Senior HR Specialist 資深人資專員
9/21 Updated
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

The Senior HR Specialist is an exciting opportunity to join a leading active lifestyle brand that operates premium boutique fitness studios throughout Asia. We are ‘Moved by Music’ – a revolutionary lifestyle concept that combines fitness with entertainment to change the way people socialize around group fitness.
We are looking for someone excited to bring their HR expertise to Space as it undergoes a digital and cultural transformation. Positive change excites you and ineffective legacy systems scare you. You don’t go to work to just fill out paperwork, but rather - you understand the importance of finding the right talent and are deeply passionate about creating a culture that empowers individuals and teams.
1. Operations, Systems, and SOPs
For all HR functions:
- HR and administrative related documentation 處理人資相關文件
- Maintain and update employee data in HR system to ensure 100% data correctness
-Co-ordinate all administrative functions 負責人資相關行政作業
- Monitor up-to-date compliance and legal labour laws 遵循勞動法令更新
- Compensation & benefits 參與 C&B 相關工作
- Execute employee onboarding and off-boarding administrative work, digital documentation and follow-up 執行員工到/離職行政作業與系統資料更新
- Performance review and related coordination across departments
- HR reporting and analytics (e.g., time to hire and employee turnover rates)
- Employee data and filing management system 即時更新並管理員工檔案
2. Recruitment & Talent Pipeline
- Monitor Job104 recruitment platform, posting job vacancy, first-screen of ground staff and entry level positions, arranging interviews 操作104 - 開立職缺、篩選履歷、安排面試
- Perform reference check of grand staff and digitalize related documentation 進行新進員工 Reference check
3. Office Culture
Assess and provide solutions to
- Facilitate building a company culture that represents the brand values 促進公司文化與規劃雇主品牌策略
- Improve employee engagement, satisfaction, health and safety 改善員工滿意度、職場安全事項
- Communicate and enforce organization values and work rules 傳遞組織價值觀及執行工作規則
4. Learning & Digitalization
- Digitalize all HR related documentation and filing system 將人力資源文件與檔案數位化
- Facilitating HRIS system onboarding 促進人資系統整合與上線
- Understand the training/development needs of organization and help administering & coordinating training programs 了解跨部門教育訓練與發展需求,並協調、規劃教育訓練計畫
5. Others
- Any other HR-related matters, as requested by supervisor 其他主管交辦事項
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Interviewing Skills
Execution of Daily Recruitment Operations
Employee Education
Gathering and Analyzing Employment Market Information
Document Receipt
Administrative Affairs Handling
Report Compilation and Management
Document or Data Entry and File Processing
Labor Insurance Regulations
Knowledge of Human Resources
具備人力資源相關知識 面試技巧 執行日常招募業務 員工教育訓練與需求分析 蒐集與分析就業市場資訊 文件收發與檔案管理 行政事務處理 報表彙整與管理 文件或資料輸入建檔處理 文件檔案資料處理、轉換及整合工作 勞工保險相關法規 規劃、組織、指導及協調組織內部行政作業
Job Category
Human Resource Personnel
Human Resources Assistant
Human Resources Manager
2005年SPACE YOGA成立,改變台灣瑜珈環境。 2015年再創 SPACE CYCLE,首開台北旗艦店,落腳明曜百貨13樓,聚焦音樂,結合時尚、運動與Lifestyle,將世界新趨勢引進台灣,即將翻轉華人健身新概念。 @SPACE CYCLE SPACE CYCLE 的課程以Cycle、Barre、瑜珈為主體,要你跟著音樂動,更要你被音樂感動。在這裡的教學與練習,是一堂45分鐘的課、是一場live show,更是你專注投入毫無保留的自我PK戰,給你超越運動的滿滿能量。 不只健身、還要健康、更要時尚。 不只真實、更要純粹、更要世界觀。 不只聽音樂、還要動音樂、更要聊音樂。 只要你嚮往更健康美好的生活方式,喜歡以熱情與真誠服務他人,愛好學習新事物,無論你是否有時尚/休閒健身領域相關工作經驗,SPACE CYCLE團隊將以最完整的訓練,引導你進入新方向。準備好了嗎? 加入我們吧! SPACE CYCLE 台北旗艦店:明曜百貨13樓 @SPACE YOGA SPACE YOGA團隊熱愛瑜珈、堅持瑜珈傳統。歡迎各派別大師、指導師、練習者,且真心相信瑜珈不只是健身的肢體操練,是一種生活方式,一種心境,更是連接所有生命間平和與自由的橋樑。 集結35位具瑜珈專業認證之指導師,每週開設近300堂的瑜珈大眾課及精緻小班、私人療癒課程,SPACE YOGA力求讓忙碌的現代人,可以在瑜珈中,真正找到家與辦公室之外,一個給自己的新的空間,更在這裡找回心的空間,平衡身心靈,帶更多的能量去面對生命中的各樣挑戰。 瑜珈是最傳統的練習,卻是最重要的未來生活趨勢。只要你嚮往更健康美好的生活方式,喜歡以熱情與真誠服務他人,愛好學習新事物,無論你是否有瑜珈/休閒健身領域相關工作經驗,SPACE團隊將以最完整的訓練,引導你進入新方向。 SPACE YOGA 安和館:台北市大安區安和路一段27號16樓 SPACE YOGA 天母館:台北市士林區忠誠路二段21巷27號
6 ~ 10 applicants