《璞旅集團》Senior Secretary or Special Assistant
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

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Mô tả công việc

尋找與《璞旅集團》共同持續展翅飛翔的 高階主管特助。
1. 高度專案管理化,協助高階主管進行公司內部管理稽核事項
2. 協助高階主管進行跨部門、跨館的各館長與管理部溝通協調與會議召集。
3. 協助公司經營策略分析、整合規劃、推動與執行。
4. 協助高階主管決議後各事項及各項專案的推進。
5. 尋找公司未來發展之新事業(如:技術合作、合併、購併、策略聯盟)。
6. 提供企業營運績效分析與改善管理給予高階主管。
7. 協助高階主管經營策略擬定後的推進與品質進度。
8. 協助追蹤、監督各部門的工作進度。
9. 協助負責重要客戶來訪接待及回函處理。
1. Highly project management ability .Responsible for the planning and arrangement of the supervisory affairs,
sorting out the approval documents, and responsible for tracking the implementation status.
2. For the communication, integration and planning of operating conditions, administrative affairs, and digital transformation processes, report collection and reporting.
3. Those who are familiar with the Internet ecology and modern operation mode are preferred, but still take the learning attitude as the main evaluation standard.
4. Assist in propelling the strategic growth of various business units within the group, while also collaborating to construct robust management systems.
5. Engage in seamless teamwork, foster interdepartmental communication, nurture team cohesion, and uphold the ethos of our corporate culture.
6. Cultivate and maintain relationships with external partners, showcasing our company's culture and enhancing our corporate image.
1. [Communication] : Provide encouragement and enthusiasm to colleagues for department heads and cross-departmental cooperation.
2. [Compressive] : Actively face various challenges at work, willing to grow together with the company.
3. [Independent thinking] : In the state of fast information, have the ability to think and judge things independently.
5. [Optimistic] : Would like to create a good and positive company culture and build a sustainable team together.
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Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Report Compilation and Management
Managing Calendars and Coordinating Meetings
Project communication/integration management
Crisis and issue management
Negotiation skills
Public Relations Event Planning and Execution
Public Relations Issues and Crisis Management
報表彙整與管理 文件檔案資料處理、轉換及整合工作 管理行事曆與會議協調安排 規劃、組織、指導及協調組織內部行政作業 專案溝通╱整合管理 危機與議題管理 協商談判能力 公關活動規劃與執行 公關議題與危機處理
Loại công việc
Special Assistant to Supervisor
住宿,不只滿足身體的旅行,更療癒流浪的心靈 璞旅集團先後創辦「璞邸城市膠囊旅店」、「松河璞旅」、「大湖璞旅」、「芝山璞旅」、「見潭璞旅」、「共味食光」、「烏日璞旅」等品牌,廣受國內外商務、團體、背包客、家族旅遊喜愛,旅客的喜愛與肯定,不只因為環境及服務,更因為背後集合了優異且全方位的執行與管理團隊。2023 除持續拓展品牌及事業規模,更將事業觸角及規模延伸至連鎖餐飲、品牌授權、創意開發、活化地方創生。 只要充滿熱情,就能管理飯店、餐廳?想要走向國際,需要的是對的路徑!璞旅集團管理團隊為一群年輕充滿戰鬥力的專業團隊,你的參與,將可能為觀光產業帶來可觀的能量衝擊。我們需要你/妳的加入
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển