AIoT_產品經理 PM (Product Manager)
9/27 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
6 ~ 10 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Innodisk is a world-leading provider of industrial-grade flash storage and DRAM modules. As part of our continued growth and innovation, we are now setting our business strategy in developing Edge AI solutions for a range of industries.
We are looking for a Product Manager who is responsible for new product planning, product lifecycle management and some kinds of sales supports.
As a Product Manager in Innodisk, you are responsible for:
1. New product planning: market/technology survey, competitor analysis, product positioning, roadmap planning.
2. Product/Project development management, across functional teams (HW, SW, ME, QA, PE, etc.) to keep schedule on track.
3. Cost optimization, key component supplier management, risk assessment, pricing strategy.
4. Product lifecycle management till EOL, and support worldwide business inquiry.
5. Product collateral generation and product go-to-market planning.
6. Key account communication such as forecast, schedule, regular reports, etc.
1. At least 3 years of work experience PM field in the industrial computing and electronics industry.
2. A strong knowledge of industrial PC products and technologies is a plus.
3. A good understanding of industrial computing and electronics market and customer needs is a plus.
4. Capable of efficiently managing multiple projects simultaneously.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Project cost/quality/risk management
Project time/schedule management
Project communication/integration management
專案成本╱品質╱風險管理 專案時間╱進度控管 專案溝通╱整合管理
Job Category
Product Planning
Product Manager
Other Project Managers
宜鼎國際自工控儲存起家,不僅在全球市場取得領導地位,更進一步洞察產業智能革新契機,以軟硬整合為核心精神,在「Building an Intelligent World 創建智能化世界」的企業願景下,於一一一年正式發布發表「物聯創新,進化AI」集團策略,以「極致整合、深植應用、智慧賦能」三大優勢,全力投入AIoT智能應用市場、開發軟硬整合之產品解決方案。 在宜鼎國際,全體同仁都致力於服務我們的顧客與合作夥伴。憑藉極致服務與極致整合之企業核心精神,為全球客戶提供AIoT智能解決方案、工業用嵌入式儲存裝置、工業用動態隨機記憶體模組、嵌入式週邊及軟體解決方案,驅動產業智能轉型,加速全球智慧城市、智慧車載、智慧醫療、智慧零售、智慧工廠、能源及基礎建設智慧化等應用領域的部署與落地實踐。 我們持續專注於工控產業與AIoT智能應用,並以創新的企業精神,持續投注研發資源,保持技術領先地位;同時也將不斷提升全球客戶的服務滿意度,進而創造極致的服務價值。而除了營業與獲利成長,亦高度重視企業永續、落實ESG經營,全方位重視環境議題、實踐社會責任並強化公司治理。 同時,我們也持續留意產業競爭與法規變化,不僅恪遵法律,更對於未來可能的產業變化保持高度關注與彈性,以隨時擬定因應對策、培養及維持公司長期而穩定的競爭優勢。未來仍將本著公司經營理念往長期目標—成為國際級大廠—持續邁進。
6 ~ 10 applicants