Product Quality Assurance Internship 產品測試實習生
10/18 Cập nhật
Bán thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương theo giờNT$ 183~183

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

inline 是專注於改善餐廳工作效率與服務品質的 SAAS 新創公司,全台知名連鎖餐廳、大型百貨、與美食入口平台都選擇 inline 成為營運及擴展業務最重要的合作伙伴。inline 的急速成長來自於新創團隊獨有的創意、彈性、與追求帶給客戶方便簡單的核心價值!
【 工作內容 What You Will Do 】
▮ 能夠獨立工作並作為 QA 團隊的一員。
Work independently and as a team member.
▮ 與多個職務角色合作,提供高品質和可靠的產品。
Collaborate with multiple stakeholders to deliver high-quality and reliability products.
▮ 與QA團隊的QA工程師合作,測試inline應用和服務。
Cooperate with QA Engineers in QA team to test inline App and services
▮ 執行分配給您的測試計劃中的測試案例。
Execute test cases based on the test plan that you are assigned to.
▮ 負責功能釋出測試和用戶流程端對端測試。
Take charge of functional release testing and user flow end-to-end testing.
▮ 深入創建測試案例,執行測試案例,找出產品問題。
Dive deep into create test cases, executing test cases, troubleshooting product issue.
▮ 調查產品問題和發布錯誤,並協助進行根本原因分析。
Investigate product issues & release bugs and help with root cause analysis.
【 經歷要求 Requirements 】
▮ 語言能力: 中文-精通/英文-良好 (inline 的同事來自世界各地,你需要和海外同事一起共事、溝通)
Language Skills: Proficient in Chinese/Good in English (colleagues at Inline come from around the world, you need to work and communicate with overseas colleagues)
▮ 熟悉 iOS 裝置與應用
Familiar with iOS devices and applications
▮ 擁有時間管理及組織架構能力,能夠根據不同的任務安排優先順序
Possess time management and organizational skills, able to prioritize tasks based on their importance
▮ 願意和公司一起成長、和新創團隊的同仁達成目標
Willing to grow with the company and achieve goals with startup team members
▮ 一週上班時間至少20hr以上(每週三天以上)
Minimum work hours per week: at least 20 hours (more than three days per week)
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
10:00-19:00 (每週三天以上)
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Functional Testing (function test)
Usability Testing (Usability test)
Test Planning and Report Writing
功能測試(function test) 使用者測試(Usability test) 測試計劃及測試報告書撰寫
Loại công việc
Product Planning
Software/Firmware Testing Engineer
Testing Staff
*歡迎身心障礙者投遞本司各項職缺 We welcome applications from individuals with disabilities. ❝ 接待,不再手忙腳亂 ❞ inline 是一套專攻餐廳經營者使用,提高餐廳管理桌況及訂位效率的雲端管理系統公司,我們有超過千家餐廳正在使用我們的系統,其中包含知名連鎖餐飲集團、米其林星級餐廳、百貨商場及特色名店。頻繁與多個美食相關平台業者合作,讓餐廳增加曝光率且有穩定成長的客源。 台灣是 inline 的首站,我們正積極往其他國家拓展,地區包含香港、新加坡、澳洲、日本及美國,期待創造出橫跨亞太地區的 FoodTech 領導品牌。如果您有衝勁、有彈性、有創意且願意和 inline 一起走向未來,歡迎您加入我們。 ❝ Reception, no longer a hassle ! ❞ inline is a software startup focused on maximizing restaurant efficiency managing tables and reservations. We have thousands of restaurants including leading chain brands, Michelin-starred restaurants, shopping malls, and busy brick-and-mortar restaurants. We also partner with food-tech platforms, social apps, and various media services to grow the exposure and business for inline restaurant customers. Our team is launching and exploring more global opportunities in key cities, including Japan, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok, and the cities in APAC. For people with solid professional skills and talents, who are highly motivated to expand their career and grow in a fast, flexible environment, we have several opportunities to build the business with our teams and write the legend with inline for the next thousands of partners at a rapid pace.
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển