<外商筆電品牌大廠>System Integrated Test Engineer (Software / Firmware Test Engineer)<派遣職>105IW
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0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

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(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

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HP has recently announced a partnership with Google to deliver Project Starline to market! Project Starline is the next generation of immersive videoconferencing solution, bring autostereoscopic 3D displays and imaging technologies together to provide a life-like experience to customers around the world.
Taiwan is a vibrant hub of innovation, and we're seeking experienced and passionate System Integration Engineers to join our team in revolutionizing video conferencing. As a key contributor to our groundbreaking product, you'll have the opportunity to shape the future of communication and collaborate with a talented team of engineers.
As a Software/Firmware Test Engineer, you will be responsible for ensuring the robustness, functionality, and adherence to specified requirements of our software and firmware systems. Your role will involve a comprehensive understanding of software and firmware integration, protocol testing, performance evaluation, and documentation. You will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to identify issues, provide feedback for improvement, and deliver solutions that meet or exceed customer expectations.
System Integration Knowledge and Experiences:
o Prior experience in software/firmware integration or related technical field.
o Solid understanding of software/firmware integration concepts to ensure seamless operation of components.
Technical Skills: Software/Firmware Testing:
o Proficiency in testing methodologies for software and firmware systems.
o Familiarity with software development life cycle (SDLC) processes.
o Understanding of firmware development and testing principles.
o Knowledge of operating systems (Windows, Linux) and network protocols.
o Understanding of hardware components and configurations.
Protocol Testing and Standards:
o Knowledge of network protocols and standards relevant to software/firmware systems.
o Familiarity with conferencing protocols and standards such as SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) and WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication).
o Experience in testing protocols such as TCP/IP, MQTT, or other communication protocols.
Performance and Load Testing:
o Assess software/firmware performance and scalability under different load conditions.
o Conduct stress testing to identify system limitations.
Integration and Compatibility Testing:
o Test software/firmware compatibility across platforms, devices, and operating systems.
o Collaborate with teams to ensure seamless integration with third-party applications or hardware.
User Interface (UI) Testing:
o Verify software/firmware UI elements for functionality, responsiveness, and user-friendliness.
Adaptability and Regression Testing:
o Adapt to changing project requirements and technologies.
o Implement and maintain regression test suites.
o Create comprehensive test documentation including plans, cases, and reports.
o Document software/firmware integration processes and configurations.
General Skills:
o Collaborate with cross-functional teams and provide technical feedback.
o Communicate effectively on technical issues and solutions.
o Strong interpersonal skills for team collaboration.
o Customer-oriented mindset for delivering software/firmware solutions exceeding expectations.
o Analytical skills for troubleshooting integration issues.
o Ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines.
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Loại công việc
Software/Firmware Testing Engineer
Reliability Engineer
Hardware Testing Engineer
ManpowerGroup萬寶華成立於1948年,總部設於美國威斯康辛州密爾瓦基市,為紐約證券交易所上市公司(NYSE: MAN),營運據點遍及全球75+個國家和地區,近2,500個服務據點。為提供創新人力資源解決方案領域中居全球領導地位的公司,在業界擁有長達近70年以上的經驗。身為人力資源專家,我們每天協助超過60萬名求職者尋找適合其技能與產業的工作。透過萬寶華旗下品牌Manpower®、Experis®、Right Management®,我們幫助75+個國家及區域,超過40萬名客戶解決其關鍵人才需求,提供全面的解決方案以發掘、管理、發展人才。 ManpowerGroup萬寶華於1997年在台灣成立分公司,至今已27年。萬寶華台灣團隊是由來自各產業的人力資源顧問所組成,憑藉著專業知識、經驗與熱忱,積極瞭解客戶需求,發展出對客戶最有益的解決方案。萬寶華的解決方案涵蓋企業中所有與人才發展相關的項目,包括人才招募、外包、評估、培訓、諮詢、職涯管理等服務。包含正職、中高階、派遣、短期、臨時、契約等人才招募服務;招募流程外包、跨區域招募、物流倉儲作業管理、供應商管理、通路行銷等外包專案服務;以及委外、試用、薪資等人事管理服務。 萬寶華致力於引領革新並提供創新人力資源解決方案,精準掌握全球職場趨勢,包括每季發佈下一季度的「全球就業展望調查」、年度「人才短缺調查」及系列白皮書等行之有年、公信力高的調查報告。我們不僅深入了解產業及市場的人才需求,同時更精準連結人才與企業發展目標。 ManpowerGroup萬寶華於2021 年連續12年獲選為「最佳商業道德典範企業」以及連續17年獲財富雜誌《Fortune》評為「全球最受讚賞企業」,顯示ManpowerGroup萬寶華是人力資源產業中最值得信賴與最受讚賞的品牌。同時連續7年獲人權運動基金會評為平等友好 LGBTQ 的「最佳工作場所」,以及連續5年被評為最佳身障友善職場,是同業中唯一在促進多元化和包容性的工作場所方面獲得滿分的企業。
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển