Mô tả công việc
Job Summary:
1. 倉儲環境、安全、衛生相關業務協助推動
2. 管理庫存材料、原料危害預防措施
3. 協助進行倉庫安全、衛生稽核與教育訓練
Key Responsibilities:
1. 倉庫安全衛生作業規畫並督導執行
2. 危險品原料安全倍數檢視及管控
3. 原物料收貨/分貨/補貨/領退料作業
4. 庫存規劃管理及定期庫存盤點
5. 待報廢品項定期檢視及整理
6. 堆高機操作/倉庫系統操作/環境 5S
7. 主管交辦事項及相關報表整理
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ
Việc Làm Gợi Ý
Warehouse Goods Labeling/Placement/Inventory
Warehouse Process Design and Management
Warehouse System Maintenance and Management
Inventory Management Planning Operations
Goods Transfer Operations
Receiving/Checking Operations
Goods Receiving and Warehousing Operations
商品進貨入庫作業 倉庫貨物標示╱置放╱盤點 倉管流程訂定與管理 倉儲系統維護與管理 庫存管理規劃作業 商品調撥作業 簽收╱驗收作業
Loại công việc
Warehouse Keeper
Materials Handling
Warehouse and Logistics Staff