Project Financial Controller 專案會計管理師
9/19 Updated
Senior Level
English Required
11 ~ 30 applicants

Salary & Location

Salary negotiable
(Regular monthly salary of NT$40,000 or above)


Language Requirements
Work Experience

Job Description

Your Profile:
1. Bachelor’s degree or higher in accounting, finance, or a related field; CPA or CFA preferred.
2. At least 3 years of experience in accounting, finance, or a related field.
3. Strong knowledge of financial management, accounting, and financial analysis, with the ability to handle complex financial issues.
4. Good communication, coordination, and analytical skills; able to work with cross-functional and international teams.
5. Fluent in spoken and written Chinese and English for business purposes.
6. Prior international work experience preferred; able to adapt to a multicultural environment and support the company’s globalization goals.
Job Description (includes, but not limited to the following):
1. Develop and coordinate the company's financial planning and budgeting, ensuring effective implementation and monitoring.
2. Handle financial accounting tasks, including recording, analyzing, and preparing financial statements; assist with external audits.
3. Analyze the company's financial condition, provide strategic recommendations to improve efficiency and performance, and implement financial strategies.
4. Establish and implement internal control systems to ensure compliance with regulations and standards; improve processes and control mechanisms to reduce risks.
5. Monitor economic and market trends, providing timely financial analysis and forecasts to assist senior management in strategic decision-making and promoting sustainable development.
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Field of Study Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy
Job Category
Financial Analysis/Financial Staff
Finance or Accounting Supervisor
Account Checking/Audit Staff
台船環海公司,由台灣國際造船公司與歐洲DEME Offshore Holding NV公司共同合資在臺成立,結合了雙方母公司在離岸風電工程之經驗與優勢,自運輸與安裝(T&I)至大型統包工程(BoP),致力為臺灣離岸風電市場提供國際級之專業海事工程服務。 CSBC-DEME Wind Engineering Co. Ltd. (CDWE), a joint venture between CSBC Corporation, Taiwan and DEME Offshore from Belgium. Combining the knowledge and experience of the Shareholders, we offer global solutions related to the construction of offshore wind farms in Taiwan, from transport and installation activities to full Balance of Plant projects. 工程服務 SERVICES 自運輸與安裝(T&I)工程至大型統包工程(BoP),台船環海為臺灣離岸風電市場提供全方位之海事工程服務,並將持續強化我們的船隊,打造台灣第一艘自建之離岸風電全迴旋大型浮吊船「環海翡翠輪」,集重型吊車、DP3 動態定位系統及環境友善設計於一身,展現最佳運輸及裝載能力。 CDWE offers a full range of solutions related to the construction of offshore wind farms in Taiwan, from transport and installation of components to full Balance of Plant EPCI works. In the near future, CDWE will introduce its latest member of the fleet, Green Jade, the first Taiwanese-owned and -flagged offshore wind installation vessel. This floating DP3 heavy lift asset features an exceptional combination of high transport and load capacity, impressive lifting heights and green technology. 我們重視每一位員工,除了有良好工作環境、也提供學習及成長的空間,歡迎優秀的朋友一起加入台船環海風電工程股份有限公司的工作行列。
11 ~ 30 applicants