【夜校首選 PT】蝦皮電商助理/UDN-快速上手|固休六日|零食飲料 Buffet_BC
9/28 Updated
0 ~ 5 applicants

Salary & Location

Hourly WageNT$ 183~183


Work Experience

Job Description

~~~ 歡迎夜校生,未出社會即就業;歡迎新鮮人,跨足電商的絕佳切角 ~~~
——— 我們期望你 ———
★ 對日益茁壯的電商充滿熱情
★ 負責任的工作態度,積極自主的學習力
★ 能夠熟練使用電腦及辦公軟體
——— 職務內容 自選!!! ———
【Part 1-門市營運專案管理】
1. 門市人力系統基本維護與資料更新
2. 門市物流相關問題紀錄
3. 聯繫門市區經理營運相關事宜
【Part 2-客服監測】
1. 與帳務團隊合作,核實異常帳款以保障公司與會員權益。
2. 協助內部教育訓練專案,完成文字梳理、素材製作和資料維護。
3. 回應並解決智取店專線問題,依規範溝通並登記案件。
【Part 3-門市循環維護】
1. 門市報修案件審核
2. 門市報修案件維修進度追蹤
3. 門市消毒案件請款
——— 上班時間地點 ———
——— 我們提供 ———
★ 完善的教育培訓
★ 友善的工作環境和融洽的合作氛圍
★ Buffet 量級的免費零食飲料
**** 詢問請洽RFT Bill ****
Number of Openings
Educational Requirements
Work Schedule
Leave Policy

Job Skills

Administrative Affairs Handling
Job Category
Administrative Assistant
Administrative Staff
As one of the most trusted recruitment agencies in Singapore, Taiwan, Hong Kong and China, we are committed to providing holistic human resource solutions to our clients and candidates. We have established a comprehensive recruitment network as part of the HRnetGroup. With operations across 14 cities in the Asia Pacific, we have the capability to help you recruit across a wide variety of industries and connect you with the right people to meet your organisation’s needs. RecruitFirst has developed a solid reputation as a recruitment agency in Singapore known for our passion in fitting the best people to the right organisation. From Day One, we’ve set out to ensure that we know your business and make it a part of ours. From the market insights we bring to our clients, to the 'in the know' advice we give to our candidates, our team works hard to provide human resource solutions that create a significant impact on the businesses and people that we meet. Our approach to delivering these solutions stem from two key words – Going Beyond! With clients, it is about going beyond the brief to truly understand and embrace the unspoken so that we’re always delivering top notch service. For the candidates we meet, it always goes beyond the CV and engaging them on a personal basis. It gives us an edge, as we’re able to discern whether a potential placement we make is going to be just a good one or a really great one.
0 ~ 5 applicants