Adam Elements International Co., Ltd._亞果元素國際股份有限公司
10/23 Updated
Mid to Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Monthly SalaryNT$ 32,000~50,000


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

1. 負責各大電子商務平台上架、產品活動策略操作。(操作過 Yahoo!購物中心、MOMO購物網、PChome購物、7Net購物...等各大電商平台者佳)
2. 具推廣品牌策略及達成業績之規劃能力,並有效掌握活動成效及數字分析。
3. 有責任感及主動學習求知精神,並有良好團隊精神、內部溝通能力。
4. 作為各大平台主要聯絡窗口,需具備溝通談判能力及耐心。
5. 積極完成主管交辦事項並協助部門目標達成。
6. 熟悉平面設計軟體者為優
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Cross-Industry Cooperation Planning and Execution
Proposal and Presentation Skills
Online Event Planning and Execution
Customer Relationship Management
Customer Information Update and Maintenance
Sales Target Allocation and Performance Achievement
Sales and Management Report Writing
異業合作規劃與執行 提案與簡報技巧 網路活動規劃與執行 顧客關係管理 客戶資料更新維護 業績目標分配與績效達成 業績與管理報表撰寫
Job Category
Website Marketing Planning
Product Marketing Planning
自台灣,在地優質品牌 ADAM elements 亞果元素 來自台灣、行銷全球,您的智慧生活解決方案專家。 用更貼近消費者的巧思, 結合時尚美學與尖端功能、融入更理想的使用體驗,創新研發的各種科技產品,都讓您的生活更加順暢、與網路世界無縫接軌,為工作、資訊、以及個 人風格找到完美連結。 以各種生活科技周邊,作為您與最 新行動裝置之間的溝通橋樑,除了滿足您生活與工作上的各種需要,也讓筆電、手機、平板等隨身助理發揮潛能、切合您獨一無二 的個人需求。 產品範疇 亞果元素產品涵蓋 iOS 隨身碟、集線器、線材、充電器、行動電源等周邊設備,隨時隨地滿足您數位生活的需求。除了實用、耐用、好用之外,亞果元素產品的造型更是精巧出眾,多次獲得德國紅點設計獎等國際設計競賽肯定! 接軌國際 當您的行動裝置需要連線、儲存、充電、轉接的時候,總有一款亞果元素產品適合您;而在全球超過 50 個國家的 Apple 專賣店、精品百 貨、以及各大機場商店,您也都可以和我們驚喜邂逅。 About ADAM elements -Your Smart Mobile Solution Expert The solutions from ADAM elements make the most out of your laptops, smart phones and tablets-They are elegantly interconnected with other devices and networks seamlessly as their pleasant user experience and advanced features get your jobs done. The world’s expert of professional Apple peripherals-ADAM elements bridges you and the latest mobile wonders with meticulously designed technology products to meet your unique everyday needs. Products Ranging from flash drives for iOS, hubs, cables, chargers to external battery packs and more, the ADAM elements products empower your digital life to the fullest. In addition to their highly acclaimed functionality, durability and usability, the products are also recognized by international design awards such as Germany’s Red Dot Award. All Over the World When you need to get connection, storage, recharge or conversion for your mobile devices, there’s always an ADAM elements product for you; and you can meet them easily in Apple Stores, boutique electronics stores and airport shops for your global-trotting convenience.
0 ~ 5 applicants