專案經理 Project Manager
9/28 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Cấp Quản lý/Giám đốc
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 50,000~80,000

Điều kiện

Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1. 負責行銷企劃案的撰寫、規劃,籌備、執行公司對外的行銷活動與媒體活動(如:促銷活動),並對其效益進行分析與建議。
2. 進行產業競爭分析及市場調查分析。
3. 建立、分析現有顧客與潛在顧客資料,並發展客戶維繫方案。
4. 建立、推廣、經營與管理現有品牌、產品以及公司整體的形象,並負責相關文宣資料的規劃與製作。
5. 負責媒體雜誌宣傳及新聞稿撰寫等相關事務。
6. 提供銷售工具(如:產品型錄、簡介、競爭比較、效益分析等)及其他相關的業務支援,並協助商品或服務的銷售。
1. 依據產品行銷部門對各產品及專案之規劃,策劃及執行適當之廣告及媒體行銷方案。
2. 設計溝通各項行銷助成物、廣宣物,例如文字創作發想及撰寫。
3. 確認產物是否符合活動目標及印刷請購事宜,並送交文案總監審核。
4. 呈現文案,包括以手繪、口語、液晶顯示等方式。
1. IG/FB/LINE/Tiktok官方社群日常維運,激盪社群討論
2.社群經營管理 (限時動態/貼文排程/素材拍攝/活動規劃/粉絲留言維護...等)
5.協助部門執行品牌企劃/商品企劃/創意發想 (含圖文/影音內容發想與跟拍、並規劃執行上架)
7. KOL口碑行銷與關係維護經營
1. 安排年度行銷策略與季度/月份行銷執行規劃
2. 結合行銷策略,撰寫品牌新聞稿、自媒體內容文案
3. 品牌聲量/好感度維運與提升
4. 聯名/異業合作規劃執行,與結案數據報告
5. KOL/KOC 開發洽談與經營
6. 品牌風格人物的規劃與執行
7. 協助其它行銷相關事項
Job Purpose:
The role is to accelerate EC business and develop omni channel with managing brand website via non-stop optimization and projects. Synergize resources within digital eco-system and online marketing performance that will complete the omnichannel client journey and elevate client experience.
Key Responsibilities:
- Manage brand website to optimize client experience and business performance.
- Work with agency to synergize and leverage media resources to optimize online investment and performance.
- Help develop the animation plan/calendar to drive client performance.
- Deep dive CHANEL.com client performance to identity business gap & opportunities
- Co-work with CRM, media and marketing team to build up seamless client experience.
- Explore potential business opportunities and execute to achieve the brand goal.
Academic / Professional Qualifications
• University graduate or above and major in Business Administration, Digital Marketing, EC preferred.
Work Experience
• 3+ year experience in Brand.com, Ecommerce/online marketing field.
• Interactive communication experience in agencies and/or online marketing division for cosmetics brand is a plus.
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Public Relations Press Release Writing and Reporting
Brand Marketing Management
Cross-Industry Cooperation Planning and Execution
Proposal and Presentation Skills
Physical Event Planning and Execution
Website Planning Ability
Online Event Planning and Execution
Marketing Promotion Budget Compilation and Control
Marketing Strategy Formulation
Brand Popularity Promotion
Social Media Operation Management
Website Traffic Tracking
Advertising Plan/ Copywriting
Advertising Effectiveness Evaluation
Advertising Creative Ideas and Proposals
品牌行銷管理 異業合作規劃與執行 提案與簡報技巧 實體活動規劃與執行 網站企劃能力 網路活動規劃與執行 行銷宣傳預算編製與控管 行銷策略擬定 品牌知名度推廣 社群媒體經營管理 公關新聞稿撰寫與報導 網站流量成效追蹤 廣告企劃案╱文案撰寫 廣告效益評估 廣告創意發想與提案
Loại công việc
Marketing Supervisor
Website Marketing Planning
Project Manager
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển