歐美業務代表/Relationship Manager
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0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

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Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1.Relationship Management: maintain and keep enhancing the customer relationship to reach the win- win situation. Able to provide prompt and compelling service proposals to address client’s requirements . Great handling skill on unexpected event or change management.
2.Account Management: includes presentation preparation, commercial proposal preparation, contract review, follow up, customer project status control & management, close deals and maintain an excellent and long term relationship with clients and ..etc.
3. XAC payment device and commerce platform understanding and application and able to base on such understanding to promote our product to different kinds customer globally.
4. Achieve assigned business objectives and sales target through proper pipeline management.
5. Able to work and Lead with team to solve the problem as team work sprit
6. Support for new inquiry handling
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Loại công việc
International Sales
同亨科技股份有限公司(股票代號5490) 成立於 1997 年,是一家專注於交易自動化設備的領先研發/製造公司。 憑藉30 多年的支付行業經驗,同亨科技 透過自己開發的關鍵組件模組、具有成本效益的安全支付硬體架構和靈活的商務雲端系統脫穎而出,透過自行開發的POS銷售終端機,搭配雲端相關Payment Solutions,能為客戶以及我們的合作夥伴提供完整、安全且一站式的支付解決方案。 目前支付產品與解決方案廣泛運用於歐美日的加油機,公共交通的行動票務驗證器、以及移動/桌上型刷卡機,提供商家最穩定、高品質的支付方案。 總公司座落於台灣新竹,在台灣、大陸均設置生產製造中心,此外,我們的腳步遍佈美國和歐洲,擁有專業的辦事處,以確保提供當地客戶即時高效的銷售與技術支援服務。 同亨科技有優秀的經營團隊,以專業素養、不浮誇、穩健應對的公司文化,且對品質的高堅持,持續投入產品研發,迅速掌握市場趨勢,如果您喜歡接觸最新的科技、樂愛學習與挑戰且具有好奇心,同亨會讓您樂在其中! 因為電子交易設備與系統的軟、硬體研發領域挑戰性高,又需要進行不同領域的整合,如PC、通訊甚至金融產業的知識,您永遠都在接觸最新的技術與市場,而同亨與世界一流的大廠的長期合作更是能讓你(妳)拓展國際視野的好機會! 如果您有那份自信與熱情,我們竭誠歡迎您加入同亨的團隊,共創未來、同享成就。 更詳細的公司介紹,請參考公司網站:https://www.xac.com.tw/
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển