10/16 Cập nhật
Toàn thời gian
Cấp nhân viên cao cấp
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Lương hàng thángNT$ 50,000~60,000

Điều kiện

Kinh nghiệm

Mô tả công việc

1. 辦理財務報告之查核及簽證。
2. 承辦所得稅結算申報之查核及簽證。
3. 現金出納,並登記現金交易事項、從事財務處理記錄、會計及簿記之記錄、發票對帳及開立折讓單
5. 擔任工商登記或商標註冊及其他有關事件之代理人。
6. 從事諸如會計、預算制度之設計、執行與資訊系統之建立等管理顧問等服務。
8、處理廠商貨款及費用, 負責專案應收款及應付款項
Số lượng tuyển dụng
Trình độ học vấn
Yêu cầu ngành học
Giờ làm việc
Chế độ nghỉ

Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Account audit and accounting inspection
Financial and business analysis
Preparation of financial statements
Preparing financial reports
Income tax settlement reporting
Tax planning and tax reporting/tax payment matters
Tax business handling
Handling accounting-related matters
Planning and Reviewing Accounting Workflows
Closing Accounts and Account Handling
Accounting or Auditing Professional Knowledge
Accounting Calculations and Account Processing
Accounting Management/Investigation
Compilation of Accounting Statements
帳務查核與會計稽查 財務及營業分析 財務報表製作 編制財務報告 所得稅結算申報 稅務規劃與稅報╱納稅事項 稅務業務處理 代辦會計相關事項 規劃檢討會計作業流程 結帳作業與帳務處理 會計或審計專業知識 會計核算和帳務處理 會計管理╱調查 編製帳務報表
Loại công việc
Responsible Accountant
Financial Accounting Assistant
建築部請參考:www.maudarchitect.com 室內設計部請參考: www.lomainteriors.com 台北與台中辦公室 MAUD 思瑞建築與都市規劃是一個國際性專業建築、都市規畫及室內設計公司,並且以多方位的設計以及強調品牌設計為特色。 我們主要的服務範圍,總體都市規畫、建築設計、景觀設計、室內設計。一站性的的設計流程是使我們賦予設計流暢具有連貫性的不二法門。我們的工作模式及運作系統,一直以來都是在提供最具創造力和靠著高科技解決建築方案的基礎上,達到毫不妥協的目標。誠摯地邀請你與我們一起從概念發想到建構,打造出高品質和創新的設計。 Who we are: MAUD/ Maxthreads Architecture and Urban Design amalgamates international architects, visionary urbanists, and environmental technologists. We celebrate design diversity and emphasize on pronouncing robustly branded architecture. What do we do: We offer a wide range of services across all scales: from masterplanning, architectural design, and landscape design to interior design, corporate branding, and furniture design. We value integrated design solutions and fluency in marketing language. Our ways of work and operation systems have been grounded in delivering the most creative and high-technology architectural solutions that meet a brief without compromise. Together, we seek to shape highly exciting and innovative designs from concept to construction.
0 ~ 5 người ứng tuyển