG)的產品或解決方案報價,包括技術文件和工廠報價。 • 管理伊頓外部集團(OG)的產品或工程報價,包括技術文件和分包商的報價。 • 管理項目成本結構和估算。 • 評估項目風險和準備金。 • 與銷售人員合作,研究獲勝策略和替代解決方案。 • 優化項目成本以支持獲勝策略。 • 與銷售部門一起將中標項目移交給項目經理執行。 Requirement • Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering preferred or related • Minimum of 8 years' experience in Tendering, Project manager, FAE or Sales Technical Engineer • Working knowledge of international codes/standards • Solution packages offer coordination • (8+) years experiences in related role within the industry (electrical equipments) • Knowledge of Power distribution • Fluent in written and oral English • Knowledge of Code of Ethics/Standard • Initiative and positive • Work under pressure • 電氣工程學士學位或相關專業優先 • 至少8年招標、項目經理、FAE或銷售技術工程師經驗 • 國際規範/標準的工作知識 • 解決方案包提供協調 • (8+)年相關行業工作經驗(電氣設備) • 配電知識 • 英語聽說讀寫流利 • 道德規範/標準知識 • 積極主動 • 在壓力下工作
8/19 Updated
Customer Quality Engineer 客戶品質工程師 伊頓飛瑞慕品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Job Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for product quality control of the entire production process from samples to mass production, seeking to improve product quality through engineering control, testing and processes improvement (PFMEA/CP) 2. Responsible for solving quality issues occurred during production, handling quality abnormalities and quality improvement 3. Follow up on product quality status, handle customer complaints and provide solutions 4. Develop various quality-related inspection standards and documents 5. Responsible for EA 1phase/3phase RMA analysis and improvement. 6. Responsible for handling customer issues, leading quality meeting reviews, and responding to customers with 8D reports Qualifications: 1. Bachelor’s Degree in engineering from an accredited institution 2. 1 to 2 years of related experience 3. Previous UPS Experience is preferred. 4. Good English skill 5. Engineering Internship experience 6. Working knowledge of drawings and specifications interpretation 7. Working knowledge in functional measuring equipment usage. 8. Good Computer Skills & Good communication skills
7/15 Updated
MFG Engineering Supervisor 製造工程課長 伊頓飛瑞慕品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for organizing the overall planning of the product production line, including production line layout, equipment planning, production capacity planning, standard working hours formulation, and production efficiency optimization 2. Coordinate the planning of production operations and propose process and quality improvement strategies to increase production capacity. 3. Lead the engineering team to manage lean production and supervise the implementation of continuous improvement projects to save costs for production operations. 4. Cross-department communication and coordination among various production departments in the factory enable the smooth operation of the work processes of each department 5. Responsible for supervising and guiding the team, improving personnel capabilities, cultivating and developing subordinates, motivating team morale, enhancing department cohesion, and promoting team building Qualifications: 1. Bachelor's degree or above More than 5 years of experience in electronics factory engineering management 2. Production line layout, equipment planning, production capacity planning, standard working hours formulation, production efficiency optimization 3. Have cost concept and cost control ability. 4. Considerable ability to develop subordinates. 5. Proactive, detail-oriented & organized. 6. Good communication skills and team player. 7. Willing to work under pressure and proactive in learning. 8. Excellent initiative, ability to work independently and within a short timeline, and flexibility to adapt quickly in a matrix organization.
7/15 Updated
【電氣集團】Senior Product Marketing Manager 高級產品市場經理 伊頓飛瑞慕品股份有限公司
Salary negotiable
加入美商,趁現在! 1.領導並提出國家級業務發展計劃和增長戰略。 2.產品管理,包括產品線組合、生命周期和認證管理,以滿足市場需求並實現組織目標。 3.代表臺灣伊頓爭取產品資源,如參與區域NPI規劃、要求產品製造本地化等。 4.提出/支持定價策略,並成為優惠價格/指導方針的擁護者,支持促銷項目中的銷售業務。定期審查並與銷售人員接洽,以優化定價策略。 5.設計並實施GTM戰略。 6.製定並執行營銷和推廣計劃;包括營銷活動、參加研討會、展覽、培訓研討會等。 7.為內部/外部合作夥伴提供培訓和介紹,以實現銷售目標並應對市場挑戰。 8.準備、執行和審查銷售和生產預測,以確保產品上市時間。 1. Lead and propose country level business development plan and growth strategy. 2. Product management including product lines portfolio, lifecycle and certification management to answer market demand and achieve org. goals. 3. Represent Eaton Taiwan to strive for product resources, e.g. participate regional NPI planning, request product manufacturing localization etc. 4. Propose / Endorse pricing strategy and be as champion for a favorable price / guidelines support sales business in promotion projects. Regular review and engage sales to optimize pricing strategy. 5. Design and implement GTM strategy. 6. Develop and execute marketing and promotion plan; include marketing campaign, join seminar, exhibition, training workshop etc. 7. Provide training and introduction to internal/external partners to achieve sales goal and meet market challenge. 8. Prepare, implement and review sales and production forecast to ensure product time to market.
7/15 Updated