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科定企業股份有限公司(TW-6655)自2002年成立以來,一直專注於環保健康建材的生產與應用,並擁有業界唯一從原木採購到自建營銷通路的完整一條龍生產線。二十餘年來,我們堅持不懈地持續研發、創新,以最嚴謹細心的態度,創造出讓消費者使用起來更安心的優質產品。我們的努力獲得了MIT台灣製微笑標章、健康綠建材標章、台灣精品獎等多項殊榮的肯定,其中環保木地板更是取得發明專利認證。 科定不僅深耕台灣市場,更拓點至全球各地,客戶遍布大陸、美國、日本、韓國、香港、新加坡、馬來西亞、菲律賓、泰國等地區。我們的環保無毒綠建材被廣泛應用於國際知名連鎖飯店、公設建案等各式裝潢市場,成為國際級業界領導品牌。科定重視每位科定人的職涯發展,加入科定,有機會參與到引領行業發展的挑戰中,實現個人價值的提升和事業的長遠發展。 【企業文化】  學習成長:提供完整培訓課程,幫助同仁不斷提升自身能力和專業水平。  鼓勵創新:鼓勵同仁提出新想法和解決方案,並提供相應的支持和資源。  開放溝通:提倡開放、透明的溝通文化,以利促進團隊合作和共同成長。  尊重包容:打造深具包容力的工作環境,尊重每位同仁的價值觀和背景。  表現認可:重視每位同仁的職涯發展,提供優厚的獎勵制度和晉升機會。  社會責任:每年認養綠地並攜手同仁植樹及淨灘,重視環保與生態永續。 【董事長的承諾】 我將竭盡心力,帶領科定企業團隊,上下同心,矢志達成: 「公司賺錢」、「與同仁分享」、「行善天下」三者能夠永續地同時並行。 -加入科定企業,成就環保健康新未來-

Sản phẩm chính

KD塗裝木皮板 (KD Panels) 取代傳統噴漆工法,並通過防焰一級、驗證;全品項榮獲健康綠建材認證,無甲醛及漆料異味,為您守護居家健康。 KD環保批批板 (KD ECO+ Panels) 健康、美感兼具的優質板材,環保無毒食品級PP原料搭載防刮耐磨塗層,提升面板防護力,超擬真木紋印刷技術,質感再升級。 KD環保美耐板 (KD ECO+ Laminates) 延續環保批批板精粹,選用無毒食品級PP原料,保有防刮耐磨、易彎曲且不破裂特性,專利透心夾層完美呈現無縫接合質感,滿足全方位設計需求。 KD木地板 (KD Flooring) 以原木細膩紋理鋪敘,回歸木質的自然之美;獨家表面處理技術,將剎那之美永恆刻劃,讓藝術融入生活之中。 KD系統櫃 (KD Cabinets) 木作裝潢專用底材打造,結構穩固、承載耐重,木紋、純色、異材質百款面板任選,裝潢材料一應俱全,讓主色調延伸全室,標準化作業精準、快速,是您室內裝潢的最佳選擇。 KD環保塑合板 (KD ECO+ Chipboard) 面材選擇多達400款以上,包含塗裝木皮與食品級環保批批,從實木紋理到各式異材質的多樣風格,讓系統櫃也能有木作質感!

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
1.獎金類:公司每年度由盈餘提撥16%作為員工紅利、9%作為春節禮金,4%作為員工酬勞。 2.補助類:教育訓練、私車公用、員工旅遊(北海道、關西、帛琉、澳洲等地)等。 3.禮金禮品:三節、勞動節、生日、婚喪、入厝、生育、傷病慰問等。 4.健康保險:勞保、健保免費員工健檢等。 5.聚餐活動:部門聚餐、節慶活動、年终尾牙、公益活動等。 6.各項福利:年度特休、接駁車、視障按摩、員工制服、公司產品優惠、特約廠商、薪轉戶優惠、舉薦獎金、加班晚餐供應(嘉義生產總部另有員工餐廳)等。

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

【KD科定】業務助理-新加坡市場《平均月薪5萬5!!享年終績效與季度分紅獎金》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 42,000~48,000
1.每日銷售接單,製作報價單、銷售訂單並處理訂單的任何變更 2.客戶產品基本諮詢 3.應收帳款相關事宜 ★具行政經驗者尤佳
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/21 Cập nhật
【KD科定】創意文案企劃/口碑行銷/社群行銷 《享年終績效與季度分紅獎金唷》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 45,000~60,000
【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢!森林友善政策是科定企業的品牌承諾,善用地球資源之餘,我們希望能減緩對地球暖化的傷害,也協助整合人類的經濟、資產、價值和自然世界的生態系統,使其達到平衡之狀態。 1. 協助社群媒體經營、內容企劃及執行(Instagram/ Facebook/ Line) 2. 口碑文案、網站文章、行銷企劃書撰寫 3. 活動推播與簡訊文案等廣告創意文案 4. 貼文、文章數據追蹤與成效分析,並制定優化策略與執行 5. 協同品牌發展相關工作 6. 其他主管交辦事項 ★此職務以文案/企劃/小編為主,歡迎對文字創作有熱情者。
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
10/18 Cập nhật
【KD科定】國貿人員 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 43,000~58,000
1.負責海外分公司電話連絡及書信往來。 2.協助分公司海貿往來。 3.船期協調與追蹤管理。 4.定期提供銷售狀況報表,以供主管參考。 ★多益需700分以上,具文書能力
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/18 Cập nhật
【KD科定】儲備幹部-菲律賓市場《百萬年薪就等你!》 Management Trainee - The Philippines KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng năm NT$ 1,000,000+
✔No Field work ✔High base salary + Quarterly bonus structure ✔Visa Application Sponsorship ✔Career Transparency Hop on the trend of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy building materials to protect the health of family members, and go green with Keding Enterprises! 1. Conduct outbound calls to interact with potential clients, verify information of the key contact person, invite potential clients to online product presentations, and host virtual product presentations. 2. Responsible for business development in the assigned region, maintaining relationships with potential and existing clients. 3. Set targets for the assigned sales region, formulate a marketing strategy, and manage the team to achieve sales goals. 4. Monitor sales metrics; manage sales targets. 5. Assist the company as necessary. - Business Development/Customer Service/Telemarketing/ - Good verbal and written communication skills in Philipino (or Tagalog)
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Philippines Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】香港電訪員/電銷高手《底薪5萬↑達成指標享獎金》Telemarketing/Telesales 50K Base Salary/Month + Attractive Bonus structure with no Cap!) KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 66,000+
(1) 公司提供客戶名單,邀約線上產品說明會。 (2) 彙整與維護客戶資料的正確性。 √ 週一至週五,0830-1730(中午休息1小時) √ 獎金$16,000/份為基底,按KPI達成率計算獎金 √ 具流利英文+粵語,歡迎當地的在台人才 (1) Conduct outbound calls to interact with potential clients, understand client needs, and invite clients to attend online product presentations. (2) Responsible for verifying client information, maintaining customer data, and scheduling client attendance. √ Working Hour: 08:30 - 17:30 (Monday - Friday) √ A base bonus of NTD 16,000 per month; Additional Sales Bonus with no cap for overachievers! √ Good Verbal and written communication skill in English and Cantonese is a MUST!
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】新加坡電訪員/電銷高手《底薪5萬↑達成指標享獎金》Telemarketing/Telesales (50K Base Salary/Month + Attractive Bonus structure with no Cap!) KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 66,000+
(1) 公司提供客戶名單,邀約線上產品說明會。 (2) 彙整與維護客戶資料的正確性。 √ 週一至週五,0830-1730(中午休息1小時) √ 獎金$16,000/份為基底,按KPI達成率計算獎金 √ 需精通英文,歡迎當地的在台人才 ★ 歡迎學生兼職 (一周至少3天↑按時薪300/H計算) ★ 歡迎具電銷/客服/業務經驗夥伴加入 (1)Conduct outbound calls to interact with potential clients, understand client needs, and invite clients to attend online product presentations. (2)Responsible for verifying client information, maintaining customer data, and scheduling client attendance. √ Working Hour: 08:30 - 17:30 (Monday - Friday) √ A base bonus of NTD 16,000 per month; Additional Sales Bonus with no cap for overachievers! √ Good Verbal and written communication skill in English is a MUST! ★ Open to part-time candidates (At least three days per week, hourly rate: NTD 300) ★ Require telesales/telemarketing/call center/customer service experience.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】義大利市場開發業務Business Development 《享優於市場獎金!百萬年薪就等你!》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+高額獎金 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.負責義大利語系加盟商、經銷商開發及維繫。 2..加盟說明會籌備及相關流程的制定。 3.定期提供銷售狀況報表,以供主管參考。 4.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務/開發與維護 ★視海外布局狀況,可進行短期派駐及出差 ✔No need for field visits ✔Guaranteed base salary + high bonuses 1.Responsible for the development and maintenance of Italian-speaking franchisees and distributors. 2.Preparation of franchise presentations and establishment of related processes. 3.Regularly provide sales status reports for supervisor reference. 4.Other tasks assigned by the supervisor. ★Sales promotion and customer consultation/service/development and maintenance ★Depending on the overseas expansion situation, short-term assignments and business trips may be required.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Ý Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】法國市場開發業務Business Development 《享優於市場獎金!百萬年薪就等你!》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+高額獎金 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.負責法國加盟商、經銷商開發及維繫。 2..加盟說明會籌備及相關流程的制定。 3.定期提供銷售狀況報表,以供主管參考。 4.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務/開發與維護 ★視海外布局狀況,可進行短期派駐及出差 ✔No need for field visits ✔Guaranteed base salary + high bonuses 1.Responsible for the development and maintenance of French franchisees and distributors. 2.Preparation of franchise presentations and establishment of related processes. 3.Regularly provide sales status reports for supervisor reference. 4.Other tasks assigned by the supervisor. ★Sales promotion and customer consultation/service/development and maintenance ★Depending on the overseas expansion situation, short-term assignments and business trips may be required.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Pháp Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】泰國市場開發業務Thailand Business Development 《享優於市場獎金!百萬年薪就等你!》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+高額獎金 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.負責泰國加盟商、經銷商開發及維繫。 2.加盟說明會籌備及相關流程的制定。 3.定期提供銷售狀況報表,以供主管參考。 4.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務/開發與維護 ★視海外布局狀況,可進行短期派駐及出差 ✔No need for field visits ✔Guaranteed base salary + high bonuses 1.Responsible for the development and maintenance of Thailand franchisees and distributors. 2.Preparation of franchise presentations and establishment of related processes. 3.Regularly provide sales status reports for supervisor reference. 4.Other tasks assigned by the supervisor. ★Sales promotion and customer consultation/service/development and maintenance ★Depending on the overseas expansion situation, short-term assignments and business trips may be required.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Thái Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】香港電訪員、電銷高手 《無需銷售,純電訪,可自由排班!時薪300元》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 300~300
√工作內容: (1)公司提供客戶名單,邀約線上產品說明會。 (2)彙整與維護客戶資料的正確性。 ★純內勤無需外出 ★無需推銷,純電訪 ★自由排班 √工作時間:週一至週五,08:30-17:30 (中午休息1小時) √一周至少3天以上,一天至少4小時,每周至少24小時,時薪$300元 √ 具流利粵語,歡迎當地的在台人才 √長期工讀、短期工讀、暑假工讀不拘
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】廠務助理(嘉義)《底薪3萬7↑,另享年終績效與季度分紅獎金唷》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 37,000~40,000
✔熟office文書處理軟體✔跨部門溝通能力✔細心積極、有責任感 1.人員差勤管理,處理員工差勤相關及其他異動資料。 2. 資產管理、維護等相關專案及行政作業。 3.協助處理庶務性工作,如辦公用文具採買、產線耗材採買。 4.協助委外派車調度安排。 5.記錄、統計與分析廠務系統運作資料,且協調產品後端出貨排程。 6.其他主管交辦事項。
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】海外影音行銷企劃《底薪4萬5↑,另享年終績效與季度分紅獎金唷》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 45,000~70,000
如果你是社群的重度使用者(Facebook、Instagram、Youtube、TikTok等),沉迷於時下流行趨勢、熱愛話題迷因,富有創造力常常有天馬行空的想法,而且你曾經在歐美地區(美國、澳洲、英國等)有超過2年以上的生活經驗,了解海外市場,那請你馬上來應徵! 【主要工作內容】:影片題材發想,打造具亮點吸睛且生動有趣的影片 你可以沒有影片腳本經驗,不需要會剪輯也不懂拍攝,這些都不會真的沒關係! 但你必須要具備: 1.『非常有創意』對社群媒體有其大興趣及熱情 2.『非常會溝通』能將腦袋中的想法完整且清楚表達 3.『非常會執行』可以將創意想法變成影片畫面呈現 4.『英文非常溜』過去曾有海外生活經驗,了解當地市場 5.『非常懂行銷』擁有敏銳洞察力,創造有價值的內容 ★【本職務具備外語能力】多益700分↑或具有同等能力之檢定成績,可獨立撰寫英文文案者 Love staying updated on social media all day (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.), keeping up with the hottest trends and funniest memes? Got a mind full of wild, creative ideas? If you've spent 2+ years in western countries like the US, Australia, or the UK and understand overseas markets, we want you on our team! Main Responsibilities: Brainstorming video concepts and creating eye-catching, interesting videos. Even if you don’t have experience in script writing, editing, or filming, what matters most is that you must have: 1.Extreme Creativity: A strong passion and interest in social media. 2.Excellent Communication: The ability to clearly express your ideas. 3.Outstanding Execution: The ability to transform creative ideas into compelling video content. 4.Fluent English Skills: Previous overseas living experience and understanding of local markets. 5.Sharp Marketing Insight: The ability to create valuable content with a keen eye for trends. ★ This position requires language proficiency, with a TOEIC score of 700 or higher, or equivalent certification. The ability to independently write English copy is also required
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】儲備幹部-印尼市場《保障底薪+分紅獎金,高薪就等你!》Business Development Management Trainee -Indonesia KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng năm NT$ 840,000+
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+分紅獎金 ✔公司協助申辦工作簽證✔培訓成管理幹部對接海外分公司窗口 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.針對公司提供客戶名單做電話邀約及進行產品說明會。 2.負責該地區產品推廣、客情維繫以達成目標業績。 3.協助海外該區市場目標及策略,管理團隊並執行計劃。 4.執行與追蹤各項營運績效管理目標與掌控業務銷售狀況。 5.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務/業績目標制訂與管理 ★熟悉印尼語 ✔No Field work ✔High base salary + Quarterly bonus structure ✔Visa Application Sponsorship ✔Career Transparency Hop on the trend of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy building materials to protect the health of family members, and go green with Keding Enterprises! 1. Conduct outbound calls to interact with potential clients, verify information of the key contact person, invite potential clients to online product presentations, and host virtual product presentations. 2. Responsible for business development in the assigned region, maintaining relationships with potential and existing clients. 3. Set targets for the assigned sales region, formulate a marketing strategy, and manage the team to achieve sales goals. 4. Monitor sales metrics; manage sales targets. 5. Assist the company as necessary. - Business Development/Customer Service/Telemarketing/ - Good verbal and written communication in Hindi.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Indonesia Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】儲備幹部-印度市場《保障底薪+分紅獎金,高薪就等你!》Business Development Management Trainee -India KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng năm NT$ 840,000+
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+分紅獎金 ✔公司協助申辦工作簽證✔培訓成管理幹部對接海外分公司窗口 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.針對公司提供客戶名單做電話邀約及進行產品說明會。 2.負責該地區產品推廣、客情維繫以達成目標業績。 3.協助海外該區市場目標及策略,管理團隊並執行計劃。 4.執行與追蹤各項營運績效管理目標與掌控業務銷售狀況。 5.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務/業績目標制訂與管理 ★熟悉印度語 ✔No Field work ✔High base salary + Quarterly bonus structure ✔Visa Application Sponsorship ✔Career Transparency Hop on the trend of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy building materials to protect the health of family members, and go green with Keding Enterprises! 1. Conduct outbound calls to interact with potential clients, verify information of the key contact person, invite potential clients to online product presentations, and host virtual product presentations. 2. Responsible for business development in the assigned region, maintaining relationships with potential and existing clients. 3. Set targets for the assigned sales region, formulate a marketing strategy, and manage the team to achieve sales goals. 4. Monitor sales metrics; manage sales targets. 5. Assist the company as necessary. - Business Development/Customer Service/Telemarketing/ - Good verbal and written communication in Hindi.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】儲備幹部-泰國市場《百萬年薪就等你!》Business Development Management Trainee - Thailand KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng năm NT$ 1,000,000+
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+分紅獎金 ✔公司協助申辦工作簽證✔培訓成管理幹部對接海外分公司窗口 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.針對公司提供客戶名單做電話邀約及進行產品說明會。 2.負責該地區產品推廣、客情維繫以達成目標業績。 3.協助海外該區市場目標及策略,管理團隊並執行計劃。 4.執行與追蹤各項營運績效管理目標與掌控業務銷售狀況。 5.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務/業績目標制訂與管理 ★熟悉當地語言 ✔No Field work ✔High base salary + Quarterly bonus structure ✔Visa Application Sponsorship ✔Career Transparency Hop on the trend of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy building materials to protect the health of family members, and go green with Keding Enterprises! 1. Conduct outbound calls to interact with potential clients, verify information of the key contact person, invite potential clients to online product presentations, and host virtual product presentations. 2. Responsible for business development in the assigned region, maintaining relationships with potential and existing clients. 3. Set targets for the assigned sales region, formulate a marketing strategy, and manage the team to achieve sales goals. 4. Monitor sales metrics; manage sales targets. 5. Assist the company as necessary. - Business Development/Customer Service/Telemarketing/ - Good verbal and written communication in Thai.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Thái Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】儲備幹部-越南市場《保障底薪+分紅獎金,高薪就等你!》Business Development Management Trainee -Vietnam KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng năm NT$ 850,000+
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+分紅獎金 ✔公司協助申辦工作簽證✔培訓成管理幹部對接海外分公司窗口 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.針對公司提供客戶名單做電話邀約及進行產品說明會。 2.負責該地區產品推廣、客情維繫以達成目標業績。 3.協助海外該區市場目標及策略,管理團隊並執行計劃。 4.執行與追蹤各項營運績效管理目標與掌控業務銷售狀況。 5.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務/業績目標制訂與管理 ★熟悉當地語言 ✔No Field work ✔High base salary + Quarterly bonus structure ✔Visa Application Sponsorship ✔Career Transparency Hop on the trend of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy building materials to protect the health of family members, and go green with Keding Enterprises! 1. Conduct outbound calls to interact with potential clients, verify information of the key contact person, invite potential clients to online product presentations, and host virtual product presentations. 2. Responsible for business development in the assigned region, maintaining relationships with potential and existing clients. 3. Set targets for the assigned sales region, formulate a marketing strategy, and manage the team to achieve sales goals. 4. Monitor sales metrics; manage sales targets. 5. Assist the company as necessary. - Business Development/Customer Service/Telemarketing/ - Good verbal and written communication in Vietnamese.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Việt Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】國貿業務/內勤業務/電銷客服(香港)《底薪5萬+獎金無封頂,百萬年薪就等你!》Business Development Executive KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 68,000+
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+業績獎金 ✔擴大經營,招聘有電銷經驗的人才! 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.針對既有名單,透過電話及線上說明會開發客群,積極追蹤客戶需求達成目標業績。 2.負責該地區產品推廣、關係維護、客戶資料維護。 3.提供報價並確認訂單,並將訂單資料存檔備份。 4.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務 ★熟悉當地語言 ★獎金$18,000/份為基底,按業績達成率計算獎金。(獎金無封頂) ✔No field work required✔Guaranteed Base salary + Sales Bonus✔We welcome individuals with good communication skills, proactivity, and a positive attitude to join our team! Hop on the trend of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy building materials to protect the health of family members, and go green with Keding Enterprises! 1. Achieve Business Development through cold-calling and online product presentation sessions. 2. Responsible for Marketing, maintaining Customer relations, and building client data in the assigned sales areas. 3. Provide clients with quotations, process sales orders, and maintain sales records. 4. Assist the company as necessary. ★Business Development /Customer service and consultation ★Require strong verbal and written communication skills in the local language of the assigned sales country/territory. ★One (1) portion of the Sales Bonus: NTD 18,000; Sales bonus shall be variable pay based on performance.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】訂單帳款催收人員 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 37,000~57,000
1.即時處理顧客訂單。 2.依顧客需求至系統打單、審單、印單及結帳催收作業。 3.簡易協助回應客戶對於商品價格的查詢及報價相關的問題 。 4.訂貨專線接聽及協助客戶下單、簡易款項追蹤與倉儲對接。 5.其他主管交辦事項。 ▲視催收成果另享催收獎金!!
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】國貿業務/內勤業務/電銷客服(新加坡)《底薪5萬+獎金無封頂,百萬年薪就等你!》Business Development Executive KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 68,000+
✔不需外出拜訪✔保障底薪+業績獎金 ✔擴大經營,招聘有電銷經驗的人才! 【裝潢用KD,健康又安心】 無毒、健康的裝潢建材,是現今建材市場的趨勢! 科定企業為全家人的健康把關~讓環保從家開始~ 1.針對既有名單,透過電話及線上說明會開發客群,積極追蹤客戶需求達成目標業績。 2.負責該地區產品推廣、關係維護、客戶資料維護。 3.提供報價並確認訂單,並將訂單資料存檔備份。 4.其他主管交辦事項。 ★業務推廣銷售/客戶諮詢與服務 ★需精通英文 ★獎金$18,000/份為基底,按業績達成率計算獎金。(獎金無封頂) ✔No field work required✔Guaranteed Base salary + Sales Bonus✔We welcome individuals with good communication skills, proactivity, and a positive attitude to join our team! Hop on the trend of non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and healthy building materials to protect the health of family members, and go green with Keding Enterprises! 1. Achieve Business Development through cold-calling and online product presentation sessions. 2. Responsible for Marketing, maintaining Customer relations, and building client data in the assigned sales areas. 3. Provide clients with quotations, process sales orders, and maintain sales records. 4. Assist the company as necessary. ★Business Development /Customer service and consultation ★Good written and verbal communication skills in English ★One (1) portion of the Sales Bonus: NTD 18,000; Sales bonus shall be variable pay based on performance.
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật
【KD科定】英文短期工讀生《時薪200元,歡迎在校大學生來累積職場經驗!》 KD_科定企業股份有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 200~200
1.協助國外資料搜尋、彙整。 2.資料建檔、銷售單據整理核對等行政文書。 3.海外助理行政事務及主管交辦事項。 ★可配合至少4天以上,時薪$200。 ★多益700以上。
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
10/16 Cập nhật