10/21 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 32,000+

Điều kiện

Yêu cầu ngôn ngữ
Tiếng Anh
Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

2.負責訪客接待、服務、引導及通知。 (例: 會議室茶水.點心準備…)
4.協助遞送會簽文件及內外部公文/物品/郵件收發/傳真收發, 物品相關分配處理。
12.處理例行性的工作 (如:大廳、公共區域、辦公室、會議室清潔維持.檢查、週邊景觀植栽維護照顧、整理雜誌…等),以使同仁有舒適的辦公環境。
13.完成庶務性或行政支援工作 (如:協助接待面試人員、報到流程、雜誌架規劃與管理、事務機器叫修維護、供應商搜尋、...)。
14.教育訓練作業: 教育訓練相關資料事前準備/資料歸檔。
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Document Receipt
Document Processing/Typing Skills
Administrative Affairs Handling
Report Compilation and Management
Telephone Handling and Reception
Document or Data Entry and File Processing
Petty Cash Management
文件收發與檔案管理 文書處理╱排版能力 行政事務處理 報表彙整與管理 電話接聽與人員接待事項 文件或資料輸入建檔處理 零用金管理
Loại công việc
Administrative Assistant
Switchboard Operator
自1925年成立迄今,DEKRA德凱集團對客戶的承諾始終如一:確保人類與科技及環境互動的安全性問題。至今,前身為德國機動車監督協會的DEKRA德凱集團,已是世界知名的第三方專業檢測認證機構。2019年,DEKRA德凱集團總營收高達1,115億元新台幣(34億歐元),業務遍佈世界六大洲逾60個國家,員工約45,000名。 DEKRA德凱集團的技術專家群致力於提升人類全方位安全,涵蓋層面包含路途中、工作中及居家中等各種日常生活情境,服務項目包含:車輛檢測、理賠與專家評估、產品測試、工業檢測、諮詢、稽核、培訓、臨時僱傭。2025年將是DEKRA德凱集團創立的100週年,願景為「成為安全世界裡的全球合作夥伴」。 DEKRA德凱集團持續提升亞太區測試能力,於台北、新北、新竹、上海、蘇州、崑山、杭州、溫州、廣州、深圳、香港、東京、首爾、新德里、孟買及海德拉巴等地皆設有據點。台灣的五個據點則分別位於新北林口(兩個據點)、桃園華亞科技園區、台北松山及新竹竹東。 自2015年起,DEKRA德凱於台灣陸續成立了EMC/RF實驗室、無線通訊一致性實驗室、車聯網實驗室、系統可靠度暨失效分析實驗室、OTA實驗室等,分別提供EMC/RF強制性法規檢測服務,物聯網無線通訊相容性檢測服務如Wi-Fi、LoRa、Bluetooth等,車聯網檢測服務如汽車EMC測試、軍用EMC測試、著名車廠測試要求,一站式LED、PCB、PCBA、系統可靠度驗證暨失效分析之服務,以及符合CTIA標準的天線效能OTA測試與Wi-Fi客製化效能測試等服務。此外,DEKRA德凱也提供電氣安全、功能安全、鐵道交通等測試認證服務、國際認證服務。 DEKRA德凱台灣最新推出的5G測試認證解決方案涵蓋各國法規如FCC、CE、ISED、NCC等強制性測試、PTCRB及GCF一致性測試、電信營運商入網測試、OTA及Data Throughput性能測試、歐洲新車強制配備eCall系統測試、DSRC及C-V2X測試、國際認證服務、加值及客製化服務。 Since it was founded in 1925, the DEKRA promise has been: We ensure the safety of human interaction with technology and the environment. Since then, the Deutscher Kraftfahrzeug-Überwachungs-Verein e.V. (German Motor Vehicle Inspection Association) has become one of the world's leading expert organizations. DEKRA SE is a wholly owned subsidiary of DEKRA e.V. and manages the Group’s operating business. DEKRA generated revenues totaling more than €3.4 billion in 2019. The company currently employs around 45,000 people in more than 60 countries on all six continents. On the road, at work and at home - DEKRA’s skilled experts create increased safety across all the key areas of life. The company has a clear and ambitious vision of the future. The vision for the company’s 100th birthday in 2025 is to see DEKRA as the global partner for a safe world. Our broad service portfolio with qualified and independent expert services range from vehicle inspection and expert appraisals to claims services, industrial and building inspections, safety consultancy, testing and certification of products and systems, as well as training courses and temporary work. DEKRA continues increasing testing capabilities in East and South Asia. Its branches are located in Taipei, New Taipei, Hsinchu, Shanghai, Suzhou, Kunshan, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Yokohama, Seoul, New Delhi, Mumbai and Hyderabad throughout the region. The operating offices in Taiwan are situated in Linkou in New Taipei (two branches), Taoyuan City and Songshan in Taipei, Zhudong in Hsinchu. Since 2015, DEKRA has established EMC/RF Lab, Wireless Communication Conformance Lab, IoV Lab, System Reliability and Failure Analysis Lab, OTA Lab, etc. in Taiwan, which provide EMC/RF mandatory regulations testing services, IoT wireless communication compatibility testing services such as Wi-Fi, Lora, Bluetooth and many others, IoV testing services such as automotive EMC testing, military EMC testing and car maker testing, LED, PCB, PCBA, system reliability verification and failure analysis services, as well as CTIA OTA Testing for antenna performance and customized Wi-Fi performance testing. Furthermore, DEKRA offers Electrical Safety, Functional Safety, Rail Service, and International Market Access Service. Recently, DEKRA Taiwan has launched the 5G Testing and Certification Solution, which includes: Mandatory Regulatory Testing such as FCC, CE, ISED, NCC, etc.; Conformance Testing like PTCRB and GCF; Telefonica and NTT DOCOMO Carrier Approval Testing; OTA and Data Throughput Performance Testing; Testing for eCall Device, DSRC, C-V2X, International Market Access, and Value-added and Customized Service.
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển