物流園區物管經理丨Property Manager
10/22 Updated
Executive Level
Chinese Required
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

About the role...
What you will do...
1. 綜管園區各倉物業管理相關業務執行狀況(建物及設施維護、保全清潔工作執行、資產維護計畫推行)。
2. 擬定並落實各園區物業管理工作流程及災害應變預防應變措施。
3. 掌控各執行專案進度及預算成本並協助現場同仁落實執行。
4. 處理園區業主及公部門主管機關往來事務及聯繫。
5. 掌握各園區進駐客戶日常營運客情,並適時回報公司主管。
6. 協助租賃管理部門服務各進駐客戶。
7. 定期考核外包商執行狀況、預算控管及履約管理。
8. 協助公司租賃單位對外招租之現場配合事項。
Who you are...
- 重視團隊精神
- 工作態度積極負責
- 樂於與人溝通、互動,主動協助客戶解決問題
What skills are required...
- 口語表達能力清晰
- 邏輯清晰且具分析表達能力
- 具備創新及跨領域思維
- 專科以上學歷,理工科系畢業(電子/電機相關科系尤佳)
- 十年以上大型商辦或商場、科技園區物業管理規劃及統籌服務經驗
- 五年以上管理經驗
- 甲種職業安全衛生業務主管或公寓大廈事務管理人員證照
- 具AutoCAD視圖及繪圖能力
- 熟悉MS Office Word、Excel及 Power Point 軟體應用
- 具防火管理人證照或非生產性質能源管理人員證照尤佳
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Building Fire Regulations
Job task/performance item allocation
Crisis and issue management
Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Repair
Mechanical Product Troubleshooting and Repair
Improvement of Equipment Problems and Enhanced Functionality
Joint Fire Safety Management Operations
建築相關消防法規 工作任務╱業績項目分配 危機與議題管理 電機設備保養修護 機械產品故障排除檢修 改善設備問題及功能提昇 共同防火管理作業
Job Category
Business Management Supervisor
Electrical Engineers
Factory Affairs
永聯物流開發(Ally Logistic Property, ALP)具備專業的地產知識,握有豐富的金融資源,擁有跳脫框架的人才團隊。透過佈局串聯全台灣的物流產業的「智慧化物流基礎設施」來實踐改變產業的理想。 從地產開發開始,透過快速嘗試創新,打破傳統倉儲的思維,進而提出串聯物流產業上下游的「基礎設施即服務」之商業模式。透過產業聚集的效益來開發專倉,並整合物流服務、導入符合需求的自動化設備及智慧科技,提供客戶最佳的供應鏈解決方案,進而成為現在的永聯。 十年來,永聯秉持著改變產業的決心,開發了全台第一座現代化的智慧物流園區,也是目前全台灣最大的物流園區!搭配科技島上本身的豐富資源,目標在台灣投資新台幣300億的資金開發物流園區,截至目前已營運逾50萬平方米的倉儲空間,其中超過六成的空間服務國際知名客戶。永聯也陸續建立了六座物流園區來實現藍圖,為台灣物流產業的建設打好基礎。 我們用台灣的成功經驗來孵化物流地產開發的商業模式,現在已準備好南向,在東南亞設立跨國辦公室並與當地集團進行戰略合作,並持續讓物流產業更簡單、更聰明、更永續! _ ALP (Ally Logistic Property, Co., Ltd.), is the first and largest institutional logistics property developer in Taiwan, providing sustainable modern logistics facilities which comply with the highest international standards. ALP's mission is to make the logistics industry become simpler, smarter, and more sustainable. ALP has set up the goal to invest US$1 billion in the logistics facilities in Taiwan, and now we are halfway through. As the first institutional logistics property developer in Taiwan, ALP has built and is now managing more than 500,000 sqm of warehouses. During these 10 years, ALP has constructed and is now managing 6 logistics parks in Taiwan. With over 90% of warehouses occupied, more than 60% is leased by multinational companies that include retail and commercial brands, channels and third-party logistics service providers and more. Treating Taiwan as an incubator, ALP has gained comprehensive knowledge and experience in optimizing logistics solutions and service, integrating with automation and robotics. In 2020, ALP started to expand to Southeast Asia and set up a subsidiary in Malaysia. With the successful business model, knowledge base and multinational customer base built up in Taiwan, ALP aims to replicate our success model into other countries including Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and more.
0 ~ 5 applicants