製程工程師Process Engineer _中壢廠(新屋區)
9/23 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

**Job Summary:
The Process Engineer is responsible for optimizing and improving the tissue production process by analyzing, developing, and implementing process improvements. This role involves working closely with production teams to enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and ensure consistent product quality. The Process Engineer also plays a key role in troubleshooting process issues and driving continuous improvement initiatives.
**Key Responsibilities:
- Process Optimization: Analyze and improve the tissue production process to enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and improve product quality. Identify bottlenecks and implement solutions to streamline operations.
- Troubleshooting: Diagnose and resolve process-related issues that affect production quality, efficiency, and safety. Provide technical support to the production team in solving day-to-day operational problems.
- Process Design and Development: Develop and refine process designs for new tissue products or product variations. Collaborate with R&D, production, and quality teams to ensure new processes meet production standards and customer requirements.
- Data Analysis: Collect, analyze, and interpret process data to identify trends, variances, and areas for improvement. Use statistical tools and methods to optimize production parameters and predict outcomes.
- Continuous Improvement: Lead and participate in continuous improvement projects aimed at enhancing process efficiency, reducing costs, and improving product quality. Implement lean manufacturing and Six Sigma principles where applicable.
- Process Documentation: Develop and maintain detailed process documentation, including standard operating procedures (SOPs), process flow diagrams, and control plans. Ensure all process changes are accurately documented and communicated to relevant teams.
- Quality Control: Work closely with the quality control team to ensure that all products meet the required specifications and standards. Implement process controls to maintain consistent product quality.
- Training and Support: Provide training and support to production staff on new processes, equipment, and technologies. Ensure that all team members are knowledgeable about process changes and best practices.
- Health, Safety, and Environmental Compliance: Ensure that all process improvements and production activities comply with health, safety, and environmental regulations. Identify and mitigate potential risks associated with process changes.
- Cross-Functional Collaboration: Collaborate with maintenance, production, quality, and R&D teams to implement process improvements and resolve any production issues. Work closely with suppliers and vendors to optimize material usage and equipment performance.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
08:00~17:00 (午休1小時)
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Mechanical Product Troubleshooting and Repair
Improvement of Equipment Problems and Enhanced Functionality
機械產品故障排除檢修 改善設備問題及功能提昇
Job Category
Production Technology / Process Engineer
金百利克拉克台灣分公司為全球家用紙品暨個人護理用品領導企業—金百利克拉克企業(Kimberly-Clark)在台之分公司。金百利克拉克自1872年成立迄今已有143年歷史,目前全球員工約有43,000人,生產製造據點遍及全世界35個國家,產品行銷於175個國家,2014年全球營業額超過197億美元,每一天全球各地四分之一的人口購買使用金百利克拉克所生產製造的產品,我們全球一致的企業願景為「在生活必需品的領域引領世界邁向更美好的生活」。 金百利克拉克台灣分公司於2001年設立,台灣地區設有大園、中壢、新營三座工廠,員工總數約1,000名,旗下知名品牌包括舒潔、靠得住與好奇等皆是消費者心目中的領導優質品牌。 金百利克拉克以不斷創新的精神及永續經營的理念成為家庭用紙與個人衛生護理用品領域全球領導企業,在企業社會責任面向上,其永續經營策略與關懷社會的具體作為,也持續被國際具公信力的媒體如財富雜誌(Fortune Magazine)、新聞周刊(Newsweek)等,評選為「最令人嚮往為之工作的企業」、「全美最環保的100大企業」、「全球最佳企業公民」等,此外自2004至2009年,金百利克拉克更連續五年蟬聯道瓊永續性世界指數個人日用品類別第一名的榮銜。 金百利克拉克台灣分公司自成立以來致力提供消費者最優質產品,旗下舒潔品牌更長期陪伴許多家庭成長、是本地消費者最喜愛的家庭用紙品牌,2013年在讀者文摘信譽品牌年度調查中,舒潔品牌大幅領先並榮獲白金獎的肯定;持續深耕人才發展的台灣分公司獲得各項國內企業重要獎項肯定,包括自2012年起連續三年榮獲台北市政府頒發「幸福企業一星獎」肯定,2014新營廠榮獲環保署「第23屆中華民國企業環保獎」銀牌獎,為36家得獎企業當中唯一一家生活消費用品製造大廠、2015入選天下雜誌「2015企業CSR 100強」名單,並於外商企業組高居八名,是唯一入選的快速消費品外商企業,成為本地人才夢想能進入的優質外商企業之一。
0 ~ 5 applicants