Hardware System Engineer, Server/ 硬體系統工程師, 伺服器
10/18 Cập nhật
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0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

Điều kiện

Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

We are seeking a Hardware Systems Engineer (Servers) responsible for assembling, testing, and optimizing servers and their software.
• Assemble and maintain servers.
• Install operating systems and test and optimize hardware and software.
• Track and research leading-edge hardware technologies, explore technological advancements, and assess implementation feasibility.
Candidate Requirements:
• 5+ yrs experience in server architecture, with proficiency in Linux or Windows systems, is a must
• Familiar with x86 hardware architecture is a plus
• Knowledge about CPU architecture and the ability to overclock memory effectively is a plus
• Skill in testing network speed using DPDK is a plus
Other Requirements:
• Experienced or interested in CPU and memory overclocking.
• Familiar with PC structure, master DPDK and other user-friendly software, and have a deep understanding of software and hardware synergistic and heterogeneous architecture.
• Innovative spirit, pursuit of extreme performance, understanding of technology trends, and ability to conduct research and exploration of related technologies.
• In-depth understanding of CPU system structure, in-depth understanding of at least one of X86, ARM, GPU system structure, understanding of its microarchitecture, the main instruction set, etc.; new processors, key instruction optimization, Cache optimization, etc., and at the same time, an in-depth understanding of memory hierarchical architecture; experience in the implementation of the relevant module technology. Knowledge of memory computing and Linux compilation optimization is a plus.
• In-depth understanding of network protocols such as TCP, UDP, RDMA and other high-performance protocols, and the ability to combine DPUs, FPGAs, and other programmable components to develop high-performance communication technologies and high-performance communication intermediary software, and a grasp of in-network computing is a plus.
• 伺服器組裝及維修
• 安裝作業系統,並測試與優化各項軟硬體
• 追蹤、研究業界領先的硬體技術,探索技術演進與實施可行性
• 熟悉伺服器架構
• 熟悉Linux或Windows操作系統
• 熟悉X86硬體架構
• 具備CPU架構的知識並能夠有效進行記憶體超頻或對對CPU、記憶體超頻有經驗或興趣
• 具備使用DPDK測試網路速度的技能(熟悉電腦結構,掌握DPDK等用戶態軟體,深刻理解軟硬體協同異質架構)
• 有創新精神,追求極致性能,理解技術的演進趨勢,具備進行相關技術研究探索的能力
• 深入理解CPU體系結構,對X86、ARM、GPU體系結構至少一種深入理解,理解其微架構、主要指令集等;對新型處理器,關鍵指令優化、Cache優化等深入掌握,同時,對內存分層架構深入理解;有相關模組技術落地經驗。對記憶體運算、Linux相關編譯最佳化有所了解更佳
• 深刻理解TCP、UDP等網路協議,了解RDMA等高效能協議,可結合智慧網卡(DPU)、FPGA和其他可程式零件等進行高效能通訊技術和高效能通訊中介軟體研發,對in-network computing有所掌握者優先
Số lượng tuyển dụng
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Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Basic Operating System Operations
IT Equipment Operation and Repair
IT Equipment Environmental Settings
Hardware System Research & Development Design
作業系統基本操作 資訊設備操作檢修 資訊設備環境設定 硬體系統研發設計
Loại công việc
System Engineer
Computer Assembly/Testing
Hardware Development Engineer
創辦人專注於高頻交易十多餘年,於2015年創立 VICI Holdings 威旭資訊,以台灣為基地,延攬金融與科技業的頂尖人才加入,積極研究最新的技術,持續拓展全球交易市場,追求永續高成長。 VICI Holdings 威旭資訊是一間專注於高頻交易、造市及套利交易的公司,我們進行量化研究並追求更好的交易策略。擁有領先全台的軟體研發團隊,並具備華爾街等級的FPGA設計技術,據此打造低延遲全自動交易系統;同時,交易策略橫跨股票、期貨及衍生性商品,且每日全球交易市值達數百億台幣。 我們以人為本,提供開放且自由的工作環境,讓夥伴可以專注於研究與創新,同時,透明且扁平化的組織架構,讓所有人都可以在組織裡發聲並發揮潛能。 歡迎到LinkedIn追蹤我們的更多訊息:https://www.linkedin.com/company/vici-holdings 【今周刊】創辦人專訪: https://www.businesstoday.com.tw/article/category/183034/post/202406210018/ 【馬力歐陪你喝一杯】創辦人Podcast訪談:https://www.thenewslens.com/article/199293 【科技新報】報導:https://pse.is/4cqujm 【數位時代】報導:https://lnkd.in/gW8bvcPE 威旭資訊有限公司(以下稱本公司)近期發現,有不肖人士冒用本公司名義於網路上招攬民眾私募基金投資理財。 本公司從未於網路社團成立投資群組,亦不會透過社交軟體私訊。 為避免社會大眾遭受不肖人士之欺詐,並維護本公司之清譽,特此聲明,本公司從未透過任何管道向民眾提供投資訊息。盼大眾切勿相信不實資訊,且若發現任何相關可疑或不明管道之訊息,請儘速向警政署反詐騙專線165或警察機關請求協助,以免權益受損。
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển