北美及拉丁美洲業務與Amazon Sales- America & Latin America Business Development ( Taipei)
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Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 32,000~65,000

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

-Selling on America & Latin America Business
1. Pricing strategy
2. Advertisement strategy
3. Order Input & follow up
4. Inventory replenishment strategy
5. Expand business to America and Latin America
6. Contact potential customer and quoting them
7. Providing best service to our current customer, including stock promotion, price match on inventory, new product development. Anything that relate to increasing sales!
-Product development(If suitable)
1. Will lead you to learn Market analysis
2. Finding opportunities on new product lines
3. Marketing materials creation
4. Setting and giving comment on Product marketing Strategy
1. Assist manager on amazon sell
2. AD strategy assist
3. Product strategy
(May need to spend time off-hour to monitor amazon sell)
-Customer service
1. Customer comments
2. After-sales services
3. RMA arrangement
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Basic Concepts of International Trade
Overseas Business Development
Business or Channel Development
Sales and Management Report Writing
Customer Information Collection
Product Introduction and Explanation Sales
國際貿易基本概念 國外業務開發 業務或通路開發 業績與管理報表撰寫 客戶情報蒐集 產品介紹及解說銷售
Loại công việc
Product Marketing Planning
International Sales
International Trade Specialist
Gigastone 立達國際(5262)為專業無線網通及手機周邊國際品牌。在數位資訊高速成長的時代,Gigastone 致力於研發與創新,由數十年產業經驗豐富的資深經理人引領專業團隊,整合軟硬體技術,打造高端科技之人性化產品。Gigastone將貫徹「研發創新、品質第一、追求卓越、客戶至上」,以頂尖的技術,優質的產品,提供最佳的消費者體驗。 (一) 創新產品 智慧生活 Gigastone透過分佈全球各大洲之營運據點觀察消費需求及市場趨勢,透過快速的資訊傳遞,讓產品設計能掌握世界潮流。重視人性化的設計及整合多元應用的理念,開發創新產品,更能融入使用者的生活。 (二) 嚴格品管 優質產品 產品的生產過程皆有嚴謹的品管及精密的檢驗,產品本身採用世界一級大廠的關鍵零組件,打造值得信賴的產品。 (三) 行銷全球 深受肯定 Gigastone品牌行銷全球,包括日本第二大電信公司au/KDDI直營店,大陸國美、京東等大型實體通路及網路通路,美國大型通路Wal-mart、Target等,品質與產品特色深受各大通路肯定。 (四) 立足台灣 放眼全球 Gigastone營業據點遍布全球,目前已設立包括台北總公司、宜蘭廠、深圳、韓國首爾、日本東京及美國洛杉磯 等。銷售範圍遍布亞洲、歐洲、北美洲及南美洲。並且在台北,美國洛杉磯,大陸深圳等設有產品規劃及開發部門。整合全球視野及研發實力以開創世界級品牌產品。
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển