Talent Acquisition Specialist
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Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên trung cấp
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng nămNT$ 500,000+

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Trung
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

We are looking for a Talent Acquisition Specialist with full-cycle recruiting experience to grow our software team in Taiwan. As a Recruiter, your job responsibilities will include but not limited to the following:
• Play a key role to build up strong talent force.
• Work closely with business in order to deeply understand teams’ organization structure, responsibilities, strengths/weaknesses and key business drivers. Utilize this information to develop most effective recruiting strategies.
• Proactive source and recruit engineering talents in a highly competitive talent market with innovative solutions.
• Initiate and maintain a network of contacts to help identify qualified candidates for hiring needs. Help drive all sourcing channels actively, including employee referrals, utilization of creative social networks, etc.
• Active participation in the full cycle of recruitment efforts, including emphasis on the ability of assessment skills to help evaluating candidates and ensuring the highest bar.
• Communicate effectively with all stakeholders to ensure the hiring process is well-prepared.
• Manage the data associated with the recruitment process.
• Manage/Monitor/Maintain the Headcount status.
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Interviewing Skills
Execution of Daily Recruitment Operations
面試技巧 執行日常招募業務
Loại công việc
Human Resource Personnel
瞬聯科技(CIeNET Technologies) 為法國歐立騰集團(ALTEN Group,ISIN FR000001946)成員,集團全球員工超過40,000人。成立於2000年,瞬聯是全球領先的資訊軟體服務供應商,提供專業創新的技術咨詢、軟體研發和解決方案服務,主要客戶為財星雜誌500強跨國企業。瞬聯在電信、消費電子、嵌入式、IoT、汽車及企業軟體方案等領域擁有二十多年的深厚研發經驗。瞬聯美國主要負責專案管理、需求分析及系統設計;技術研發和測試中心等支持服務系統則以大中華為主要基地。 瞬聯台灣目前在車載娛樂系統、無線通訊系統、智能終端設備、電信系統、智能自動化測試系統、區塊鏈/分布式帳本、商業智能系統、嵌入式系統、APP應用軟體等領域內進行研發與提供解決方案。瞬聯擁有豐富的全球化合作經驗及完善的研發設施,嚴格遵循CMMI和ISO品質體系保證流程,對軟體研發生命周期進行全程控制,為客戶提供從理念到實踐的一整套創新解決方案,幫助客戶在最大限度上降低時間及經濟成本,成功走向市場。 瞬聯專注於培育專業研發團隊人才,為客戶提供高品質的解決方案,整體滿意程度超越客戶期望。多年來,瞬聯深入了解客戶需求,致力發展長期穩定的合作關系,以高品質、準時交付、靈活合作模式及客戶至上的服務理念贏得合作夥伴信任。 瞬聯業務遍及台北、北京、上海、南京、杭州、成都、武漢、深圳、廣州、西安、東莞、長沙,及北美的芝加哥、矽谷、底特律、洛杉磯、丹伯裏、多倫多等。瞬聯為來自北美、歐洲和亞洲等地的跨國企業提供技術服務,其中亞洲地區的客戶當中有90%的企業總部是在亞洲之外地區。瞬聯的三大核心價值觀:品質、真誠、領導能力成功地將瞬聯塑造成為值得客戶信賴的合作夥伴。
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển