Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Work Experience

Job Description

Apply Here:
Identify, select, and evaluate new equipment/ new technology to support current and future requirements
- Define, development and establish new equipment design/ capability requirements aligned to Process and Packaging Roadmap
- Develop and engage creative solution for new equipment capabilities/ solution to identified constraints or future technology requirements
- Work with equipment suppliers to develop new capability
- Engage in active participation in Package Development Engineering activities
- Conducts equipment benchmarking to establish the equipment suppliers and platforms for future need
- Create decision matrix for equipment and material selection
Installation and qualification of new equipment platform and handover to production group
- Plan/submit capital request to acquire new Equipment
- Create purchasing specification (Doc2) document
- Establish the new equipment qualification criteria and activities roadmap with respective functional - team
- Establish project handover requirements and procedures upon machine qualification
- Prepare documentation for handing over with respective site owner
- Conduct data gathering for low volume production
- Conduct training for Site representatives
- Feedback loop for Continuous Improvement after mass volume production
Maintain a matrix of key equipment platform capability and constraints (Equipment Maturity Index, EMI & Tool of Records, TOR) on current and new equipment platform
- Driving EMI, a system to standardize equipment maturity expectations, metrics to communicate tool manufacturing readiness, analyze the requirements to advance tool maturity level
- Maintain and regularly update the TOR, with inputs from local or other assembly site
- Maintain general knowledge of process and material characteristics and translate to equipment design requirement
- Search continually for new equipment or suppliers with improved or new capability that is aligned to Process/Packaging need
Collaborate with production group on upgrades of existing production equipment through continuous improvement projects
- Maintain knowledge of design constraints and weakness of existing platform
- Participate in the continuous improvement projects involving equipment improvement and upgrades
Job Requirements/ Qualifications: 
- PhD/Masters/Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical & Electronic, Material, Mechanical Engineering, Physics & Applied Physics or Equivalent Work Experience Required 
- Basic knowledge in semiconductor manufacturing assembly, wafer bumping packaging technologies & advanced packaging techniques
- Minimum 3 years’ experience in related semiconductor industry
- Experience with technical knowledge on assembly and/or wafer bumping and/ or advanced packaging technology
- Understanding and/or experience in equipment automation solution e.g. GEM300, AMHS and IIOT solution for datamation such as APC, FDC, E3, PCS, SPC) is a plus 
- Fast learner, with initiative and independence (min supervision)
- Good team player, ability to integrate and cooperate with cross function teams and external vendors
- Strong communication and presentation skills 
- Understanding of business needs and customers’ requirement 
- Strong project management skills to ensure execution to timelines 
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Semiconductor Engineer
IC Packaging / Testing Engineer
台灣美光(台灣美光晶圓/台灣美光記憶體/美光亞太)是美商美光科技(Micron Technology, Inc.)在台子公司,美光科技成立於1978年,是全球前三大記憶體製造商,總部設立於美國愛達荷州波伊西市(Boise),並分別於美國、台灣、日本、新加坡、中國、歐洲等地設有研發設計或製造據點;全球員工超過3萬人。 台灣美光跨足半導體後段封測領域,以領先之姿,帶領亞洲半導體產業持續向上,讓世界供應鏈持續向台灣匯聚能量。台灣美光升級為集合晶圓製造、封裝測試於一體,並有研發團隊進駐的DRAM卓越製造中心。 我們提供高度多樣化的產品陣容,並與客戶密切合作,幫助他們開發整個記憶體系統。事實上,您也許每天都在使用我們的記憶體-在電腦、網路和伺服器應用中,在移動、嵌入式、消費者、汽車和工業設計中。 作為世界上最豐富的專利持有者之一,我們不斷反思、重鑄和精進新思路,給更廣泛的市場帶來革新並找出方法,使我們的技術能夠激發新的應用或對現有設計做出根本改進。 記憶體是我們的根基,是我們商業的核心競爭力。當我們展望未來時,將同時持續透過我們的核心記憶體業務和推動產品多樣化及技術來驅動創新與擴展新市場,以鞏固過去取得的成就。 美光在台灣 ●台灣美光晶圓科技股份有限公司 (Micron Technology Taiwan, MTTW) 公司地址:桃園市龜山區復興三路667號 (華亞科技園區) ●台灣美光記憶體股份有限公司 (Micron Memory Taiwan, MMT) 公司地址:台中市后里區三豐路4段369號 (中科后里園區) ●美光亞太科技股份有限公司 (Micron Technology Asia Pacific, Inc., MTT) 公司地址:台北市南港區經貿一路170號23樓 (TFC南港經貿大樓) 公司地址:新竹縣竹北市環科一路1號7樓 (昌益科技產發園區) ☆人力資源政策☆ 美光提供最佳產品給顧客並為股東及員工創造最大價值。對於員工我們提供具競爭性的薪資水準及創造優質的工作環境,吸引、留任及培育每位優秀員工。
11 ~ 30 applicants