Real Digital_銳映數位有限公司
【亞馬遜 Amazon】跨境電商營運專員
10/21 Cập nhật
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Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 40,000~60,000

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Trung
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1. 負責亞馬遜平台銷售 KPI 及達成率。
2. 整理月 / 季商品銷售報表。
3. 規劃行銷及銷售策略、跨團隊溝通協調。
4. 規劃北美銷售預測計劃 (數量、金額) 及生產計劃表。
5. 優化產品SKU、文案及產品頁面排版。
6. 優化亞馬遜平台廣告及文案。
7. 市場趨勢及競品調查。
8. 策劃品牌行銷活動。
9. 協同亞馬遜官方團隊、參與銷售合作案。
10. 完成主管交辦任務。
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Project time/schedule management
Project communication/integration management
Project management structure and project documentation
Negotiation skills
Proposal and Presentation Skills
Online Event Planning and Execution
專案時間╱進度控管 專案溝通╱整合管理 專案管理架構及專案說明 協商談判能力 提案與簡報技巧 網路活動規劃與執行
Loại công việc
Website Marketing Planning
Advertising Copywriting/Planning
Product Planning
Real Digital 是什麼樣的公司? 榮獲2024台北新貿獎 [公司網站] [公司介紹] Real Digital 成立於舊金山,2012年遷移至台灣,是台灣唯一的亞馬遜電商一條龍服務的公司:從品牌打造都影片製作到亞馬遜代運都是in-house。融合國際化思維與專業經驗的亞馬遜官方認證代理商。 我們的團隊來自全球,專注於協助台灣品牌透過亞馬遜平台進軍西方市場。我們致力於協助客戶透過跨境電商平台推廣商品及品牌,目前已在台灣營運了5年。 公司分兩個部門: 電商和品牌,兩位老闆分別是一位在美國長大的品牌行銷專家叫James,另一位則是來自澳洲的電商策略專家叫Eugene。兩位都相當隨和,願意親自耐心培養新人。 [使命] 協助台灣電商成為西方市場的主導力量。 [團隊] 目前公司團隊成員分別來自不同的國家,還在持續擴大當中。Real Digital的公司文化宗旨是成長模型 (Growth mindset),彼此之間就像家人一樣。 [客戶] 因為RD是一個boutique agency,我們的客戶都是長期客戶,不適合的客戶我們完全不會接。 [特點] 作為一家一條龍服務的亞馬遜電商公司,我們擅長精準的PPC廣告投放,並能迅速幫客戶解決Amazon上會遇到的各種疑難雜症。我們持續降低ACoS,協助品牌大幅降低廣告成本的同時讓營收屢創新高。我們十年的Amazon帳戶管理經驗,使我們在市場上獨樹一幟。品牌打造的部分我們擁有超過十年的經驗,專精於亞馬遜品牌推廣、文案撰寫、影片製作、媒體印刷和平面設計。我們熟悉如何有效地將台灣的品牌和產品推廣到歐美市場。 這份工作的挑戰性很強,需要接觸不同產業,但老闆們將會親自教學,並長期培訓。請尊重彼此的時間,我們需要你跟我們一同長期努力,並一起達成目標:成為台灣#1 E-Commerce Agency, see you soon! Real Digital is a one-stop shop e-commerce agency that helps Taiwanese manufacturers and brands sell on Amazon. With 10+ years of experience in both the branding & Amazon account management side, we’re the perfect company for manufacturers and brands with great products looking to launch on Amazon. Co-founders James and Eugene are bilingual marketers with Western backgrounds who have a firm grasp of both cultures and know how to properly market brands to the Western markets. Our top strengths are our PPC management skills and brand marketing. Real Digital is a performance-driven boutique agency that takes on only selected and limited clientele. We offer a trial period for chosen new clients to prove our capability before signing long-term contracts. We are one of Amazon Taiwan’s top third-party vendors and masterclass teachers for Amazon seminars. Co-founders James and Eugene are bilingual marketers with Western backgrounds who have a firm grasp of both cultures. Our top strengths are our PPC management skills and brand marketing. Real Digital is a performance-driven boutique agency that takes on only selected and limited clientele. We offer a trial period for chosen new clients to prove our capability before signing long-term contracts. We are one of Amazon Taiwan’s top third-party vendors and their goto masterclass teachers for Amazon seminars.
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