Project Based Research Assistant/ Assistant Specialist (碩/學士級計畫助理人員)
9/19 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 37,800~44,280

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Tiếng Trung
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

【The Project 】
The project "Enhancing International Cooperation for Sustainable Agri-food Systems Towards Net-Zero" spans four years, running from 2023 to 2026. Its primary objective is to foster international collaboration for sustainable agri-food systems by facilitating information sharing, knowledge management, and international networking. You can find more details at this link: https://net.fftc.org.tw/smartnetzero. The Project is abbreviated as "Smart and Net-Zero (SNZ)."
「邁向智慧淨零永續農糧體系之國際合作」計畫為期四年,從 2023 年到 2026 年。其主要目標是透過促進資訊共享、知識管理和國際網絡。 您可以透過此連結找到更多詳細資訊:https://net.fftc.org.tw/smartnetzero。 該項目簡稱“智慧淨零(SNZ)”
The SNZ Project addresses the following themes:
•Reducing GHG emissions;
•Increasing carbon sink;
•Leveraging ICT for sustainable agrifood systems;
•GHG emission measurements, carbon pricing, and offset mechanisms; and
•Incentive-based approaches for mitigating GHG emission.
• 減少溫室氣體排放;
• 增加碳匯;
• 利用資訊通信技術實現永續農業食品系統;
• 溫室氣體排放量測量、碳定價與抵銷機制;
• 以激勵為基礎的減少溫室氣體排放的方法。
【Major tasks】
•S/he will assist the SNZ Project Coordinator in implementing the Project activities: (1) Networking, (2) Information Platform, and (3) International Conference.
•The major tasks for the position include word processing, formatting, project administration, managing project website and, disseminating project results via emails, website, Facebook, and YouTube.
• 協助SNZ 計畫協調員實施計畫活動:(1) 網絡,(2) 資訊平台,以及(3) 國際會議。
• 此職位的主要任務包括管理專案網站、計劃管理及文書處理,如:中文和英文報告及簡報,以及透過電子郵件、Facebook及YouTube 宣傳計畫成果。
【Qualifications and Requirements】
1.BSc or MSc in Agriculture, Life Sciences, Agricultural Economics, or Communication.
2.Spoken and written communication skills in both Chinese and English.
3.Proficiency in using office software, social media, webpage or other communication tools to disseminate information.
4.A team player with an open mind and a positive working attitude.
The position starts at the earliest from October 1, 2024. The initial appointment is for one year and can be extended depending on performance and requirement. The salary and benefits including monthly salary, year-end bonus (1.5 months’ salary), 15 paid holidays a year and national health insurance and labor insurance will be offered based on Center’s policy. The starting monthly salary is NTD 37,800 for BSc and NTD 44,280 for MSc, with yearly pay increment depending on performance and project finance regulation.
【How to Apply】
The application should include an up-to-date resume and contact information (including names, phone and e-mail) of two references, and indicate the date of availability. Please send application via e-mail to charles@fftc.org.tw as soon until the position is filled. Only short-listed candidates will be contacted.(不合者恕不另行通知)
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Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Project communication/integration management
Project management structure and project documentation
Project Management Software Operation
Technical Document Translation
Applying and Implementing Research Projects
Writing Research Reports and Papers
專案溝通╱整合管理 專案管理架構及專案說明 專案管理軟體操作 技術文件翻譯 申請與執行研究計畫 撰寫研究報告與論文
Loại công việc
Research Assistant
Biological Researcher
Other Research Staff
  亞太糧食肥料技術中心是一個總部設立於臺灣的國際農業機構與農業資訊中心,中心主要任務為促進亞太地區農業與鄉村永續發展,增進亞太地區農民福祉。本中心有臺日韓菲等國的農業專家長駐,每年於亞太地區舉辦6至8場國際研討會,提供各國產官學研農業科技與政策交流平台。透過相關農業資訊之蒐集與分析,以及知識管理機制之建構,傳播農業科技與農業政策知識,以達到新農業科技與農業政策之交流與推廣。本中心亦建置「農業政策資訊平台」,建構亞太地區農業政策專家網絡,與亞太地區各國農業政策專家合作,提供農業發展與農業政策分析,以及知識與資訊分享,以促進亞太地區農業永續發展。本中心目前亦建構紅龍果網絡平台,促進亞太地區紅龍果產官學研之聯繫與交流,以及產業之永續發展。 The Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian Pacific Region (FFTC) is an international agricultural organization aiming to empower smallholder farmers to enhance their productivity and wellbeings through science and information. The Center collects information and disseminates new agricultural technologies and policies through international workshops and trainings.
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển