餐飲部-餐廳酒吧營運總監 F&B-Director of BARs
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Tiếng Anh Điều kiện
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển

Lương & địa điểm làm việc

Thỏa thuận
(Thường từ 40.000NTD trở lên)

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餐廳酒吧營運總監負責協調和監督3 個酒吧的飲料服務和營運。個人負責確保卓越、創造力、維護品牌形像以及管理整個綜合體的獲利能力。
1. 為團隊成員提供鼓舞人心的領導力、清晰的願景和方向,以確保嘉佩樂品牌、價值觀和願景的交付,為我們的顧客和團隊成員創造令人驚嘆的體驗。
2. 傳達期望、認可績效並產生一致的預期業務成果。
3. 隨時了解飯店日常服務、活動、促銷和活動的最新資訊。就任何變更向所有團隊成員進行有效溝通和更新,以確保客人收到最新資訊。
4. 隨時了解城市和飯店週邊地區的最新動態,成為當地文化、遺產地和潮流的捍衛者,為客人提供建議和指導。
5. 確保所有團隊成員都認識到富比士標準對於提供卓越審計和服務績效的重要性。
6. 輔導和指導團隊成員的成長,確定短期到長期的目標,以實現並確保同事的高參與度和福利。
8. 監控團隊成員的績效,並及時提供有效的績效回饋以進行改善、認可和績效評估。
The Director of BARs is responsible for coordinating and overseeing the beverage service and operations of three different bars in one complex. The individual is responsible for ensuring excellence, and creativity, maintaining brand identity, and managing profitability of the overall complex.
1. Provides inspirational leadership, clear vision, and direction to team members to ensure delivery of the Capella brand, values, and vision, to create an amazing experience for our guests and team members.
2. Communicates expectations, recognizes performance, and produces consistent desired business results.
3. Maintain an up-to-date knowledge of the hotel's daily services, activities, promotions, and events. Effectively communicate and update all team members on any changes to ensure guests receive up-to-date information.
4. Be the champion of the local culture, heritage sites, and trends by keeping up to date with the city's happenings, and the area surrounding the hotel to provide recommendations and directions for the guests.
5. Ensure all team members recognize the importance of Forbes standards to deliver excellent audit and service performance.
6. Mentor and guide individual team members’ growth and identify short to long-term goals to achieve and ensure high colleague engagement and welfare.
7. Participate in recruitment activities such as interviewing new talents for the departments and succession planning.
8. Monitor the performance of team members and provide effective performance feedback for improvements, recognition, and performance appraisal as due.
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Việc Làm Gợi Ý

Departmental manpower cost control
Budget preparation and cost management
Job task/performance item allocation
Cultivating personnel career development
Supervising personnel performance
Department performance goal management
Beverage Mixing
Retail Food Service Management
部門人力成本控制 預算編製與成本控管 工作任務╱業績項目分配 培育人員職涯發展 督導人員工作績效 部門績效目標管理 飲料調製 門市餐飲管理
Loại công việc
Business Management Supervisor
Hotel or Restaurant Supervisor
Capella Taipei pause and embrace a realm of serene sophistication and understated luxury. Nestled in Taipei's pulsating Songshan district, Capella Taipei stands as a beacon of contemporary elegance amidst a city that seamlessly marries its rich heritage with modern vibrancy. Just a breath away from Taipei 101, Taipei Indoor Stadium and a short journey from Songshan Airport, the hotel is an oasis of tranquility in the urban landscape. Each of its 86 rooms, thoughtfully designed by André Fu Studio, narrates a story of refined luxury and personalised comfort. Here, in the heart of a bustling metropolis, Capella Taipei invites you to experience a unique blend of culture and relaxation, where every moment is a cherished memory in the making. 臺北嘉佩樂酒店坐落於臺北市核心的敦化北路上,靜擁蒼翠盎然的林蔭大道,將細膩的人文精髓和現代活力完美糅合,為賓客細意呈現無與倫比的奢華旅行新體驗。 臺北嘉佩樂酒店擁有86間典雅客房,由備受讚譽的André Fu設計事務所擔綱設計,獨具特色的匠心設計將豐富質感、藝術氛圍及時尚現代的格調精妙融合,傾力打造奢華優雅且別具一格的居停空間。酒店緊鄰松山機場,及臺北101大樓和小巨蛋體育館等多個文化藝術名勝和地標建築。居於繁華都市,遁入謐靜綠洲,浸潤於迷人風情,開啟非凡探索之旅。 About Capella Hotel Group 嘉佩樂酒店集團簡介: Capella Hotels and Resorts collection consists of properties in Singapore, Ubud, Bangkok, Hanoi, Sydni, Shanghai and Hainan. Future openings include exciting destinations such as Japan, Maldives, South Korea, Nanjing and Shenzhen. The exceptional hospitality group focuses on crafting authentic, cultural experiences for its guests, combining a legacy of thoughtful design with the highest level of personalized service. Capella Hotels and Resorts was named Best Hotel Brand in the World in the Travel + Leisure World’s Best Awards 2023. 嘉佩樂酒店及度假村旗下擁有位於新加坡、曼谷、河內、烏布、雪梨、上海和海南土福灣等地的多家度假酒店。在未來幾年內,還將在日本、馬爾代夫、韓國、南京和深圳等地陸續開設新的酒店。 嘉佩樂酒店及度假村榮獲由全球知名的旅行生活方式媒體Travel + Leisure漫旅雜志美國版頒發的"2023年度世界旅行獎最佳酒店品牌"的殊榮。卓越的酒店品牌專注於爲客人打造在地為本的文化體驗,將精心設計的傳奇建築與細緻周到的專屬匠心服務融爲一體。
6 ~ 10 người ứng tuyển