SL[台北中山]英商票券平台-Customer Service Representative 中英/日英客服
9/16 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 45,000~65,000

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

The Customer Service Representative role offers a unique opportunity to take on customer-facing responsibilities that directly impact our success. The role will involve providing first class service to our customers and assisting with key operational tasks. This is a fantastic opportunity to work and learn about live events globally e.g. sports, concerts and theatre.
There are plenty of opportunities for progression through the company - we are more than just a contact centre as there are operational teams across many functions located in Taipei supporting development and career progression for the right candidate. You will be rewarded for hard work and this recognition is based on performance and results.
Key Responsibilities:
• Customer Service – provide e-mail and phone support to our customers to the required standard which ensures a good balance between productivity and quality
• Ability to liaise with other departments as necessary
• Identify process improvement opportunities and raise through the appropriate forum
• Support customers directly on the ground at major events around the world
• Any other tasks as required
Skills and Attributes:
• Team player
• Takes ownership
• Organized and reliable with attention to detail
• Excellent multi-tasking skills
• Work well under pressure
• Hungry to take on responsibility and a willingness to do adhere to strict deadlines
• Outstanding written and oral communication in English and language applied
• A sense of humour and positive, “make-it-work” attitude
• Must be comfortable with standard MS Office software (Outlook, Word) and quick to understand new software tools
• Fluency in English
Experience & working hours:
• 1 – 2 years of professional experience
• You will be working a 40-hour week
• Must be willing to work shifts during mornings and weekends, including National Holidays
 不固定的三節禮品/禮金
 每月一次的活動 如Pizza Night
 年終獎金: 6/1前加入享有年終獎金發放資格
 團保
 茶水間免費咖啡茶點
 等上手後,只有二三四需要到公司上班,其他天可以選擇WFH
中英客服:$45K *13個月
日英客服:$65K *13個月
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ
Loại công việc
Contact Center Information Clerks
Text Customer Service
Other Customer Service Personnel
集團獲獎Singapore Business Award最佳企業報導: RECRUIT EXPRESS (TAIWAN) PTE LTD新加坡商立可人事顧問有限公司(北市就服字第0239號)1996年成立於新加坡,我們深知,為追求卓越的服務品質,我們必須持續的創造最佳實例與策略,以建立起一個橫跨亞太地區的專業顧問公司,2001年在台北成立海外第一個分公司,目前,我們在新加坡、台北、吉隆坡、香港都擁有據點,同時也在上海與東京建構起夥伴關係以提供招募服務,於各產業、各領域都有專精的發展,目前在亞太地區擁有400位來自於不同領域的專業招募顧問,憑藉著豐沛的熱情與專注的態度,完成我們的使命。 「人」是RECRUIT EXPRESS最重要的資產,我們深知每個人都有獨特性,都期待工作不只是工作,而能是一個完整的職涯發展;公司不只是公司,而是一個能讓自己有歸屬感的地方。因此,作為「人的事業」的第一品牌,我們也將員工視為第一。 Our Key Beliefs and Conduct  Constant respect for people and uncompromising integrity.  Business ethics and professionalism.  Diligence, fairness, harmony and cooperation, courtesy, humility and gratitude. Our Culture: Fun & Competitive! 我們同時重視個人表現與團隊績效,在充滿團隊精神的環境下擁有良性競爭,是我們不斷成長、邁向成功的關鍵,樂於分享是我們每個人的特色,在工作中交朋友是我們的興趣,每年的聖誕聚會、春酒、戶外競賽對於我們而言都是非常重要的活動,能和同事們一同成長與成功是我們最珍惜的。
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển