Giới thiệu công ty

450 Số nhân viên
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HR Dept
Điện thoại
TES was founded in the 1990s through the amalgamation of the German, French and British schools. The vision was to create One School from three schools in order to get synergy and strength from each other. It has since grown to a school of over 1700 students and provides high-quality, accredited education to the international community in Taiwan, Republic of China.

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Sản phẩm chính

TES Core Values: The school expects that we - Strive for the excellence in all that we do. - Encourage the development of the whole person. - Sustain a strong ethos that emphasizes students' welfare and their personal, social and emotional development. - Encourage students to pursue their natural curiosity thereby developing enquiring and challenging minds and enhancing their critical thinking and preparation for life-long learning. - Promote good citizenship through concern and compassion for social, global and environmental issues. - Respect and celebrate multicultural environment of our school which enriches our community and our learning. - Develop the potential of each member of our school community. - Maintain a strong partnership between our school, parents and the community.

Chế độ phúc lợi

Quy định pháp luật
★ 學習發展 依據公司政策、組織策略及個人發展計劃,安排年度教育訓練課程。 ★ 保險 根據法令規定享有完善的勞保/健保/勞退。另提供員工及眷屬(配偶及子女) 完善的醫療團體保險。 ★ 假勤 優於勞基法的特休制度 (eg: 行政職員每年特休30天)/週休二日/不扣薪病假10天/男性同仁陪產假/家庭照顧假/女性同仁生理假/育嬰假。 ★ 舒適環境 座落臨近芝山捷運站及藝文戲曲中心,交通便利。員工可使用校內圖書館借閱書籍。 ★ 休閒 本校重視員工關懷,為使員工調劑工作壓力,達到工作與生活的平衡,加強同仁情誼聯繫特組織「員工活動委員會」。每年度依規劃安排全校員工之休閒活動。

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