Mô tả công việc
✔ 擁有眾多與海內外藝人、KOL、時尚媒體等接觸機會!
✔ 從規劃到落地執行,一手包辦,一圓全方位的公關夢!
✔ 鼓勵創意與想法,儘管大膽提案,團隊合力協助你達成
◎ 工作內容
1. 年度品牌公關議題規劃及發展策略,其內容涵蓋企業公關、活動公關、媒體公關。
2. 媒體關係經營與操作(包含社群媒體、KOL合作、公關稿撰寫、媒體採訪、舉辦記者會)。
3. 負責各類活動的規劃、安排與執行
4. 品牌異業合作、媒體平台資源交換的評估、提案及執行。
◎ Responsibilities
1. Arrange for annual projects and focuses in public relation strategies.
2. Arrange for public events (press conferences, forums, etc.) planning and executing.
3. Ensuring press releases and public communications meets corporate policies.
4. Manage and documents public events and press releases internally.
5. Partnership and event planning with media and advertising companies, in charging with relative press budget and purchase.
6. WOM, KOL, SEO management.
7. Marketing collaboration proposal, negotiation and execution.
8. Social media management (including blogs, YouTube, Facebook, websites, etc.)
9. New Product Launch Strategy Plan
10. Preparation, execution and follow-up of product strategy activities.
◎ 加分條件
1. 對於網路與媒體趨勢有敏銳觀察力
2. 對消費性電子產品及其他科技商品具有熱忱
3. 具備直播現場產品介紹、即時互動、進度掌握能力
4. 對工作有責任與使命感,可主動掌握工作進度,在時間內完成交付工作
5. 細心,具備企劃能力
6. 擅於溝通,能與團隊合作
Số lượng tuyển dụng
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Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ
Loại công việc
Media Public Relations Staff/Supervisor
Media PR/Publicity Procurement