資安產品工程師 Solution Architect | CBU_19_08
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

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Mô tả công việc

The Solution Architect for Cybersecurity will play a pivotal role in driving sales and delivering tailored cybersecurity solutions to our clients. The ideal candidate will have a strong technical background in cybersecurity, excellent communication skills, and a proven track record in solution architecture.
Key Responsibilities:
【Technical Consultation】
1. Provide technical expertise and consultation to sales teams and clients.
2. Understand client requirements and design tailored cybersecurity solutions.
【Solution Architect Support】
1. Collaborate with the sales team to identify and qualify business opportunities.
2. Conduct product demonstrations, presentations, and proof-of-concept (PoC) engagements.
【Solution Design】
1. Architect comprehensive cybersecurity solutions that meet client needs.
2. Develop detailed solution proposals, including technical specifications and implementation plans.
3. Familiar with CI/CD, DevOps, DevSecOps.
【Client Engagement】
1. Build and maintain strong relationships with clients and partners.
2. Act as a trusted advisor to clients, providing insights and recommendations on cybersecurity best practices.
1. Work closely with account executives, engineering, and support teams to ensure successful solution delivery.
2. Provide feedback to improve product offerings and address client needs.
【Stay Updated】
1. Keep up-to-date with the latest cybersecurity trends, technologies, and threats.
2. Participate in industry events, conferences, and training sessions.
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ
Loại công việc
Software Engineer
Other IT Professionals
Information Security Engineer
伊雲谷數位科技(eCloudvalley Digital Technology Co., Ltd.)致力成為企業數位轉型的最佳夥伴,持續精進服務品質與自身專業,提供客戶專業的一站式雲端服務。伊雲谷的總部設於台灣,於中國、香港、新加坡、菲律賓、美國、馬來西亞、印尼、泰國、越南等地區皆設有據點,跨足零售電商、媒體、科技、金融、製造及公部門等深耕多產業,總計已服務數千家客戶。伊雲谷更於 2022 年成功登錄上市交易,股票代碼(6689),成為亞洲第一檔「雲端數位管理服務公司」。 【伊雲谷專業獲國際肯定】 於專業能力上,伊雲谷除為 AWS 最高級核心級服務合作夥伴 ,2022年更受國際研調機構 Gartner 評選為亞太區公有雲託管與專業服務市場指南之代表性服務商。更於 2020 與 2021 年連續兩年榮登Financial Times亞太區 500 大高成長公司的台灣區第 1 名,總排名則分別為第 10 與12名。此外,伊雲谷為加速企業數位轉型進程,持續優化自行研發之數據分析、AI 解決方案、專利雲端維運平台(Atlas),以協助企業迅速部署雲端資源、優化雲端效能與環境並降低維運成本,解決營運痛點。 【人才培訓是伊雲谷的核心】 伊雲谷持續優化服務品質與自身專業,鞏固雲端技術能量與顧問專業的領導地位。設立雲端教育訓練團隊 eCloudture,專注推廣雲端技術,結合理論與產業經驗提供客製化課程,已培育海內外超過 3,000 名學生,並輔導學生獲取超過 500 張證照。 此外,更於2022年獲選HR Asia「亞洲最佳雇主獎」,根據 HR Asia 調查,伊雲谷在「鼓勵創新、打造共享彈性環境、營造友善工作氛圍」等面相皆大幅領先市場平均,展現伊雲谷 Day 1 創新精神深入組織文化。 【客戶至上,伊雲谷持續擴大雲端服務】 伊雲谷緊貼企業客戶全面數位轉型的需求,鍵結台灣產業經驗與國際原廠技術,於 2019 年攜手全球 ERP 系統領導品牌 SAP,擴大雲端佈局外;2020 年進一步深化雲端服務的範疇,分別與全球客戶關係管理領導品牌 Salesforce 及全球企業軟體供應商領導品牌甲骨文(Oracle)展開合作;2021 年亦跨足 OT 領域,成立智能產業事業部,深耕智慧製造、智慧監控、製造資訊整合串流與分析等應用領域;並成為 Microsoft 微軟授權解決方案合作夥伴(LSP),提供多雲為基礎的一站式雲端解決方案。陪伴客戶於雲端持續成長,伊雲谷於 2022 年整合雲端技術與市場洞察,推出「環境永續與碳管理服務」,並於2022年成為全球雲端資安領導組織「雲端安全聯盟(Cloud Security Alliance)」在台首家會員,並同年推出自行開發的雲端資安產品「Cybosture」。
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển