【南港外商電腦原廠-Peripheral Product Manager】歡迎英文精通、有PM經驗的您!KA_840
10/18 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 50,000+

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

《如果你精通英文/ 對科技業深感興趣 / 有三年PM相關經驗/ 期待加入活潑外商環境 / 歡迎按下主動應徵了解更多》
【Job description】
▲ Create, manage and improve processes affecting concept planning, product management and other stakeholder groups that commonly interface with the team
▲Automate tools that pull in massive data and design management- level presentation
▲Generate competitor analysis by collecting market data and reviewing product, price, communication and so on, with market insights embedded
▲Support data analysis ad hoc for business needs
【Qualifications and Skills】
▲ 1~ 5+ years in product management fundamentals
▲Demonstrated experience working with stakeholders such as Product Managers, Concept Planners, Strategy and Portfolio, R&D, ID Studio and others
▲Ability to interact with all levels of the company, including senior management.
▲Ability to effectively persuade across organizational boundaries, both horizontally as well as vertically.
▲Self-starter, proactive, curious, detail-oriented, team player
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ
Loại công việc
Product Planning
Product Manager
藝珂集團為全球最大的國際性人力資源服務公司,總部設於瑞士蘇黎世,名列《財富Fortune》全球前500大企業,股票也在瑞士蘇黎土證券交易所公開上市。藝珂集團亦獲全球最佳企業職場肯定,目前已有超過5千家分公司,服務遍佈於世界60個主要國家及地區市場,全職員工超過39,000名。每天有超過70萬名的約聘工作夥伴為超過10萬家公司提供最完善的人力資源服務。 台灣藝珂於1989年成立,以國際視野丶貼近客戶的服務網路,提供台灣各類產業及大丶中丶小型企業多元的人才資源服務,服務市場遍及亞太區。除了為台灣企業提供人才搜尋的服務外,更為企業的人力資源管理提供360度人才解決方案和教練/諮詢服務,以因應瞬息萬變的市場環境,協助企業優化勞動環境。 台灣藝珂集團於台北﹑新竹﹑台中﹑台南﹑高雄皆設有服務據點,透過全台近兩百位專業顧問與職員,協助企業經營領域的擴展,同時讓求職者有更彈性多元和跨地域的求職空間。 藝珂專業: 業務銷售與行銷/數位應用/醫藥及醫材專業/公司財會/法規稽核及風控/資訊科技與管理/銀行金融科技/證券投資/生產與製造/研發/人力資源/軟體開發與應用/法務與法遵/專利/公共事務諮詢/行政管理與後勤單位/供應鏈/採購/客服/產品管理/專案管理/工程製造與技術 服務據點: 台北總公司 02-5552-6168 新竹分公司 03-620-1558 台中分公司 04-2301-0781 南科分公司 06-510-6999 高雄分公司 07-226-2060
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển