10/15 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Mới tốt nghiệp
Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

• We focus on biosensor early assessment, feature development, function validation and data collection and analysis.
• We work with colleagues with different principles in global to make our product better.
• We are interested in health care, sports and medical applications.
• We expect our member to be creative and innovative, and also encourage our member to realize the new idea.
• We also keep track on the product stability and keep monitoring and improving biosensor features.
• Develops moderately complex software, creates and executes designs for small sets of new functionalities.
• Hardware and Firmware verification.
• Exploration of new Biosensor functions.
• Production line maintenance.
Essential Functions:
• Develops moderately complex software in C, C++, Python, or other selected languages for Garmin or OEM products and/or applications consistently following Garmin’s coding standards and in accordance with applicable software development methodology and release processes.
• Utilizes software engineering tools such as configuration management systems, build processes, and debuggers in the software development process.
• Creates and executes designs for small sets of new functionalities as part of a software project.
• Collaborates and adds value through participation in peer code reviews, providing comments and suggestions.
• Provides reliable solutions to a variety of problems using sound problem solving techniques.
• Contributes to technical research on new technologies.
• Estimate level of effort, evaluate new options of similar technology, offer suggestions to improve processes, and provide comments on some electrical design aspects.
• Works collaboratively and professionally with other Garmin associates in cross functional teams to achieve goals.
• TOEIC 700+
Basic Qualifications:
• Master of Science degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering Aerospace Engineering, Math or Physics or a technical field (such as CIS or IT) relevant to the essential functions of this job description.
• Demonstrates proficient knowledge and utilization of engineering tools necessary for successful performance of the essential functions of this job description.
o Experience in MCU firmware programming (C/C++), familiar with AFE is a plus.
o C for embedded applications, C++, Python, Other.
o Basic instrument usage experience is plus: multimeter, LCR meter, logic analyzer.
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ
Loại công việc
Firmware Engineer
【GPS 領導廠商】 Garmin,全球衛星定位系統產業的龍頭!自1989年成立以來,在航空、航海、汽車導航、戶外運動與健身休閒等五大應用領域,全球佔有率均是第一名,2012年銷售超過1億台的GPS衛星定位及通訊產品,2018年更是到達累積銷售2億台之里程碑。Garmin秉持「創新研發、豐富大家生活」的精神,以產品幫助許多人完成不同領域的旅程記憶。除了執著研發上的專業,產品更強調人性化的操作介面,不管哪一個領域,都希望開發出讓使用者快速上手的產品。Garmin於2000年在美國NASDAQ公開上市,2004 成為 NASDAQ100 指數中之高科技指標公司,2012年12月榮獲美國標準普爾500指數指名成為成份股股票之高科技指標公司。過去數年更榮獲富比士評選為全球兩千大之一。 【技術持續創新】 Garmin面對快速變動的市場,積極推動產品與技術的創新,體現在航空的整合性儀表板研發及航海產品等,到近期的穿戴式裝置。 我們擁有各項技術整合能力,包含GPS晶片組軟/硬體核心,GPS產品開發、電子地圖技術、無線電傳輸、行動電視、慣性導航、語音合成及辨識、數位路況廣播、雷達、聲納、AutoPilot、液晶模組技術及智慧型手機導航軟體及伺服器應用等。在這些領域裡都以卓越的技術成就推出傲視全球的GPS產品,成為世界的領導品牌。 【亞洲研發中心】Garmin 的臺灣團隊肩負百分之九十五的生產製造任務,近年來臺灣更發展為亞洲研發中心。我們深耕這塊土地並且持續擴大研發團隊規模,現階段需要更多學界技術能量以及研發人才的加入,持續創造Garmin 連續營收與獲利成長的奇蹟,進而提升臺灣新興科技產業的動能。在Garmin,您有機會與世界各國頂尖的人才合作,跨文化的經驗將提升您的視野與實力,歡迎您與我們共同站上世界的舞台!
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển