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TutorABC擁有新的經營者和高階管理團隊,經營理念是讓員工能夠自由蓬勃發展、享受工作樂趣、發揮創造力並成為最好的自己! 我們持續把最好的教育服務帶向全世界,透過教育科技幫助每一個華語與英語學習者,也為台灣與世界各地培養更多的全球人才。 加入 TutorABC 的 5 個關鍵點:   1. 歷久彌新的成就 ● 自 2004 年以來,TutorABC 一直是線上教育的全球領先者 ● 我們已經在100 多個國家/地區提供服務給 1 億多位學生,且在平台上擁有 35,000 名教師 ● 我們擁有 97% 的學生滿意度和 4.7 - 5.0 的google評分   2. 所有工作夥伴 ● 以一個 TutorABC為主軸,團隊合作,我們的團隊夥伴 專業、熱情、主動、積極 ● 我們熱愛我們的工作,享受工作,追求勝利   3. 全球合作夥伴 ● 我們是世界上最大的教育品牌的官方授權合作夥伴 ● 合作夥伴包含: Disney迪士尼, Oxford University牛津大學, ETS, Barron’s和 Kaplan ● 與英國、美國和加拿大70多所著名大學建立留學合作關係   4. 管理培訓計劃 ● 領導力、運營管理和專業技能培訓 ● 多面向輪調接觸所有部門單位 ● 在高階管理團隊主管指導下學習成長   5. 我們的領先關鍵 ● 先進的AI匹配系統來支持我們全面性的學習計劃 ● 線上教師100%擁有國際教學證照,平均有3年以上教學經驗 ● 著重顧客關係維護經營,與我們的學生建立終身關係,滿足他們從 5 歲到 106 歲的所有教育需求   快來加入我們的團隊,以一流的方式與一流的人一起提供一流的教育服務!

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TutorABC國際教學認證外師數量業界第一,且教師90%以上為母語人士,24HR天天開課,360度全場景教學,打造沈浸式學習母語環境,迄今全球累計超過1億名學員,服務課程包括:英語、華語和程式教育。過去10年中,語言課程獲得學員優異評價,如「英語課程」平均評分為9.8分;「華語課程」平均評分為9.9分。 我們更投資逾3億美元的經費,在線上教育核心技術平台和教材上,包含10項採用人工智慧和大數據分析的專利核心技術與牛津大學出版社、迪士尼英語等其他全球品牌的合作。

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Quy định pháp luật
我們能提供全球舞台,你準備好了嗎? 我們尊重全球員工的多元文化與差異,也樂於在工作中不斷培養員工的工作實力及自信。 我們不僅提供全方位貼心的照顧及保障,更提供全球舞台,及內部創業制度,讓員工不需轉換跑道,在企業裡就可完整歷練、規劃自己的職涯。 【成為TutorABC的正職夥伴】 1. 免費使用24小時真人外籍顧問即時互動英語課程 2.員工推薦親友享有優惠及獎金方案 3.自由暢通的升遷制度,各部門職缺優先輪調 4.生日禮金/三節禮品/績效獎金/年終獎金 5.每周提供免費按摩服務 6.每月提供豐盛下午茶 7.每月壽星慶生會 8.咖啡與零食吧供應 9.免費員工健康諮詢-醫師定期駐點

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內容行銷企劃專員 TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
【Job Responsibilities】 1. 社群內容 / campaign 發想 2. 部落格文章撰寫 3. 配合檔期活動進行內容規劃 & 執行 3. 與窗口 / 跨部門溝通 4. 內容/社群成效分析 【Soft skills】 1. 善於溝通討論 2. 喜歡創意發想 3. 執行力強、細心 4. 有SEO/社群經驗 【Plus】 1. 經營過自媒體,並對SEO有基本概念(新鮮人可)
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9/16 Cập nhật
行政專員 TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 35,000~40,000
〔工作內容〕 1.人事報到、離職作業流程辦理 2.人資相關文件管理、維護、更新(資料建檔、人員升遷轉調、考勤與績效評核紀錄) 3.公告維護(人事相關公告擬定與寄發) 4.落實勞基法相關規範並負責勞資會議舉辦 5.其他主管交辦事項
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/16 Cập nhật
Online Bilingual ESL Teacher (English-Korean) TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 483+
Responsibilities: 1. General English Courses: (1) Teach both adult and young learners English online, emphasizing spoken English with systematic work on all four skills, plus grammar and vocabulary development. (2) Use set materials based on course books created by prestigious publishing houses, like Oxford University Press. (3) Prepare lessons thoroughly, Provide student feedback after class. 2. Premium Paid Courses (for teachers who qualify): (1) Teach courses to prepare students for IELTS, TOEFL, and/or TOEIC. (2) Engage potential students through a short introductory class illustrating the value of a TutorABC program. (3) Teach Business English classes Qualifications: LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: Korean L1 with at least CEFR B2 in English Or English L1 with at least CEFR B1 Korean proficiency ESSENTIAL: 1. Minimum of a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. 2. Minimum of 1 year teaching experience in General English for adults or juniors at all levels. 3. TESOL/TEFL/TESL qualification or a bachelor’s/master’s degree in education/TESOL/ESL. 4. Familiarity with a range of relevant course materials. 5. A high level of linguistic awareness. 6. A high level of computer skills. 7. Friendly, engaging personality. DESIRABLE: 1. Native-level English proficiency. 2. Experience with online teaching. 3. DELTA or CELTA trained and certified. Teaching Hours: • Flexible scheduling 24/7 • Required to commit at least 5 hours per week within the below timeslots (GMT+8): Mon-Fri 13:30, 14:30, 18:30, 19:30, 20:30, 21:30 Sat-Sun 08:30, 09:30, 10:30, 13:30, 14:30, 18:30, 19:30, 20:30, 21:30 Apply via: Application link: English-Korean bilingual: https://join.tutorabc.com/#/?fromwhere=mgm&referralCode=EEYR For any inquiries, please contact helpme@tutorabc.com. Salary and Benefits 1. Training and all classroom materials provided. 2. For teachers that meet the above requirements and show demonstrable pedagogical knowledge in a 1-on-1 interview, our new standard rate for General English classes goes up to USD 18 per 45-minute session, including bonuses. 3. Well-performing teachers can qualify to teach on higher-paying courses on our platform, where the highest paid teachers earn up to USD 25 per session depending on the type of class. 4. Work for a company with a growing international presence and possibilities for future career development. Job Summary As the leading provider of online English classes in Taiwan, TutorABC engages English teachers across all time zones to cover our classes, which we offer 24/7 to both adults and juniors. We are seeking teachers for 2 types of English courses: (1) General English, and (2) Premium classes. Teachers may specialize in 1 type or both. We provide teachers with comprehensive training packages, and prompt feedback, fostering real-person communication to ensure teachers feel well-equipped and supported.
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Công việc hoàn toàn online
9/13 Cập nhật
Online Bilingual ESL Teacher (English-Japanese) TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
論件計酬 NT$ 483+
Online Bilingual ESL Teacher (English-Japanese) Responsibilities: 1. General English Courses: (1) Teach both adult and young learners English online, emphasizing spoken English with systematic work on all four skills, plus grammar and vocabulary development. (2) Use set materials based on course books created by prestigious publishing houses, like Oxford University Press. (3) Prepare lessons thoroughly, and in some cases correct written assignments outside scheduled class times. (4) Provide student feedback after class. 2. Premium Paid Courses: (1) Teach courses to prepare students for IELTS, TOEFL, and/or TOEIC. (2) Teach courses to prepare students for Taiwan-specific high school and/or university entrance exams. (3) Engage potential students through a short introductory class illustrating the value of a TutorABC program. Qualifications: LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: Japanese native with at least Upper Intermediate (CEFR B2) in English Or English native with at least CEFR B1 Japanese proficiency ESSENTIAL: 1. Minimum of a bachelor degree from an accredited university. 2. Minimum of 1 year teaching experience in General English for adults or juniors at all levels. 3. TESOL/TEFL/TESL qualification or a bachelor’s/master’s degree in education/TESOL/ESL. 4. Familiarity with a range of relevant course materials. 5. A high level of linguistic awareness. 6. A high level of computer skills. 7. Friendly, engaging personality. DESIRABLE: 1. Native-level English proficiency. 2. Experience with online teaching. 3. DELTA or CELTA trained and certified. Teaching Hours: • Flexible scheduling 24/7 • Required to commit at least 5 hours per week within the below timeslots (GMT+8): Mon. – Sun. 19:30 – 20:30 / 20:30 – 21:30 Wed. 13:30 – 14:30 / 14:30 – 15:30 Sat.- Sun. 08:30 – 12:30 /13:30 – 16:30 Apply via: Application link: English-Japanese bilingual: https://join.tutorabc.com/#/?fromwhere=mgm&referralCode=BKXR For any inquiry, please contact helpme@tutorabc.com. Salary and Benefits 1. Training and all classroom materials provided. 2. For teachers that meet the above requirements and show demonstrable pedagogical knowledge in a 1-on-1 interview, our new standard rate for General English classes goes up to USD 18 per 45-minute session, including bonuses. 3. Well-performing teachers can qualify to teach on higher-paying courses on our platform, where the highest paid teachers earn up to USD 25 per session depending on the type of class. 4. Work for a company with a growing international presence and possibilities for future career development. Job Summary As the leading provider of online English classes in Taiwan, TutorABC engages English teachers across all time zones to cover our classes, which we offer 24/7 to both adults and juniors. We are seeking teachers for 2 types of English courses: (1) General English, and (2) Premium classes. Teachers may specialize in 1 type or both. We provide teachers with comprehensive training packages, and prompt feedback, fostering real-person communication to ensure teachers feel well-equipped and supported.
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Công việc hoàn toàn online
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Online Bilingual ESL Teacher (English-Chinese) TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
論件計酬 NT$ 483+
Responsibilities: 1. General English Courses: (1) Teach both adult and young learners English online, emphasizing spoken English with systematic work on all four skills, plus grammar and vocabulary development. (2) Use set materials based on course books created by prestigious publishing houses, like Oxford University Press. (3) Prepare lessons thoroughly, and in some cases correct written assignments outside scheduled class times. (4) Provide student feedback after class. 2. Premium Paid Courses: (1) Teach courses to prepare students for IELTS, TOEFL, and/or TOEIC. (2) Teach courses to prepare students for Taiwan-specific high school and/or university entrance exams. (3) Engage potential students through a short introductory class illustrating the value of a TutorABC program. Qualifications: LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY: Chinese native with at least Upper Intermediate (CEFR B2) in English Or English native with at least CEFR B1 Chinese proficiency ESSENTIAL: 1. Minimum of a bachelor degree from an accredited university. 2. Minimum of 1 year teaching experience in General English for adults or juniors at all levels. 3. TESOL/TEFL/TESL qualification or a bachelor’s/master’s degree in education/TESOL/ESL. 4. Familiarity with a range of relevant course materials. 5. A high level of linguistic awareness. 6. A high level of computer skills. 7. Friendly, engaging personality. DESIRABLE: 1. Native-level English proficiency. 2. Experience with online teaching. 3. DELTA or CELTA trained and certified. Teaching Hours: • Flexible scheduling 24/7 • Required to commit at least 5 hours per week within the below timeslots (GMT+8): Mon. – Sun. 19:30 – 20:30 / 20:30 – 21:30 Wed. 13:30 – 14:30 / 14:30 – 15:30 Sat.- Sun. 08:30 – 12:30 /13:30 – 16:30 Apply via: Application link: English-Chinese bilingual: https://join.tutorabc.com/#/?fromwhere=mgm&referralCode=EJVD For any inquiry, please contact helpme@tutorabc.com. Salary and Benefits 1. Training and all classroom materials provided. 2. For teachers that meet the above requirements and show demonstrable pedagogical knowledge in a 1-on-1 interview, our new standard rate for General English classes goes up to USD 18 per 45-minute session, including bonuses. 3. Well-performing teachers can qualify to teach on higher-paying courses on our platform, where the highest paid teachers earn up to USD 25 per session depending on the type of class. 4. Work for a company with a growing international presence and possibilities for future career development. Job Summary As the leading provider of online English classes in Taiwan, TutorABC engages English teachers across all time zones to cover our classes, which we offer 24/7 to both adults and juniors. We are seeking teachers for 2 types of English courses: (1) General English, and (2) Premium classes. Teachers may specialize in 1 type or both. We provide teachers with comprehensive training packages, and prompt feedback, fostering real-person communication to ensure teachers feel well-equipped and supported.
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Công việc hoàn toàn online
9/13 Cập nhật
Chinese Teaching Material Writer (Part-time) TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 200~200
【Job Responsibilities】 Create Traditional & Simplified Chinese teaching materials based on the existing framework for adult and young learners. • Research for Chinese courses like HSK, TOCFL, AP Chinese, GCSE, IB, etc. • Create high-quality and competitive teaching materials and revise them according to feedback. • Edit, proofread, or convert created materials into different multimedia formats. 【Selection Criteria】 [Education and Experience] • A major in Chinese teaching, Chinese literature, or Foreign languages and literature • English proficiency: Minimum TOEIC 800 • Having experience in Chinese teaching or having teacher certifications is preferred. • Working experience is preferred. [Knowledge and Skills] • Familiar with PPT or Canva • Familiar with or has some knowledge of HSK and TOCFL or Chinese education in general • Able to put abstract ideas into practice [Characters] • Detail-oriented • Good at communication • Love and passion for Chinese teaching and languages
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線上華語文老師 (Chinese-Japanese) TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Recruitment Site: https://join.tutorabc.com/chinese/?fromWhere=b2y3UEuPlT&locale=zh-tw#/ Criteria: Japanese level: N3 and above [Job Responsibilities] 1. 進行線上一對一與一對多中文教學 2. 進行學生中文能力評估 3. 依據學生背景與學習動機備課 4. 提供學生課後學習進度報告 5. 提供學生中文學習進程建議 6. 提供學生中文考試相關教學與輔導 7. 提供中文教材教學建議與改善反饋 8. 依照平台提供教學培訓與教材授課 [Students] 學生群體包括兒童、青少年和成人與各行各業專業人士,從4~75+歲的中文學習者。 TutorABC Chinese會依學生程度提供內部教材作為老師上課的內容。 [Pay Structure] 1. 45分鐘課時:USD 10 / NTD 300 2. 25分鐘課時:USD 7 / NTD 210 [Benefits] 1. 彈性的工作時間:平台提供24/7課程時間供客選用 2. 居家工作:您在家裡便可以透過平台教授世界各地的薪薪學子 #華語老師 #中文老師 #漢語老師 #教中文 #線上教學 #ChineseTeacher #MandarinTeacher [Job Requirements] 1. 中文為母語 2. 擁有學士學位 3. 有國際認證的教學證照(擇一): (1). 教育部對外華語教學能力證書 (Certification for Proficiency in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language) (2). IPA國際註冊漢語教師資格證書 (Certification of Qualification: Accreditation Grade Senior Chinese Language Teacher) (3). 國際漢語教師證書 (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) (4). 國際漢語教師資格證書 (The TCSOL Certification to Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) (5). 國際少兒漢語教師資格證書 (The TCSOL Certification to Teaching Chinese to Young Learners) (6). 國際商務漢語教師資格證書 (The TCSOL Certification to Teaching Chinese for Business Purpose) (7). 国际中文教师专业能力证书 (Certificate of Accreditation in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) 4. 至少一年以上對外華語教學經驗 5. 需有基本英語溝通能力 6. 需有能進行線上教學的電腦、耳機麥克風與視訊設備及網路 [Plus] 1. 有其他教學資格認證(尤以針對兒童、青少年為主要教學對象) 2. 擁有其他外語能力(例:日語、韓語、印尼語、泰語、越南語、土耳其語、西班牙語或阿拉伯語) 3. 英語聽說讀寫程度高於CEFR B2(TOEFL iBT 95 或 IELTS 6.5以上),其他外語聽說讀寫能力CEFR B2以上優 4. 會教繁體注音ㄅㄆㄇㄈ 5. 位於海外 6. 曾輔導過以下考試學生:GCSE、IGCSE、AP、IB、A Level、TOCFL(TBCL)、HSK (2021)等
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9/13 Cập nhật
採購專員/採購資深專員 TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[Job Responsibilities] 1.採購單據整理、key單、跟單。 2.廠商資料建檔、聯繫及追單。 3.工程及採購進度協助跟催 4. 庶務性採購協助 5. 詢比議價資料整理 6.報告文書製作及簡易分析。 7.其他主管交辦事項。 [Job Requirements] 1.具溝通能力。 2.具數字觀念佳 3.有Oracle經驗佳。 4.有工程採購觀念或經驗佳
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Tiếng Trung Điều kiện
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留學顧問 / 資深留學顧問 TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
Job Description: • 協助學生選擇合適的留學學程,包括國家、選校、專業和申請過程。 • 透過電話、Email和面對面的互動,提供客戶留學專業或銜接課程規劃。 • 協助學生填寫申請平台,熟悉Common App、UC App和UCAS申請平台。 • 協助學生提升他們的履歷和課外活動清單。 • 了解並建立申請學校的備審資料以及申請門檻。 • 指導學生個人自傳以及讀書計劃等作文。 • 為學生創建標準化測驗時間表。 • 保持部門團隊和所有相關人員了解學生的進展。 • 管理並追蹤現有客戶列表和潛在客戶,與學生和家長建立良好關係。 • 挑戰團隊和自我的業績目標 • 熟悉與海外學習和旅遊相關的政策、簽證和程序,能夠提供專業的諮詢服務。 • 與海外大學和機構保持良好關係,了解最新的學習和旅遊政策和資訊。 • 擁有團隊合作精神,能在壓力下保持冷靜和積極。 • 需英文和中文流利。 • 需要在週六和/或週日工作並支持公司的行銷活動與招生活動,如學校訪問、展覽和講座。 • Assist students in selecting suitable overseas study plans, including country, school, major, and application process. • Provide clients with college application consultation or pathway program planning through phone, email, and face-to-face interactions. • Assist students in filling out application portals, being familiar with Common App, UC App, and UCAS application portals. • Assist students with enhancing their resumes and activity lists. • Create a roadmap of requirements for each university and a timeline for application. • Guide students in the essay writing process. • Create standardized testing timelines for students. • Keep department team and all relevant parties informed of student progress. • Manage and track your existing client list and potential clients, establishing good relationships with students and parents. • Take on ambitious sales targets. • Be familiar with relevant policies, visas, and procedures related to overseas study and travel, providing professional consulting services. • Maintain good relationships with overseas colleges and institutions, understanding the latest study and travel policies and information. • Possess teamwork spirit, able to remain calm and positive under pressure. • Fluent in both English and Chinese. • Required to work on Saturdays and/or Sundays and support the company's marketing events, such as school visits, exhibitions, and seminars. Job Requirement: • 大學(含)以上學位 • 良好的表達能力且樂於分享自身經驗 • 具有海外留學經驗,有相關留學申請背景 • 熟悉國內外教育體制和申請流程 • 具有良好的人際溝通技巧和協商能力 • 良好的英文聽說讀寫能力 • 具有獨立工作和抗壓能力並具危機處理能力,應變能力強 • 具有團隊合作精神和積極主動的學習態度 • 需週六日輪班,必要時須配合公司活動假日上班
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9/13 Cập nhật
線上華語文老師 / Online teacher of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign/Second Language TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[How do I apply] https://join.tutorabc.com/chinese/ [Job Responsibilities] 1. 進行線上一對一與一對多中文教學 2. 進行學生中文能力評估 3. 依據學生背景與學習動機備課 4. 提供學生課後學習進度報告 5. 提供學生中文學習進程建議 6. 提供學生中文考試相關教學與輔導 7. 提供中文教材教學建議與改善反饋 8. 依照平台提供教學培訓與教材授課 [Students] 學生群體包括兒童、青少年和成人與各行各業專業人士,從4~75+歲的中文學習者。 TutorABC Chinese會依學生程度提供內部教材作為老師上課的內容。 [Pay Structure] 1. 45分鐘課時:USD 10 / NTD 300 2. 25分鐘課時:USD 7 / NTD 210 [Benefits] 1. 彈性的工作時間:平台提供24/7課程時間供客選用 2. 居家工作:您在家裡便可以透過平台教授世界各地的薪薪學子 #華語老師 #中文老師 #漢語老師 #教中文 #線上教學 #ChineseTeacher #MandarinTeacher [Job Requirements] 1. 中文為母語 2. 擁有學士學位 3. 有國際認證的教學證照(擇一): (1). 教育部對外華語教學能力證書 (Certification for Proficiency in Teaching Chinese as a Second/Foreign Language) (2). IPA國際註冊漢語教師資格證書 (Certification of Qualification: Accreditation Grade Senior Chinese Language Teacher) (3). 國際漢語教師證書 (Certificate for Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) (4). 國際漢語教師資格證書 (The TCSOL Certification to Teachers of Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages) (5). 國際少兒漢語教師資格證書 (The TCSOL Certification to Teaching Chinese to Young Learners) (6). 國際商務漢語教師資格證書 (The TCSOL Certification to Teaching Chinese for Business Purpose) (7). 国际中文教师专业能力证书 (Certificate of Accreditation in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language) 4. 至少一年以上對外華語教學經驗 5. 需有基本英語溝通能力 6. 需有能進行線上教學的電腦、耳機麥克風與視訊設備及網路 [Plus] 1. 有其他教學資格認證(尤以針對兒童、青少年為主要教學對象) 2. 擁有其他外語能力(例:韓語、印尼語、泰語、越南語、土耳其語、西班牙語或阿拉伯語) 3. 英語聽說讀寫程度高於CEFR B2(TOEFL iBT 95 或 IELTS 6.5以上),其他外語聽說讀寫能力CEFR B2以上優 4. 會教繁體注音ㄅㄆㄇㄈ 5. 位於海外 6. 曾輔導過以下考試學生:GCSE、IGCSE、AP、IB、A Level、TOCFL(TBCL)、HSK (2021)等
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9/13 Cập nhật
程式教育講師(Part-Time) TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Lương theo giờ NT$ 300~450
我們想招募,有志成為最優秀的兒童/青少年程式教育講師的教學人才,掌握線上真人互動教學技巧,成為教過數百位學生的老師! tutorJr程式教育為全台第一家線上真人互動程式教育,透過PBL特色教學與豐富課程,讓孩子透過程式設計,實現各種創意想法,與生活應用結合,2018 年推出後深受家長與孩子喜愛,現正穩健擴展中! 只要你/妳是資訊相關科系畢業或具備基礎程式設計能力,有教學熱忱、邏輯清晰、說話有條理、個性活潑外向、喜愛與孩子互動,就是我們想要找的人! 成為tutorJr的程式老師,不需在外奔波、不需自行招生,只要有安靜且穩定的網路環境,就能開始你的教學! 在tutorJr,我們提供完整新講師培訓、每月媒合學生授課,還能透過各式研習活動與教師社群,讓老師們學習到更多領域知識與教學技巧,快來加入我們,發揮你/妳的教學熱忱! [Job Responsibilities] 1.擔任講師,利用線上教學平台教授Scratch/Python青少兒程式語言 [Job Requirements] 1.對資訊教育有熱忱、曾擔任國小學生家教經驗 2.熟悉Scratch(變數、分身、清單且能自行寫出遊戲作品) 或 具備 Python 基礎程式能力 3.(加分)修習教育學程者或有線上教學經驗 【備註】 1.可預約線上面試 2.tutorJr 自有Scratch 社群 ─ 看更多孩子的作品 https://programming.tutorjr.com/community.html?t=1565076255211 3.如有意願申請,也可附上您的作品,讓我們更加了解您喔!
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9/13 Cập nhật
【外語能力加分_月薪無上限】教育顧問(台北) TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 45,000+
【Job Responsibilities】 1.透過公司提供之客戶名單,藉由公司平台推廣及說明課程,免外出陌生開發。 2.客製化打造課程方案和產品體驗,讓不同年齡層及需求客戶依學習規劃取得進步。 3.與產品、行銷等部門溝通合作,工作技能多角化,拓展職涯關鍵能力。 4.統整與洞悉使用者需求,優化產品及市場推廣策略。 【工作地點】 ✅ 台北市中正區和平西路一段3號2樓(古亭8號出口)《古亭捷運站,出站即抵達,交通便利》 【Job Requirements】 1.一年以上相關工作或產業經驗尤佳。 2.具基本溝通英文能力,成長心態、理解學習觀念更為重要 3.善於表達、分享產品價值,並與客戶進行相應溝通。 4.喜歡挑戰,不怕挫折且能積極調整並提升自己。 5.展現高度執行力,建構問題解決方案並實踐;自主管理,達成目標。 6.擁有良好的人際關係、待人處事技巧,並能夠獨立作業。 7.熟悉基本電腦操作(中打、英打、Office)。 【成為TutorABC的正職夥伴】 ●24小時真人外籍顧問即時互動英語課程,學好英文完全免費。 ●自由暢通的升遷制度:各部門職缺優先輪調,完整職場生涯歷練規劃。 ●勞保、健保、團保、勞退基金,完全保障。 ●員工推薦親友優惠及獎金方案。 【休閒活動】 1) 下午茶日 2) 咖啡/飲料/點心吧 2) 每月壽星慶生會 3) 部門活動聚餐 4) 婚喪病生育補助 5) 三節禮品 【關心夥伴】 1) 專業按摩師定期紓壓 2) 五星級員工休息室 3) 特約醫生駐點健康諮詢 4) 溫馨舒適哺乳室
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/13 Cập nhật
【業務顧問】(台中) TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 45,000+
【工作內容】 1.透過公司提供名單,為其銷售專屬課程。 2.為客戶客製化課程方案和產品體驗,讓不同年齡層客戶達到最有效學習。 3. 統整與洞悉使用者需求,優化產品及市場推廣策略。 【工作期待】 1.一年以上業務經驗尤佳,同時歡迎有衝勁的新鮮人加入! 2.具基本溝通英文能力,,成長心態、理解學習觀念更為重要 3.善於表達、分享產品價值,並與客戶進行相應溝通。 4.喜歡挑戰,不怕挫折且能積極調整並提升自己。 5.展現高度執行力,建構問題解決方案並實踐;自主管理,達成目標。 6.擁有良好的人際關係、待人處事技巧,並能夠獨立作業。 7.熟悉基本電腦操作(中打、英打、Office)。 【成為TutorABC的正職夥伴】 ●完整教育訓練,讓你瞭解公司文化及產品 ●24小時真人外籍顧問即時互動英語課程,學好英文完全免費。 ●自由暢通的升遷制度:各部門職缺優先輪調,完整職場生涯歷練規劃。 ●勞保、健保、團保、勞退基金,完全保障。 ●員工推薦親友優惠及獎金方案。 【休閒活動】 1) 下午茶日 2) 咖啡/飲料/點心吧 2) 每月壽星慶生會 3) 部門活動聚餐 4) 婚喪病生育補助 5) 三節禮品 【關心夥伴】 1) 專業按摩師定期紓壓 2) 五星級員工休息室 3) 特約醫生駐點健康諮詢 4) 溫馨舒適哺乳室
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Mới tốt nghiệp
9/13 Cập nhật
雙語顧問 Bilingual product consultant TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Lương hàng tháng NT$ 45,000+
【工作內容】 (一) 體驗安排:透過線上系統預約,協助客戶測試語言能力,程度分析 (二) 課程規劃:運用雲端技術,引導各品牌課程需求客戶,了解公司學習理念 (三) 客戶經營:成交客戶學程關懷,協助達成學習目標 (四) 其他公司重點專案支援:企業與校園等合作案、記者會、品牌活動…等 (五) 完成主管交辦事項 【薪資/制度】 (一) 主管培訓:提供完整職前菁英培訓計劃,有機會輪調各部門,培育專業管理人才。 (二) 穩定薪資:高獎金抽成,平均抽成50000-80000 (三) 自我管理:可彈性安排上班時間、安排休假日期 【工作地點】 ✅ 台北市中正區和平西路一段3號2樓 【Job Requirements】 1.一年以上相關工作或產業經驗尤佳。 2.具良好溝通英文能力,成長心態、理解學習觀念更為重要 3.善於表達、分享產品價值,並與客戶進行相應溝通。 4.喜歡挑戰,不怕挫折且能積極調整並提升自己。 5.展現高度執行力,建構問題解決方案並實踐;自主管理,達成目標。 6.擁有良好的人際關係、待人處事技巧,並能夠獨立作業。 7.熟悉基本電腦操作(中打、英打、Office)。 【成為TutorABC的正職夥伴】 ●24小時真人外籍顧問即時互動英語課程,學好英文完全免費。 ●自由暢通的升遷制度:各部門職缺優先輪調,完整職場生涯歷練規劃。 ●勞保、健保、團保、勞退基金,完全保障。 ●員工推薦親友優惠及獎金方案。 【休閒活動】 1) 下午茶日 2) 咖啡/飲料/點心吧 2) 每月壽星慶生會 3) 部門活動聚餐 4) 婚喪病生育補助 5) 三節禮品 【關心夥伴】 1) 專業按摩師定期紓壓 2) 五星級員工休息室 3) 特約醫生駐點健康諮詢 4) 溫馨舒適哺乳室
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Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/13 Cập nhật
Accounting Specialist TutorABC_麥奇數位股份有限公司
Thỏa thuận
[Job Responsibilities] 1. Recording and maintaining a business' financial transactions, such as purchases, expenses, sales revenue, invoices, and payments 2. Maintaining records, analyzing, reviewing, and approving of costs, pricing, and inventory. 3. Handle other assigned tasks as directed. [Job Requirements] 1. Meticulous, quick to respond, and strong communication and comprehension skills. 2. Responsible and capable of working independently. 3. Graduated from an accounting or finance-related discipline with at least two years of relevant accounting experience. 4. Excellent English communication skills. 5. Experience in accounting within the garment industry is preferred.
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
9/02 Cập nhật