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Điện thoại
益普索Ipsos成立於1975年,是一個集合眾人智慧且由一群熱衷於行銷研究及市場調查的人所組成的公司,提供全世界千萬人的聲音與想法。益普索是品牌和行銷研究領域的全球領導者。我們創新的解決方案幫助我們與客戶建立緊密及長遠的合作關係,從而為我們的客戶帶來更好的市場開拓發展。我們的行業專家從測量評估、研究模型運用到管理顧客與員工關係在內的各種研究領域,與客戶共同合作使我們成為客戶值得信賴的夥伴。 益普索台灣成立於2003年,是台灣第一也是唯一通過專業國際市場研究認證標準ISO 20252:2019的市場研究公司。我們探討、調查並挑戰傳統,我們評估市場潛力和分析市場趨勢,我們測試產品與廣告,以利於幫助我們的客戶以及他們的顧客建立良好且長遠的關係。 √ 全球前三大的市場研究公司 √ 唯一由行銷及市場調查的專業人士來管理的獨立上市公司 √ 於全球超過90個國家地區設有分公司 √ 全球擁有超過18,000名全職員工 Founded in 1975, Ipsos is a company of inquiring minds and passionate people giving a voice and shape to the thoughts of millions of individuals around the world. Ipsos is the global leader in branding and marketing research. Our creative solutions help us build strong relationships which lead to better results for our clients. This has made us the trusted advisor and with all matters lead by our industry expert from measuring, modeling to managing customer and employee relationships. √ Ranked the top three global marketing research company √ The only independent, publicly-listed company managed by research professionals √ Ipsos has 90 locations/offices across the globe √ Over 18,000 full time employees around the world

Sản phẩm chính

通過深化的研究專業,我們為客戶提供獨特深度的知識和專業服務。 我們運用各種傳統與數位、量化和質化研究方法幫助我們的客戶蒐集協助他們決策所需的資訊。我們主要的專業服務包括: 【市場策略及解析】 - 使用行為與態度 - 市場區隔 - 品牌定位 - 消費者旅程 【新產品/服務開發】 - 創意發想 - 概念測試 - 產品測試 - 包裝/命名測試 - 價格測試 - 市場模擬 - 銷售預測 【廣告/傳播評估、品牌健康追踪】 - 創意篩選 - 概念測試 - 溝通前/後測試 - 多觸點傳播評估 - 品牌資產分析與管理 【績效評估】 - 消費者/客戶/員工滿意度 - 神秘客研究 - 通路表現 Through specialisation, we offer our clients a unique depth of knowledge and expertise.   We utilize various traditional and digital, quantitative and qualitative research methods helping our clients collect information they require for decision. 【Market Strategy and Understanding】 - usage and attitude - segmentation - brand positioning - consumer journey 【New Product/ Service Development】 - idea generation - concept test - product test - packaging/ naming test - pricing test - market simulation and forecast 【Advertising/ Communication Assessment, Brand Health Tracking】 - idea screening - concept test - communication pre/ post test - multi-touchpoint evaluation, - brand equity deep dives and monitor 【Performance Evaluation】 - consumer/customer/ employee satisfaction - mystery shopper research - retail performance

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
* 每月四天WFH * 彈性上下班制度(上班時間 9:00~10:00/下班時間 18:00~19:00) * 保障年薪13個月 * 績效獎金(依職位而定)、年節獎金、生日禮金 * 第一年即享有10天年假(按比例計算) * 久任假:每滿一年隔年多一天 * 一年兩日全薪公益假 * 多元的國內外教育訓練及進修補助 * Ipsos e-Learning線上教學平台 * 開放的溝通管道與良好的團隊合作 * 開放的內部升遷、轉調及全球Ipsos分公司轉調機會 * 25樓視野極佳的辦公室環境 * 福委會活動(年度旅遊、春遊、秋遊、尾牙、運動日、電影日) * 免費咖啡 * 婚喪補助、生育補助、健康檢查、團體保險 * 健康醫療講座與諮詢 * EAP員工協助方案

Môi trường công ty

Cơ hội việc làm

研究員 Research Executive (Healthcare) 益普索市場研究股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 40,000+
• Understand business objectives and design surveys to discover prospective customers' preferences • Draft proposals, reports and presentations • Interpret group findings on basic projects, draw conclusions and write reports from charted analysis • Designing or assisting in the development of questionnaires and moderator guides to ensure the necessary data is captured • Provide clients with vital information to help them make decisions on the promotion, distribution, and design of products or services. • Maintain client relationships by liaising effectively with clients on project related information and progress updates
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9/19 Cập nhật
研究員 Research Executive 益普索市場研究股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 40,000+
Ipsos in Taiwan is looking for a candidate who is passionate about market research with strong analytical skills, attention to detail, and the ability to draw meaningful insights from data. - Understand business objectives and design surveys to discover prospective customers’ preferences - Draft proposal, designing questionnaires and moderator guides to ensure the necessary data is captured - Manage project execution to ensure timely delivery at high quality standard - Interpret research findings, draw conclusions and write reports from charted analysis - Provide clients with vital information to help them make business decisions - Maintain client relationships by liaising effectively with clients on project related information and progress updates
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9/16 Cập nhật
資深研究員 Sr. Research Executive 益普索市場研究股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
- To provide support to the team leader, in design, set up, management and analysis of research projects. - Manage more complex research projects to the required standards - Design research and draft proposals - Draft and/or produce research project outputs - Identify business opportunities and discuss with team leader - Build and maintain client relationships
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
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9/16 Cập nhật
兼職-電話訪問員(在家工作,需自備設備)_屏東 益普索市場研究股份有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 183~183
一、工作內容 透過電腦系統進行電話訪問,蒐集品牌忠誠度、客戶滿意度、民生消費意見,根據問題詢問受訪者意見並記錄於電腦上。 二、工作時間 1.排班彈性,達到最低排班標準即可 2.排班時段:【午晚班】13:30~22:00、【晚班】18:00~22:00 3.排班標準:一周至少5個班,平日至少3天 4.視專案狀況進行排班調整,可以長期配合(6個月以上) 三、薪資 時薪(183元)+績效獎金 四、面試 1.彼此進一步了解。 2.採線上團體面試,面試時間均為晚上時段 3.當天即確認是否錄取,即可排班! 五、需要自備的項目 1. Windows 10或Windows 11版本的電腦,如無此版本電腦,需要來到公司現場工作。 2. 穩定且快速的網路,請使用家用網路。(上傳速度需超過30M) 3. 耳麥 4. 不受干擾安靜可以獨立工作的環境。 ※有意願應徵者請先投遞履歷,將透過104訊息或手機聯絡,謝謝。
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9/16 Cập nhật