《時薪225起》 【KOR Taipei】- 兼職安管人員
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0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương theo giờNT$ 225~270

Điều kiện

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Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1. 維持店內現場秩序,解決盜竊、破壞、違規、投訴、意外傷害等問題
2. 依公司政策有效解決衝突發生
3. 確保營業時開場、運營、散場間的安全
4. 完成主管交待事項
1. 了解夜店營運、作業程序
2. 用心溝通與客戶溝通,保持冷靜和專注
3. 隨時傾聽他人意見並保持尊重及個人誠信
1. 勞健保、勞退、團保(入職滿3個月)
2. 員工餐
3. 生日禮金(正職入職滿3個月)
4. 三節禮金
5. 部門聚餐、員工旅遊
6. 依個人工作及公司績效發放年終
平日(二、三、四) 20:00-03:00
周末(五、六) 20:00-05:00
KOR台北正在尋找優秀人才加入我們的團隊,並且協同我們重新定義亞洲頂級夜生活體驗。作為台北第一間定義為超級酒廊 (Super Lounge) 的空間,KOR提供了別緻且優雅的氛圍,讓顧客沉浸在特色雞尾酒、稀有烈酒和高客流量的酒吧。
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Loại công việc
Other Protective Services Workers
【About theLOOP】 Advancing the Service and Entertainment Industry Since its founding in 2000, TheLOOP has emerged as the leading provider of all-encompassing service entertainment and production services. The company has been a force of advancement in the service, entertainment, hospitality, and dance music industry, setting new standards for innovation and excellence. At TheLOOP, our mission is to deliver the most innovative and spectacular world-class experiences to our clients. Our expertise lies in creating entertainment concepts, designing, managing, and operating award-winning nightclubs, lounges, restaurants, and large-scale music events. Currently operating six locations and concepts, TheLOOP is committed to continuous innovation in the areas of service, entertainment and F&B. Our goal is to accumulate resources through strategic collaborations, establish blue ocean markets, and elevate the industry to unprecedented heights. Our team is dedicated to introducing the most thrilling entertainment lifestyle culture to Asia. At TheLOOP, we are proud to be at the forefront of the service and entertainment industry, and we are committed to setting new standards of excellence for years to come. 【關於 theLOOP】 引領娛樂服務產業的實力團隊 自2000年創辦以來,theLOOP集團逐漸成長為提供全方位娛樂製作與服務產業的領頭先驅。我們一直以來是推動進步的力量,不斷為服務、娛樂、接待和音樂產業設定創新與卓越的高標準。 theLOOP的使命是為客戶提供最新穎且華麗的世界級體驗,專攻創造娛樂概念、設計、管理及營運屢獲大獎的夜店、酒吧、餐廳和大型音樂活動。 目前擁有6個營運據點及娛樂概念,theLOOP將持續在服務、娛樂和餐飲的領域不斷創新。我們的目標是透過策略合作創造藍海局面,將業界提升至前所未有的景象。 致力於將最極致的娛樂生活文化帶入亞洲,theLOOP團隊充滿信心地站在服務和娛樂產業的最前端,承諾未來幾年將為業界創造全新的卓越標準。 【Join the KOR Taipei Team】 Redefining Upscale Nightlife in Asia KOR Taipei is seeking exceptional individuals to join our team and help redefine the standard of upscale nightlife in Asia. As Taipei's first definitive Super Lounge, KOR offers a chic and sophisticated atmosphere for patrons to indulge in specialty libations, rare liquors, and high-volume lounging. As a member of our KOR Taipei team, you will have the opportunity to provide an A-list experience to patrons, combining luxury and decadence with the finesse of Asian hospitality and table service. We pride ourselves on providing an unrivaled ambiance and superior service, setting the bar for upscale nightlife in the bustling capital of Taiwan. If you are a passionate, talented individual looking for an opportunity to grow your career in the hospitality industry, KOR Taipei is the perfect place for you. Join us in redefining the corridors of nightlife and delivering an unforgettable experience to our patrons. 【歡迎加入KOR台北團隊】 重新定義亞洲頂級夜生活體驗 KOR台北正在尋找優秀人才加入我們的團隊,並且協同我們重新定義亞洲頂級夜生活體驗。作為台北第一間定義為超級酒廊 (Super Lounge) 的空間,KOR提供了別緻且優雅的氛圍,讓顧客沉浸在特色雞尾酒、稀有烈酒和高客流量的酒吧。 作為KOR台北團隊的一員,你將獲得提供顧客頂級體驗的機會,透過頂級的亞洲式接待與桌邊服務,將奢華和放縱的元素結合呈現。我們以提供無與倫比的氛圍和優質的服務為榮,為繁華的台灣首都設定高檔夜生活的標竿。 如果你是一位充滿熱情與能力的人才,並且正在尋找於服務業發展職涯的最佳機會,KOR台北是最適合你的地方。加入我們一起重新定義頂級夜生活的未來走向,並且為顧客提供最難忘的精采體驗。
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển