【Headquarter】Franchise Marketing
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

• Plan and execute digital franchise marketing strategies; regularly review for maximum efficiency to increase online presence.
• Develop different channels to connect with perspective franchisees, thru government organizations, LinkedIn, emails or referrals to bring in new leads.
• Coordinate with in-house marketing and design team or external agencies on marketing initiatives and franchising materials (Brand introduction, sales kits, etc.)
• Monitor online exposure and content to ensure they are most updated info and meet the our purpose and goal
• Monitor brand website; periodically reviewing for content and image updates, suggesting additional site pages, ensuring site is marked up for maximum SEO
• Ensure maximum brand content appears in the online marketplace through websites, blogs, videos, etc.
• Monitor the brand’s social media involvement; prioritizing social media platforms and developing strategies to increase the presence
• Be the responsible person of franchise marketing
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Overseas Business Development
Business or Channel Development
國外業務開發 業務或通路開發
Loại công việc
Marketing Planning
Product Marketing Planning
International Sales
六角國際成立於2004年,並於2015年以全球知名餐飲集團的身份,加入觀光事業類股之列。六角國際目前旗下品牌包含「Chatime 日出茶太」、「Bake Code 烘焙密碼」、「Engolili 英格莉莉」、「春上布丁蛋糕」、「美利河」,及子公司王座旗下「銀座杏子日式豬排」、「段純貞牛肉麵」、「大阪王將」餃子專門店、「京都勝牛」、「韓國橋村炸雞」等品牌,並持續擴展旗下自創品牌與代理新品牌之經營範疇。 六角國際是專業、年輕有活力的經營團隊,透過科技化、標準化作業流程及規模經濟,開創了一個橫跨全球六大洲,駐點超過六十個地區與國家餐飲事業群,在澳洲、馬來西亞與印尼等國家更是外帶式茶飲第一品牌,且仍持續積極拓展亞太區其它新市場,同時也領先同業開拓北美等地,包括紐約、佛羅里達、加州、加拿大多倫多、溫哥華等,甚至成功跨越南半球、橫越歐洲,儼然已成為全球最國際化的華人連鎖餐飲集團。 【日出茶太 Chatime】官網:http://www.chatime.com.tw/zh/ 【烘焙密碼 Bake Code】官網:https://www.bakecode.com.tw/ 【春上布丁蛋糕】官網:https://www.chunsun-cake.com/ 【英格莉莉】官網:https://www.facebook.com/Engolili.Taiwan 【美利河】官網:https://reurl.cc/NaA7a5 六角國際藉由多角化經營的方式,並以【誠信、實在、創新、卓越、分享】的宗旨拓展國際市場,將六角國際建立成為一個「品牌平台中心」,持續讓台灣品牌輸出國際,也讓國際好的品牌引進台灣。 六角國際協助熱情有企圖心的你找尋夢想與方向,歡迎加入我們共同邁向全球!
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển